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Election Day open thread

November 6, 2012

 Here is an election day open thread; please feel free to discuss your thoughts on the election as well as what you are seeing out there as you head to the polls. As for me I won’t be voting until after work tonight but there are reports that turnout has been high in New Hampshire.

81 Comments leave one →
  1. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 1:38 pm

    I am trying to think like someone that is voting for Obama today. I guess I can see how IF he doesn’t win this, they might think they are going to lose all their benefits. They have been told over and over that Romney is NOT for the little people and I can see how they might feel that they HAVE to vote Obama back in or they are finished. There are those that need the help, but there are also those that have taken advantage of it, at our expense, and that should be stopped, no matter who is in office. Then I think of those of us, that have lost so much of our savings and prices that are going up and we wonder IF we can retire and what we will have if we do! I worry about Obamacare kicking in and what we have now on insurance t,hat they will pay the penality and we will be forced to take government insurance. We, both sides, have alot to lose. We see it from our point of view, they from another. I can never see where too much government is a good thing, but if that is all you know, guess you might think that. So, today marks either the downfall and total take over of the American citizens, OR a fighting chance that we might salvage what is left of a great nation while we can. Which side do you see as being the positive outcome? I still have to think that working and earning an honest living and following the laws of the land are what we should be doing. I can not imagine having to stand in line, or god forbid, have a number tattooed on us as being what our founding fathers saw for our future. I do not want to be told IF I can have something medically done, or that I have to share what money we have with someone less fortunate. I keep going back to the film in my mind, Dr. Zhivago, during that time, so much was taken away and so much control was done, that is NOT what should be happening today. We have the chance to stand up to this administration and throw them out of office. Will there be voter fraud? You bet! Will the Republicans come out fighting, as they have NOT done it the past? If they know what is good for them, they will, I don’t think any of us are in the mood for complacent elected officals at this point. We need to put the blame where the blame is due, if this happens. Well, those are my thoughts on this, what are yours???


    • November 6, 2012 3:00 pm

      ” I keep going back to the film in my mind, Dr. Zhivago”

      Most Russians were not Bolsheviks. They liked some of the benfits. they remained silent and let the communists take over and then it was too late.
      The majority of Germans were not Nazis. they liked some of the benefits. They remained silent and the nazis took over and then it was too late.

      Our election today will decide the fate of or nation and, for that matter, the fate of Western civilization. The progressives want to take over. Will the majority stay silent and let it happen? If they do, will it be too late to save freedom?


      • lou222 permalink
        November 6, 2012 3:05 pm

        Then Jim, you know what i meant! We can not believe the spin that will be coming out today, or there will be alot of Republican votes that will never be cast. Lies, Lies, Lies!


    • November 6, 2012 7:09 pm

      I have not seen Dr. Zhivago but it is on my must watch list. Jim is right about the history of the commies and the Nazis and I hope that we don’t sit idly by while the statists take over.


  2. cmblake6 permalink
    November 6, 2012 2:16 pm

    Simple enough, help those who cannot help themselves, screw those who will not help themselves.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 6, 2012 2:20 pm

      But, CM where is your compassion? Don’t they all deserve these benefits? They say they do. Who are we to question that?


      • cmblake6 permalink
        November 6, 2012 2:45 pm

        We are the ones that make the money they live off of. Therefore it is our choice who gets what.


      • lou222 permalink
        November 6, 2012 2:50 pm

        In a perfect world, that might be true, but here in America, seems it is different. Would be nice if it worked out that way, wouldn’t it? I would like a free cellphone or two, link card (food stamps), snap benefits, healthcare, housing, power/water paid for, free schooling, but then I would have to not be working and want someone else to pay for it for me….hmmm! Now there is a thought, if things turn out with Obama back in.


    • November 6, 2012 4:11 pm

      You mean you don’t agree with the policies of Patriotic Economy and Sharing of Prosperity?
      Yeah, me neither!


      • lou222 permalink
        November 6, 2012 4:15 pm

        Do you really want me to answer that question????


      • cmblake6 permalink
        November 6, 2012 4:28 pm

        Indeed. The concept in this nation was for you to be able to move to whatever level you were capable of. NOT for the government to put you there.


  3. November 6, 2012 5:48 pm

    The advantage of living and presidential voting in NJ & NY is no guilty conscience if one doesn’t vote. Both states are in the tank for the left. If Bilbo Baggins was running on the Dem ticket he would win both states.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 6, 2012 7:04 pm

      Kind of the same in Illinois, but one can hope!!


  4. November 6, 2012 7:13 pm

    Just voted and it looks like turnout is high in my town. Kingston is still a conservative town so this bodes well for Romney in Kingston.


  5. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 8:11 pm

    Mark Levin says they are calling Vermont for Obama, and Kentucky and Indiana for Romney.


    • November 6, 2012 8:12 pm

      Fox did also.


      • lou222 permalink
        November 6, 2012 8:19 pm

        I cannot watch the tube on this, I will listen to Mark on the internet. The exit polls are silly and are meant to intimidate people into thinking they don’t have a reason to vote IF it is already decided…problem is, it is NOT decided.


  6. November 6, 2012 8:36 pm

    BTW, Fox has a great interactive electoral map. If you click on a state, the state map will sjow on the side where you can see total votes in real time and get a picture how each county is going. I’m watching Florida right now ans with 2 million votes it is neck and neck.


  7. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 8:41 pm

    Romney South Carolina and I think they just said Virginia, as well


  8. November 6, 2012 8:47 pm

    Steve, why is NH showing only 1% of precincts reporting?


    • November 6, 2012 8:52 pm

      Polls don’t close until eight, but two northern towns vote at midnight so that is the result of two towns which total about 40 votes.


  9. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 8:54 pm

    Georgia for Romney.


  10. November 6, 2012 8:54 pm

    With 35% reporting, Obama is ahead by ·four percent in Florida. NOT GOOD!


  11. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 9:01 pm

    West Virginia for Romney


  12. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 9:07 pm

    Oklahoma, Mississippi and Tennesse for Romney


  13. November 6, 2012 9:07 pm

    Getting closer in Florida, we need this one.


  14. November 6, 2012 9:11 pm

    Romney just pulled ahead in Florida.


  15. November 6, 2012 9:21 pm

    Florida is driving me crazy!


  16. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 9:26 pm

    Extending voting in Virginia, won’t release tally until all in line vote,,,think Romney is ahead.


  17. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 9:46 pm

    Got to plug the laptop in for a few minutes, back shortly…keep the faith!


  18. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 9:59 pm

    Arkansas for Romney.


  19. November 6, 2012 10:07 pm

    Florida you are killing me!!! I have no Bushmill, but I wish I did. But, it is probably best that I don’t. Grrrrrr!


    • November 6, 2012 10:09 pm

      16,000 vote difference. I need to take another blood pressure pill.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 6, 2012 10:12 pm

      Well, Jim, we could all be “sheeple” and be not paying any attention or even caring what the outcome will be. I know you don’t want to be in that category.



      • November 6, 2012 10:22 pm

        It’s a good thing that I will probably never be able to return to the States. I might do something real bad to Florida. 🙂


  20. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 10:13 pm

    Missouri for Romney


  21. lou222 permalink
    November 6, 2012 10:18 pm

    Pennsylvania for Obama, that is NOT good.


  22. November 6, 2012 10:26 pm

    Ohio is not looking good.


  23. November 6, 2012 10:26 pm

    Fox predicts the Republicans will hold onto the House, Wisconsin just went to Obama. I predict Obama to win 300 electoral votes.


  24. November 6, 2012 10:31 pm

    Are we going to be counting chads again in Florida?


  25. November 6, 2012 10:43 pm

    Anyone know how Allen West is doing?


  26. November 6, 2012 10:59 pm

    Allen West is at 50/50


  27. November 6, 2012 11:18 pm

    Billions spent and it looks like nothing much will change. I think I will hold my breath 🙂


    • November 6, 2012 11:33 pm

      I agree, it looks like we will be in the same situation tomorrow was we were today.


  28. LD Jackson permalink
    November 6, 2012 11:26 pm

    I honestly do not understand the voters of America. How can Obama be doing so well after being such a failure? How can anyone really believe he has done a good job after what has happened in Benghazi? Do we not care about these things any more?

    My heart is simply breaking as I am witnessing what is taking place.


    • November 6, 2012 11:35 pm

      Unfortunately it seems as if this has come down to the fact that Obama promised people free stuff and that was enough to win a majority of the voters.


  29. November 6, 2012 11:45 pm

    Fox just uncalled Colorado!


  30. November 6, 2012 11:51 pm

    Elizibeth “Cherokee” Warren wins. That sucks!


  31. November 7, 2012 12:15 am

    Barack Obama just won Ohio and will be reelected. Goodnight, the fight starts all over again tomorrow.


  32. bunkerville permalink
    November 7, 2012 12:39 am

    It is finished. I trust I will have the energy.


    • November 7, 2012 6:32 am

      We are going to have to reach down deep inside, I don’t know if I have the energy at this point.


  33. November 7, 2012 1:46 am

    I thought we had a few more election cycles in us. There will be even fewer of us the next election cycle.


  34. November 7, 2012 1:47 am

    C’est la vie. Congrats to Obama for winning. If the economy is still a wreck in 2016 there will be no more excuses… he will have built this.


  35. lou222 permalink
    November 7, 2012 6:18 am

    Amazing! I didn’t realize there were that many stupid people in America. There will BE no economy in 2016 worth having and there will be no guns. What now? I am pretty dejected at this point. Voter fraud? As I stated before, I doubt the Republicans will contest anything.


    • November 7, 2012 6:35 am

      Too many people dependent on the government and not yet willing to make the tough choices, we will have to wait until the economy collapses and then hope something good rises from the ashes.


      • lou222 permalink
        November 7, 2012 6:57 am

        I just don’t know what to say, Steve. We put up a good fight. Was it voter fraud or not counting the military ballots? Who the heck knows. I know that now we have to double down and start fighting back, we can not afford to be “nice” anymore. Load up on ammo, food, pay everything off you can and start paying even more attention. I fear that the 2nd ammendment will faulter, as well. Take our guns, and we are done. Are we still going to have those riots now that Obama is back in? I doubt it, only gloating will be going on and to a much greater extent than there was. We have become the minority, it seems. Let the borders open up, it doesn’t matter anymore. Make the deals with Putin, doesn’t matter. I will have to sit back for a breather before I continue the fight, I am beat. I could never have seen this, other than for fraud, happening.


      • November 7, 2012 8:30 pm

        I have shared what I think it was in my latest post. I agree, we have to keep fighting on!


  36. lou222 permalink
    November 7, 2012 7:16 am

    Well, I best have some coffee here, as I type. I had to plug in the laptop last night after running it dry, didn’t turn on the tv, either. I wake up at 4am to check the situation and find out that our country is pretty much going to go socialist. Is this still White Guilt, or just too many on the dole that don’t want to lose those benefits, or voter fraud? Maybe a combination of all of the above. We have had a common bond for months here and it seems we just didn’t make it. Now, we have to “regroup” as I always call it. We have to take a breather and then come back with whatever vengence we have left. We have children and grand-children and they deserve that out of us, we can’t give up. So easy it would be to do that. I am crushed that there are so many that don’t see the big picture. What is wrong with those people? I have family that don’t see it, even thought I have been talking about it for years. They see “free” healthcare, NOT. They see a diverse nation that is coming together, NOT. What I see is a country falling apart, spending too much money in other countries and not really taking care of the people that are EARNING the money here. Do they have tunnel vision or selective vision? Who knows. All I know is that I am sitting here with an ache in the pit of my stomach, I don’t know what to do about. Will I survive, absolutely. Will it be easy, hell no. As I posted a couple weeks ago, I lost my Mom last month, I have yet to grieve, have had too much details to take care of that no one else can do. Throw this on top of that and it was a double punch to the gut. I have one grandson and a new one on the way in May, what do I tell those grandchildren, that we dropped the ball as a nation and now they have to pay the price? I can’t and I won’t. I think we can get thru this, it will take probably all we have left to give, but IF we don’t try, we are finished. That so many were so stupid to put this person back into office after all we have seen is amazing. Now they will pay for their actions, but we will have to pay, as well. Impeachment, probably won’t happen. We are not in as good of a situation in the Senate as we were and the House held, but they will only have limited ability. Obama will have free reign now to do his will and I fear it will be vicious. Steve, don’t give up, we need your blog as a sounding board as we transition to what we can only hope will be not as severe as we see it at this moment. Take care all and don’t fall prey to the media…they are a BIG part to blame for all that has happened.


  37. MTBirkmire permalink
    November 7, 2012 10:54 am

    NOT TO WORRY LOU, WE”RE AMERICANS!!! I believe there’s more here than meets the eye. Our country is now wide open to attack on obama’s watch, just keep watching the best is yet to come…it is being reported that Republicans didn’t turn out like democrats did but I am VERY SUSPICIOUS about both obama’s elections esp. when other communist countries wanted obama back in as well since he is a limp rag in foreign policy.


  38. MTBirkmire permalink
    November 7, 2012 11:13 am

    I just found a website that you might be interested in. It was to trade the blind sheik and make obama look like hero, one of the article is from 10-17-2012. There’s also an article regarding the massive fraud from acorn, unions, etc is completely in our systems now, maybe obama is the last president. Maybe GOD protected Romney from the hell he was about to go thru. I notice the left isn’t complaining this morning about voter fraud??? In fact their giddy, maybe because they believe they’re getting away with stealing another election.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 7, 2012 11:35 am

      Steal is the word, MT, I really believe that. It just doesn’t add up, does it? Well, he owns this economy now, no more blaming BUSH. Let’s see how he plays the game. I am still pissed, however! I think this will just be another confrontation in a long line of confrontations that we will experience…let’s get on with it…….


    • November 7, 2012 8:32 pm

      I have heard that rumor about a botched kidnapping, I don’t know if it is true, but there is much more to this story than we are being led to believe.


  39. MTBirkmire permalink
    November 7, 2012 12:03 pm

    No Lou, it doesn’t add up at all, it stinks to high heavens but I think the tables could still turn by next month, time will tell. I keep turning off the station every time obama is on, I can’t stand him more than I couldn’t stand him before.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 7, 2012 12:40 pm

      I will NOT watch the tv, now. “Stinks” is such a mild word to use for this administration.


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