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Ron Paul was right in 2002, if only we listened

September 23, 2013

  As a libertarian leaning conservative I am one who liked much of what Ron Paul stood for on domestic issues, but he always lost me on the foreign issues because in trying to articulate his points he often came off as being too much of an isolationist for me. I thought about voting for him in 2008 and 2012 but he always said something which made him come off as being a little off kilter. 

  He was portrayed as a crazy old man but back in 2002 Ron Paul took the floor of the House and made several predictions. He gave no timetable for his predictions but at the end of his speech he asked Americans to look back at his predictions in five to ten years to see if he was accurate so now that time has come.

  Most of his predictions have come true all the way up to the class warfare we are seeing today, with the exception being the ballooning interest rates, and that one has not become true because the Fed is artificially keeping interest rates low.  But it is coming eventually…..

  At this point I cannot help but think that Ron Paul was not the crazy one, but  rather we were the crazy ones for not listening to his warning.

27 Comments leave one →
  1. LD Jackson permalink
    September 23, 2013 8:25 pm

    It seems to me we should have listened to the good Doctor from Texas. He wasn’t as crazy as some have led us to believe.


  2. josiahe permalink
    September 23, 2013 8:55 pm

    If enough people keep siding with him on the legalization of marijuana, it’ll be obvious just how right he was.
    You’ll find he’s led the people down a dangerous path, . . . . just like the pied piper in the WH.
    The pot of yester-years with its 1-2% THC is not near the same as today’s pot, with a THC content pushing 37% (as Seattle’s recent Cannabis Cup showed).
    He may not be nuts like he may have seemed, but those who follow his lead will be.


    • September 23, 2013 9:45 pm

      The federal government has NO authority to ban marijuana – NONE.

      Do you know WHY it WAS declared illegal? Research DuPont and Hearst in connection to marijuana.

      Marijuana should be legalized and regulated just like alcohol is.


      • josiahe permalink
        September 24, 2013 3:25 am

        Every society has the right and obligation to ban dangerous and self-destructive practices that will end that society. (Margret Mead? I believe)

        Potheads don’t get it that weed has too close a correlation with schizophrenia to be dismissed – they’re in denial and won’t even read both sides. For those who’ve lost loved ones to drugs, the connection is clear and yet there’s that infamous river …. de-nile, …. sometimes calls “STYX”.


      • September 24, 2013 10:43 am


        The Nile is an actual river in Egypt – I’ve never heard that it is ‘infamous’ just famous. People often make a pun about some who are in DENIAL and refuse to acknowledge they are in DENIAL (notice the spelling) by saying ‘denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.’

        The River Styx is a mythological river separating the living world from Hades.

        ” There are five rivers that separate Hades from the world of the living, they are:

        Acheron – the river of woe;
        Cocytus – the river of lamentation;
        Phlegethon – the river of fire;
        Lethe – the river of forgetfulness;
        Styx – the river of hate.”

        The Styx has nothing to do with a person being in denial.

        “Every society has the right and obligation to ban dangerous and self-destructive practices that will end that society.”

        Sorry, very wrong. Our government is controlled by the Constitution. The government has NO Rights, it has delegated power to carry out the enumerated duties listed in the Constitution. Banning a PLANT, based on greed and politics is NOT one of their enumerated powers. Banning a PLANT, based on the opinions of a few people is NOT one of their powers either.

        Marijuana is not an opiate. The National Institutes of Health disagree with your assertion that pot causes psychosis.

        Propaganda from different industries who are against marijuana because it would make many of their products OBSOLETE. Pharmaceutical industry, alcohol industry, religious groups. Religious groups because they like to legislate their own morality for the whole Country.

        Marijuana is a PLANT that has many medicinal uses. It does not need to be changed or altered in any way – it can be harvested and used in its natural state for many illnesses. It is NOT as harmful as alcohol.

        “The costs of pot (w/its 37% THC is already costing incredible costs to ER visits, Add to that the societal costs of schizoid reactions and the incidence of preteen’s use of pot which activates the cocaine sensors and you have an out-of-control situation where taxation won’t cover 1/20th of the expense created …. but then again, libertarians may be wealthy enough to afford that!”

        Sorry, you are believing the propaganda by the industries whose bottom lines will be damaged by legalization of pot.

        This has NOTHING to do with political parties. You might want to think about letting go of that antiquated, absurd, divisive practice of labeling people by political party. People are NOT political parties! As Americans, our loyalty is to the Constitution and our Country, NOT to political parties, politicians, or government.

        It’s apparent that YOU are the one in denial….and that ain’t just a river in Egypt. 😉


      • CT Walter permalink
        September 24, 2013 1:54 pm

        Thanks Laura, for drawing our attention to the difference between rights and enumerated powers. It’s something that most who read this blog know, but it is way too easy to slip into the crippled rhetoric that passes for real language in our culture. In Albuquerque a couple of weeks ago, 5 children in 6th and 7th grade (that’s 12 and 13 years old folks!) had to be taken to the ER with serious neurological issues and paralysis because they all smoked ‘spice’. Then the next week, at the same school where students came close to dying (not an exaggeration ~ their breathing and nervous systems were compromised to varying degrees) another group of students used spice from the same smoke shop and were all seriously injured also. These children have all previously used marijuana, some for quite a long time. Making it legal or illegal, or regulating it won’t keep the destruction of society from occurring. There is something WRONG with us as a culture that seeks to alter the state of our minds instead of living life. The culture is self medicating! Alcoholism is also on the rise with or with out laws.

        In EXACTLY the same way that we have laws prohibiting and punishing murder, we have laws about providing alcohol to minors, pot and other drugs, breaking into homes, etc. The laws give a society a codified and impartial means to address the few who deviate from the norms that are the basis for that society. There are not millions or hundreds of millions of people running around shooting their neighbors, yet. (but there was a recent ignorant movie that explored the idea in the form of a once a year event) There are, by many guess-timents that more than a hundred million people use pot in our country. The problem is not laws or regulations on one side or the other. The problem is a culture that is in such pain and self destruction that the culture, not just individuals, begin to find ways to self medicate. Any one want to see where this particular boat ride goes, look up a drug called crocodile on an empty stomach if you are squeamish.

        A person who grows a plant, dries and smokes some tobacco or pot once in a while when the week’s work is done is not the issue just like someone who grows some grain and at the end of the year brews a vat of beer to share with friends over a harvest. This is just one of the many facets of the same disease in our country/culture/society that causes people to vote for and then accept the worthless, destructive, and in come cases evil politicians at all levels of government. We Are Sick! And it might be terminal. For those who choose not to believe in God (another argument that creates stupid public distractions) we must find a higher moral standard than our selves; like perhaps, the U.S. Constitution and not base our lives on base animal drives. As humans, we control and manage them to their rightful place, (Sex is amazing, but sleeping with anyone and every one does erode a society. Anger at the appropriate time, etc.)

        For those who do believe in God, it is time to return to those moral values as we see fit. With out a moral standard that exists outside of an individual, a society MUST self destruct and perish. The framers didn’t write a million laws to go with the Constitution because they were self governing. They were moral and didn’t need someone to tell them not to destroy their own lives. A society that is dying writes extensive and volumes of laws in a last ditch effort to recover. Some one with COPD has damage to the lungs that will NEVER heal. They live out the rest of their days on ever increasing measures of life support.

        I think this is so important, so vital to the survival of our great republic that I have to say it again. Go out (picture the zeal and fervor of Mormon missionaries) and find those who think every thing is relevant and if it feels good do it. Find those who get their history from holly wood and their news from the comedy channel. Make friends, become a true neighbor to those drowning idiots and demonstrate what it is to live free and self determinant. Reach out and help them in their time of need. In one class I was taking at a local college there was a 22 yr old black man who came in one day wearing a T-shirt with Che Guevara. When I asked him questions about it his basis for knowledge was a movie called the mororcycle diaries by a great hollywood idiot. After discussing real history with him and how the butcher Che felt about black men, his eyes were opened and he made a small course correction in his life. I would not have been able to tell him anything if I had not first been a kind friend for the prior weeks in class.

        Get active politically and connect with people. Live life large and free. If you are a believer, pray like you never have. Read history and help educate those around you. This disease may or may not have reached terminal, but if we don’t do something radical, it WILL. And please don’t let our self appointed masters distract us with arguments like legalizing pot or religion in society. Go for the jugular.

        Sorry for the long winded post. Laura, you were dead on.


      • September 24, 2013 6:58 pm

        Wow, fantastic job Laura and CT! There is nothing I can add to this other than to suggest that people read the New Federalist Party’s position on the legalizing of pot.

        Click to access The+New+Federalist+Party+Platform.pdf

        It begins on page 35 and I think it gives a great explanation as to why it should be legalized. Even if you do not plan on supporting a third party I think it is an interesting read on this issue.


    • September 23, 2013 11:13 pm

      I agree with Laura on this, I do not believe the Federal government has the right to ban pot. I do support the legalization and taxation of pot.There is a fine line to be drawn here because this is an issue where the government tells a person what they can and cannot do and while I support the legalization of pot I cannot support the legalization of harder drugs.This position seems to be at odds with itself but a line has to be drawn somewhere in regards to drugs and this is where I believe the line should be drawn.


      • September 23, 2013 11:58 pm

        To throw my $0.02 here, I strongly suspect that if pot and other no-so-nasty drugs were legalized, the harder drugs will become obsolete.


      • josiahe permalink
        September 24, 2013 3:16 am

        Regulation and taxing? That’d leave the snake-oil salesman selling your children opiods …. that what you want? The costs of pot (w/its 37% THC is already costing incredible costs to ER visits, Add to that the societal costs of schizoid reactions and the incidence of preteen’s use of pot which activates the cocaine sensors and you have an out-of-control situation where taxation won’t cover 1/20th of the expense created …. but then again, libertarians may be wealthy enough to afford that!


  3. September 23, 2013 8:56 pm

    He will be proven right on all points, in time.


  4. Petermc3 permalink
    September 23, 2013 9:07 pm

    He was dead on with most if his predictions. I kind of relegated him to the looney bin over his stand on legalizing maryjane and his seeing no reason to deny Iran the nuclear bomb. As Don Corleone said, ” this I cannot forgive.”


    • September 23, 2013 11:16 pm

      I don’t have a problem with legalizing pot, but he lost me with the Iran issue, but much of what he said has already come true.


  5. September 23, 2013 9:49 pm

    I never paid much attention to Ron Paul. I DO know that he was demonized by Dems AND Reps – some of his ideas made too much sense. The TPTB of the political parties don’t like anyone outside the two parties appealing to the ‘masses.’ They will do anything and everything to make them, um….too ‘out there’ for the People to support.


    • September 23, 2013 11:17 pm

      Yeah, when both parties started attacking him we should have known that he was on to something!


  6. September 24, 2013 12:07 am

    Even though I disagree with most of his policies, he had the one thing that no other politician had: my respect. Of all of those running for president in 2012, he was the one who most understood what the hell is wrong with DC and did not mince words. Of course the big government statists had to dogpile him. He was talking about things that were dangerous to their grip on power.


    • September 24, 2013 6:10 am

      Yeah, he was the one guy who was actually being who he really is instead of trying to be what he thought the people wanted and you have to like the fact that he wasn’t trying to be someone he was not. He definitely drew the ire of the establishment and they couldn’t have that, I am sure they were behind the scenes influencing the MSM.


      • September 24, 2013 11:04 pm

        If you are including the conservative biased media in that, I have to agree that the establishment Republicans were behind the scenes. Fox News and Red State in particular was joining in on the dogpile. Heck, Red State gets downright nasty towards anyone of a libertarian mindset.


      • September 25, 2013 6:03 am

        I don’t think I have been to Red State, if I have it was a long time ago, but yeah, there are conservatives out there who cannot stand libertarians. The Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same coin and when push comes to shove they are more interested in protecting their own power than anything else and people like Paul are a threat to them. Yes, I meant the Republicans were working behind the scenes to take Paul down, that is what I meant by establishment.


  7. CT Walter permalink
    September 24, 2013 3:20 am

    The very core, the tap root of this Nation’s crumbling foundation is that culture/society has been gradually corrupted from how it existed at the time of the founding to now. Politicians and the rest of the RULING CLASS are only the symptom of a much more serious disease. The fact that there even has to be a debate over pot is only one tiny picture into the rotting tomb of decay that is sucking the life from the Constitutional Republic. Volumes upon volumes could and should be written about the culture that existed in America in the 1700’s by so many better than me. I will leave it with this: We are not the people of the 18th century and if any of us was dropped off by HG Wells to live in that day, many of us would not make it. Drinkers and stoners wouldn’t either and are another symptom of our current condition. I believe and think that the only chance of survival is for those who see things clearly enough to recognize the danger, along with being politically active, must begin to connect by genuine acts of friendship with the brainless, stupefied, lemming masses and begin to show them what a life of freedom and self reliance really looks like. Take those coming up, especially young college students, under our wings and show them the joy and satisfaction of a life lived free. And we must push ourselves to become more tomorrow than we were at the end of today. Cancer patients can’t heal them selves by switching to a different inhaler, the cancer must be eliminated. Politicians are the manifestation of our collective ignorance with each election bringing another new ‘drug’ to the political landscape. (I know, it’s a bit of a stretch from the pot/alcohol issue to the ‘new drug for a disease’ imagery, but it’s late Sunday night and it’s been a long day 🙂 )


    • September 24, 2013 6:13 am

      No problem with the stretch, this post wasn’t even supposed to be about pot in the first place, it just kind of happened. You are right about this though; we are in the state we are in because people simply do not pay close attention to politics and they do not know who they are voting for. They say that you get the government you deserve and that is what we have.


  8. September 24, 2013 5:43 am

    Reblogged this on swissdefenceleague and commented:
    Ron Paul Was Right !


  9. lou222 permalink
    September 24, 2013 2:45 pm

    He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, that should have told us something right there. He had the best interest of the country and its people at the core of his beliefs, can anyone say the same of Obama? I doubt it! Ron Paul did not deserve to be shit canned by the Old Guard Republicans, but he scared them, that is what they do, it is their nature if someone disagrees with them. He voted with a conscience, not with money in his back pocket by some lobbyist.


    • September 24, 2013 7:00 pm

      Yep, he wasn’t part of the establishment even though he was there for so long and because of this they had to turn on them just as they are turning on the new breed of Republicans. They are not interested in new ideas, only in intimidating people into voting the way theyt want them to.


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