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GOP “autopsy report” contains a plan to protect the establishment candidates against challengers in the primaries

March 19, 2013

 It looks as though the Republicans still haven’t learned their lesson even after foisting Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney–the establishment’s preferred candidate in each of these cases–upon the American people.

As I first wrote about here, Karl Rove has created a Super PAC aimed at quelling all opposition to the Republican establishment in the primaries to ensure their preferred candidate wins the nomination in every race possible. (Read non-Tea Party.) 

  Now, according to this story, the GOP may be taking it to the next level:

Tucked in near the end of the 97-page report, formally known as The Growth and Opportunity Project, are less than four pages that amount to a political bombshell: the five-member panel urges halving the number of presidential primary debates in 2016 from 2012, creating a regional primary cluster after the traditional early states and holding primaries rather than caucuses or conventions.

Each of the steps outlined in the GOP report would benefit a deep-pocketed candidate in the mold of Mitt Romney. That is, someone who doesn’t need the benefit of televised debates to get attention because he or she can afford TV ads; has the cash to air commercials and do other forms of voter contact in multiple big states at one time; and has more appeal with a broader swath of voters than the sort of ideologically-driven activists who typically attend caucuses and conventions.

The recommendations are also a nod to the party’s donor class. Several donors bluntly told RNC Chair Reince Priebus at meetings right after the election that they wanted Iowa, with its more conservative base, to have less of a role in the process.

  There you have it, the GOP power brokers want conservatives to have a smaller role in the process. Feeling used yet? If not, read on.

    Back in 2010 the Tea Party was needed by the GOP so they embraced and exploited the movement, but now they feel as if the Tea Party has become a hindrance as the movement looks to unseat elitist establishment Republican candidates as well as Democrats. Because of this the GOP gestapo is putting its boots on the necks of the Tea Party and are in the process of trying to eradicate it politically for that is what people in power do when they feel something has outlived its usefulness. This is their attempt at what could be described as the GOP’s non-violent night of the long knives, will we go quietly in the night or will we fight on? You see, we were their useful idiots and we played right into their hands.

  John Boehner, who is more comfortable sitting down to dinner with Barack Obama and listening to the president’s opposing views than he is with listening to opposition within his own party, has already begun the process of rubbing out the dissenting voices in his own party by punishing those who oppose him and threatening others in the party, and now the GOP is in the process of ensuring these people don’t make it to Washington in the future. 

  See, these young guns are upsetting the apple cart by challenging the authority of the GOP elite and that is frowned upon by the establishment Republicans in Washington who feel it is their right to be there.

  In the end there are only two sides in this struggle; there is the ruling class and there is the ruled. Democrats and Republicans may differ on the the different aspects of control but control and power is still the end game and when push comes to shove the government will always rally around its own regardless of party because it is us against them. How else can you explain the Republicans’ unwillingness to go after Barack Obama on Fast and Furious and Benghazi? They may differ on what issues they should have control over in our lives but the end result is the same–less freedom and liberties for the American people.

  At the risk of offending my regular readers I am going to be perfectly blunt with you: If you still think the Republican party is any better than the Democrats then you are also part of the problem.

  Both parties care more about retaining power than doing what is best for the American people and it is time to start looking at another way forward from here on out.

  We won’t be fooled again…..

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Bruce permalink
    March 19, 2013 7:46 pm

    I usually have pretty strong feelings, but on this one, I am really torn Steve. I hate big anything. BUT I WANT A WIN, somewhere, somehow. I want someone who shares my tea party values like a Cruz, or Ryan, or a Ben Carson, But I will accept an establishment Republican over any liberal. I will accept a liberal over a radical leftist like we produce here in way left coast California.
    I rather have John McCain than that P.O.S. Reid, or our Senator Boxer. I rather have a McCain than that stupid US Senatorial candidate who tanked the seat over his rape comment.
    I have come to the realization that I will never get my way. I will continue to work for our people, but I need a winner, somewhere, somehow.


    • March 19, 2013 7:50 pm

      I hear you there, but at the same time the Republicans have let us down so many times that I have grown disillusioned with the party as a whole. We do have a few great people in the Senate but they are few and far between and at this point I don’t think they can make a difference.


      • Bruce permalink
        March 19, 2013 8:09 pm

        Agreed. I left the GOP 14 years ago. I am a conservative, first and formost. All we ever get here in Californication is a choice between bad and worse.
        As I say, I am really torn.


      • March 19, 2013 8:12 pm

        It seems like bad and worse are the only choices we have nationwide at this time as well and I am tired of having to chose between the lesser of two evils.
        I am conflicted on this as well but we need to make a stand at some point and say enough is enough!


  2. March 19, 2013 8:04 pm

    We need a win I think Carson would be great but I don’t hear enough from him yet. But it is true that the Republicans have let us down over and over we need a conservative in office that will stand for and uphold basics moral principles and values. We need to get back to grass roots America! They need to start saying what is going on instead of putting a play on words. Obama is not fit to be the President and someone needs to say so and take action to impeach him.


    • March 19, 2013 8:08 pm

      I agree! The Republicans are afraid to go after Obama hard and that is because they are afraid of losing the PR battle.


  3. bunkerville permalink
    March 19, 2013 8:20 pm

    Last year was the last time I will ever work for a rino. Period. I want the excitement of 2010. We were so hopeful and full of energy. The rino types will do nothing when they get to congress.


  4. March 19, 2013 8:39 pm

    The GOP won’t change until conservatives let them know with voice and deed that they they will not support a RINO. I am never going to vote for the lessor evil again.


    • March 19, 2013 8:41 pm

      I am right there with you Jim, at this point there isn’t enough of a difference between the parties for me to justify voting for any Republican in the future.


  5. Chip permalink
    March 19, 2013 8:58 pm

    You know the Dems aren’t any better or do you think Hillary tanked on her own. The Dems absolutely could not let her win because they would not be able to control her like they control the empty suit currently occupying the White House, so they scuttled her campaign.


    • March 19, 2013 9:20 pm

      I think you are right, the cadidates are chosen by higher powers and we have no say in this game. We are being played for fools.


  6. John Carey permalink
    March 19, 2013 10:09 pm

    We will never rid ourselves of establishment types. We’ve had big government loving politicians since the beginning of our nation. Alexander Hamilton loved the idea of big government and a national bank. We need to stop looking at the party and pay attention to the person. James Madison said, “The aim of every political Constitution, is or ought to be first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust.” Vote for the person, not the party.


    • March 20, 2013 5:36 am

      I couldn’t agree more John, we have to stop looking at parties because on the whole they don’t care about us, we need to look at the man and make sure we are electing honest men into office.


  7. MaddMedic permalink
    March 19, 2013 10:40 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word… and commented:
    Fail. Is all the Repuplikan Party of old goats knows anymore..


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