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Barack Obama releases Benghazi documents…..sort of

November 9, 2012

  Next week the hearings begin on the Benghazi terrorist attack which killed Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith and the Senate, including John Kerry of all people, have been requesting documents related to the attack in order to prepare for the hearings.

  Up to this point the criminal enterprise otherwise known as the Obama regime has been unwilling to release these documents, but that changed today…..sort of.

  The Obama regime announced that the documents would be available for perusual by the Senate today and tomorrow. That would be great news if it weren’t for the fact that almost none of the Senate is in town over these two days and virtually nobody will be around to look through the documents.

  This move will provide Barack Obama with cover because he will now be able to say he provided the Senate with the documents they requested while knowing all the while that there would be nobody available to see the documents.

  The propaganda arm of the Obama regime–the mainstream media–will use this to tell the American people that Barack Obama complied with the requests and the Senate and the House are engaged in a witch hunt, but this is obviously an attempt on noncompliance compliance. Normally I would write that the American people are smart enough to see through this maneuver but sadly most of the 60 million people who voted for Barack Obama are not.

  Elections have consequences and we got the government we deserve…..

3 Comments leave one →
  1. November 9, 2012 9:33 pm

    ” Normally I would write that the American people are smart enough to see through this maneuver but sadly most of the 60 million people who voted for Barack Obama are not.”

    Yup, they did, didn’t they?


  2. MaddMedic permalink
    November 10, 2012 12:10 am

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word….


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