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The “radical” Tea Party Republicans versus the establishment Republicans, what can we learn from history?

November 25, 2012

 Since the mid-term elections of 2010 it has been reported that there was a growing rift in the Republican party between the establishment and the Tea Party and I am now going to state unequivocally that this is the case. There is indeed a battle for the heart and the soul of the Republican party and it is a rift which just might tear the Republican party asunder and cause them to lose the 2014 election and possibly the 2016 election as well. But it is a battle which needs to be fought if we are to stop the two major parties from becoming one in ideology, neither with the founding document as its soul.

  The media has done its best to portray the Tea Party Republicans as radicals and as dangerous simply because this faction of the party wants to see the federal government return to fiscal sanity and its constitutional founding. Sure, there is part of the Tea Party which is focused on the social issues, but this is not the main goal of the Tea Party, and was vastly misrepresented by the mainstream media during the election. This tactic was quite successful in frightening a majority of the American people into supporting a president who has failed but I ask you this question; is it a bad thing to be labeled as a radical Republican?  It isn’t the first time.

    Personally I am getting quite sick and tired of being called a radical because I want to see America return to the constitution it has been abandoning with more and more frequent regularity over the last 100 years or so, but if being labeled a radical is the worse that can happen to me so be it! If it is radical to advocate for returning to constitutional principles than I am guilty as charged!

  As I alluded to above, this isn’t the first time a rift has appeared in the Republican party and it isn’t the first time that Republicans who opposed party leadership were labeled radicals. From the mid-1850’s throughout the war between the states there was a faction of the Republican party known as the Radical Republicans. 

  Why was this group of rabble rousers seen as being radical ideologues hellbent on splitting the Republican party? Because they supported the abolition of slavery and passage of the 13th amendment to the constitution when the rest of the party did not. They were only a faction of the party but they were able to influence the rest of the party all the way up to Abraham Lincoln himself  over time and change the mindset of the party which still only sought to reunite the union even if it meant there would still be slavery in portions of America. It wasn’t until the “radical” position was adopted that abolition became a goal of the war and a requirement for peace.

  These “radicals” stood up for what they believed in when it was unpopular and because of it they changed the course of history, and now nobody can argue that opposing the Republican leadership during that time was the wrong position to take. In fact it is just the opposite, these brave men were able to usher in the end of slavery because they were willing to stand up and  voice their unpopular position until they finally achieved their goal.

  Now the Tea Party is being labeled as the radicals within the Republican party all these years later and for what? Having the same view of a constitutional republic as did the founding fathers? Much can be learned from history for those who chose to read it and such can be the case here as well.

  See, being labeled a radical is not always a bad thing when you compare yourself to what you are fighting against and I see a similarity between the radicals of today and the radicals of yesteryear. No, I am not comparing the fight for fiscal sanity to the fight for the abolition of slavery but there are some similarities to the way we are being portrayed by those who oppose us.

   I mentioned above that this rift between the Tea Party and the establishment Republicans may cost Republicans the election of 2014 and 2016 but that does not mean that we should abandon principles for the good of the party in the short term, what will that victory mean if the Republicans really aren’t serious about solving the problems?

  We need to win this battle for the heart of the Republican party just as the radicals of the 1850’s did no matter how long it takes or who it upsets within the party; if we can do that we can win the war, if we fail then it really doesn’t matter who is in charge because the end result will be the same and the constitution will fade into a distant memory.

32 Comments leave one →
  1. Wendy permalink
    November 25, 2012 10:24 pm

    My husband and I are Tea Party Patriots and really enjoy our local group. Once a month we got together and held up signs on a major highway. We got lots of honks, waves, and thumbs up. We have never participated in anything rowdy or publicly disruptive. If anyone walks by us and says anything ugly, we simply say “God Bless You.”


    • November 25, 2012 10:39 pm

      You say the word ‘God’? That makes you a radical! 🙂 Glad to hear you are active, we need more patriots like you and your husband!


  2. November 25, 2012 10:36 pm

    The left, bolstered by the left stream media has succeeded in moving America’s conscienceless behind the looking glass where left is right and right is wrong. With academia and culture, popular or otherwise, securely in their grip, with Wall Street ever with their finger in the air, with congress bought and paid for, what hope is there of turning this around? With the PC military brass seemingly firmly in their camp who do we turn to? Only God can help our children but with His being kicked out of our public and private institutions will he ever again hear our cries for help, your guess is as good as mine. The ignorant supplicants of the left are on the march and their numbers continue to grow exponentially with the lack of their ability to think critically. Hopefully we’re wrong.


    • November 25, 2012 10:40 pm

      You paint a bleak picture but it is hard to argue with a word you said, we can only hope there is still time to turn this around.


      • November 25, 2012 11:27 pm

        I happened to be in an upper class private grammar school today. As in most schools the hallways have cork boards displaying their students work. I took the time to read the works posted which were essays urging adults to exercise their right to vote. The over riding theme was that women do have the right to vote, African Americans do have the right to vote, immigrants do have the right to vote, that these groups should not be intimidated and should Go to the polls. It would appear that the inference is that this is a big problem in this country because someone or some organized group is interfering with their voting. Now what boogie man could this be children, the republican candidate for president, maybe? It’s never too too early to begin the indoctrination. Pardon my speculation.


      • November 26, 2012 6:41 am

        I don’t think it’s speculation at all if there were so many essays with the same theme, somebody muct have taught them that people were trying to stifle the right to vote and I think we know who itis. You are right, it is never too early to start the indoctrination, in fact the earlier it is started the more ingrained it will become.


  3. lou222 permalink
    November 26, 2012 8:26 am

    My husband and our friends tried to go to a Tea Party get together a few times. The problem we saw was it was being micro-managed with what information these people were given. They were only given the information that the “leaders” of the group deemed necessary. If the people attending thought they were in the “know” of what was really going on, they were sadly mistaken. We tried to interject a few things and were shut down immediately with the subject being changed. Even any materials that we offered had to be “cleared” with the 2 people in charge. We could not even give anyone DVD’s we had after the meeting. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I would think that ANY information concerning the election should have been considered. I hope this was an isolated incident and not the norm for the Tea Party.I would hate to think there was that much control coming from the Tea Party itself.


    • November 26, 2012 7:55 pm

      You would think that any information would be valuable but it appears as if the Tea Party leaders also have an agenda and much like the Republicans and the Democrats they don’t really listen to the people. If this is true it is very sad!


  4. Terry permalink
    November 26, 2012 8:28 am


    As I am new to your great blog, I don’t know if this topic has been discussed here or not.If so, I apologize for being repetitive.

    Are you and the readers aware of this Consent Decree, ruled on 31 years ago, and upheld just this year ?

    This explains why the GOP isn’t contesting the obvious, flagrant fraud in the recent election of the POS obama.

    Is it time to abandon the GOP (in name) and back a New Party, not shackled by this ridiculous decree ?


    • November 26, 2012 7:56 pm

      Thanks for the compliment and no not I have discussed this issue before and I am embarrassed to admit that I hadn’t heard about it. Thanks for the link, I will be checking it out.


  5. bunkerville permalink
    November 26, 2012 11:04 am

    Well, being called radical will soon be considered mild. Racist, sexist is the new meme.


    • lou222 permalink
      November 26, 2012 1:16 pm

      Do we really care any more what we are being called, B?


      • November 26, 2012 1:19 pm

        Just don’t call me late for dinner…


      • bunkerville permalink
        November 26, 2012 1:50 pm

        A radical implies a political point of view. Racist implies a personal flaw in one’s character. As such, it is much more difficult to rebut, and one becomes quickly discounted. I wouldn’t take it lightly. Actions that one does and is laid at the feet as racism can have legal and governmental consequences. We will hear much in the future on this.


      • lou222 permalink
        November 26, 2012 3:24 pm

        We can not stop them from the name calling. They will call us whatever will be the worst that they can make people believe we are. I know I am not a racist, maybe that is all that should matter. Of course they will use “racist”, we have Sharpton and Jackson that have hammered that home til it is getting to be a normal word associated with a Conservative. Obama sure did bring this country together, didn’t he? I believe he has set us back years in race relations.


      • November 26, 2012 7:59 pm

        That is a distinction that I hadn’t thought about Bunkerville but is is a very astute observation on your part.


      • November 26, 2012 8:00 pm

        Lou, I agree. Barack Obama has set us back years on race relations as well as the relationship between rich and poor and male and female. He has managed to divide America even more!


    • November 26, 2012 7:57 pm

      Yes, we are apparently all radical racists and sexists.


  6. November 26, 2012 3:06 pm

    I agree with you 100%, Steve. I’m not sure that the GOP has any future. But, if they do, it is a a conservative party. In my lifetime, with the possible exception of the Reagsnera, one would be hardpress to explain what the GOP stands for. The conservative Tea Party movement helped the GOP tremendously in 2010. In 2012, the GOP had fogotten. I would rather the GOP stand for and defend conservative principles even if they lose. At least the voters would know what the GOP is about and if the policies they have been supporting go sour, maybe they will remember what the conservative GOP had been telling them. That’s my two cents. Do I have any change coming? LOL


    • lou222 permalink
      November 26, 2012 3:28 pm

      Jim, as quick as the Republicans are willing to compromise, already, I don’t look for much standing their ground on what is important to their people that voted them back into their seats. I just don’t see much defending of conservative principles going on, do you?


      • November 26, 2012 8:02 pm

        Simple answer to that question Lou; they are not defending conservatism one iota.


    • November 26, 2012 8:01 pm

      I think the GOP is in real trouble and they have nobody to blame but themselves because as you said they forgot what led them to the gains in 2010 and threw the Tea Party under the bus in 2012.


  7. November 26, 2012 4:57 pm

    At the rate the GOP and its elites are going, before too long they will be nothing more than an appendage of the one party system i.e. the Democrats. If they wanna’ get along they gotta’ go along and it would appear that under the leadership of Betsy Wetsy Boner they will be gittin’ along now more than ever. Who is looked at these days as the conscience of the Republican Party none other than John McCain, the guy who laid down for Obama in’08. Gimme’a break. Look at the party’s candidate for 2016, the man who humped Obama’s leg like a horny lap dog, Chris Christie. Stick a fork in us, we are done.


    • November 26, 2012 8:03 pm

      I think we are already at the point where the two parties are almost indistinguishable and yes if they force Christie on us the final nail in the Republican party will be hammered home.


      • November 26, 2012 9:49 pm

        For the first time in quite a while I stopped at the Oreilly Factor while channel surfing. Lo and behold the ex used car salesman Sen John McCain again showed his two faces as he danced around Bill’s questions about the honesty of Susan Rice and Obama. Here he is supposedly leading the charge for the Benghazi investigation yet unable to say that these two are liars of the worst kind. The difference between this one armed bandit from Arizona and his boss Obama is their skill levels on the basketball court.


      • November 26, 2012 10:20 pm

        McCain was called a racist and a sexist for attacking Rice and now he has backed down. He was intimidated by these people and I think that shows us he would not have been an effective world leader if he defeat Barack Obama in 2008.


  8. November 26, 2012 10:25 pm

    It will be in Obama’s best interest to fill all appointments and czar positions with unqualified black women. The powder puff opposition wouldn’t dare object.


    • November 26, 2012 10:33 pm

      This is true, any one who dares to resist will be branded as a racist or as a sexist or both and we know this is effective and will scare away all opposition.


  9. November 27, 2012 10:08 am

    Really great article. I’ll be sending it to everyone I know. It just might help if this article got to the members of Congress that are Republicans, or say they are – maybe they would realize that they are not upholding their party’s beliefs and need to stop caving in.


    • November 27, 2012 1:17 pm

      Thank you for the compliment and for sharing the post. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to send it into the Congress.


  10. November 27, 2012 6:04 pm

    Neal Boortz hailed the T-party elecotral victories in 2010 but counseled those new members of the legislature to concentrate on matters fiscal, and not to try to legislate morality. Few listened to him, though, and the crop of candidates that confronted the GOP in 2012 all seemed to be telling the American public that part of government’s job is to tell people how to lead their lives in the most intimate details.

    The independent voters who voted for the T-Party in 2010 in support of its fiscal policies were repulsed, IMO, by that demonstration of self-righteousness and religious intolerance, and they withheld their support from the GOP this year in sufficient numbers to return President Obama to office.

    I know I mentioned it once or twice here to deafening silence. No matter – my side won the victory and if the GOP continues its obstructionist tactics over the next two years, there’ll be another massive shift on the order of 2006 and 2008.

    Take good care, and may God bless us all!



    • November 27, 2012 7:55 pm

      I think there were a couple of candidates who did hurt the Republicans on the issue of abortion and if you recall I did write that Akin needed to step down, but for the most part i didn’t see too many Republicans focused on the social issues. I could be wrong about this. I do think that Republicans are in real trouble now and seem to be falling behind the times when they should be focused on the economic issues.


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