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Sequester: While veterans lose tuition assistance Pakistan receives education assistance

March 19, 2013

 As part of the sequester cuts the Pentagon has stopped giving tuition assistance to the military, yet the government is still funding higher education for Pakistanis.

  Rep. Ted Poe of Texas wants to know why:

Why are we funding education programs for our Benedict Arnold ally when we can’t fund — or don’t fund — the education for our military? And to Pakistan of all places, where hatred for America is at its highest. Washington should watch its spending and prioritize,” Poe said on the floor Monday. “It’s time, Mr. Speaker, to sequester Pakistan

   The answer is simple Mr. Poe: Barack Obama has ordered federal agencies to make the sequester as painful as possible on the American people and he is doing this by cutting the programs which he knows are most popular with the American people. This is being done in order to gain support for repealing the sequester cuts.

  American veterans must suffer so the Obama regime can drum up this support  for Barack Obama’s political motives because he cares more about Democrats gaining power in 2014 than he does about the American people or our veterans. 

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Bruce permalink
    March 19, 2013 8:03 pm

    Forget the Pakistanians! How about the 1.5 million spent to find out why lesbians are fatter than gays?
    There is no question that Obama wants maximum suffering. The question is why doesn’t the main stream media wake up? I know they are in the bag for the campaigner-in-chief, but aren’t there any investagational reporters out there any more?


    • March 19, 2013 8:05 pm

      There is so much waste that could be cut if Obama wanted to do it but he doesn’t. He is more interested in making political points and he doesn’t care who it will hurt as long as he wins.


  2. cmblake6 permalink
    March 20, 2013 1:00 am

    Reblogged this on Cmblake6's Weblog and commented:
    What it has apparently not considered, in it’s “painful cutting” of programs popular with the American citizenry, is that we also know about it’s support for the enemies of this nation. It is one of them!


    • March 20, 2013 5:34 am

      Thanks, it really says something about this regime when you look at what he decides to cut and who he decides to fund doesn’t it?


      • cmblake6 permalink
        March 20, 2013 10:28 am

        Been blatant for years. I honestly believe it is TRYING to set off v2.0!


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