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Government shutdown: WWII Veterans break through blockade at the Iwo Jima memorial

October 5, 2013

  Yesterday America’s Watchtower covered this story about an unnamed park ranger who claimed he and his companions were under orders from above to make the government shutdown as painful as possible on the American people.

  While the source is unnamed I happen to believe this is the strategy of the Obama regime for it is the same strategy used when the sequester cuts first went into effect, there is a history here; the Obama regime is willing to hurt the American people in order to push forward his agenda.

  This is exactly what I believe he is doing during the government shutdown as well. Barack Obama is needlessly shutting down war memorials and national parks in an effort to win sympathy with the American people. Here is a list of things which have been shut down for no other reason than the vindictiveness of the president. What other word can you use to describe a regime which actually tried to shut down the ocean?

  But this list is not complete for it left off the fact that the Obama regime has shut down the road leading to the Iwo Jima memorial.

People can still walk into the Memorial area, but for many elderly and disabled vets, it is important they be driven and park right next to the statue,” the person who took this picture emails.

The stop is a popular destination for veterans and tourists alike, and, in my observation, is usually completely unmanned and unguarded. But, for some reason, it’s closed to the public during this federal government shutdown

  However it should not be forgotten the WWII veterans are some of the toughest SOBs that ever walked the face of the earth and they were not about to let a little blockade in the road stop them from visiting this site. After all, some of these men took Mount Suribachi against all odds while others probably faced the blockade on the beaches of Normandy known as  Rommelspargel (Rommel’s asparagus),  they certainly weren’t going to be deterred by a blockade in the road despite their age. 

  And so, much like they did all those years ago when they saved the world from totalitarianism, these WWII veterans broke through the blockade and made it to the site the Obama regime tried to keep them from–a site built in their honor.

  God bless these men and everything they did to save the world from totalitarianism during WWII and for what they did today! You guys are my heroes and I love each and every one of you and admire what your lives represent.

  Here is a picture of the scene:


39 Comments leave one →
  1. Petermc3 permalink
    October 5, 2013 5:39 pm

    How many of us would have liked to be there to throw down those barriers and have been led away handcuffed; millions I suspect. These very same park rangers tuning away WWII veterans in their 90’s whom Obama can offend since he and Valerie calculate won’t be around to vote in 2016, may be ordered one day to fire on the rest of us. Just as Hitler’s tolitarian antics in the 1930’s went unnoticed by a majority of the German people so too will this administration’s abuse of power and skirting of the constitution. They already have their hands in our wallets and next will be their hobnail boots on our throats .


    • October 5, 2013 6:08 pm

      I would have been willing to go to jail to help these heroes and I know there are many like us who are disgusted by the actions of the Obama regime.


  2. October 5, 2013 5:40 pm

    From my vantage point I can know how Americans are reacting to the peety acts of this petulant spoiled brat that occupies the White House. No President could have gotten away with this behavior 20 or 15 or even 10years ago. Surely even Democrats have fathers and grandfathers who faught in WWII. I hope you are seeing the outrage that these acts of meanness deserve.


    • October 5, 2013 5:41 pm

      Sorry for the typos. 😦


    • October 5, 2013 6:10 pm

      I think the Democrats are overplaying their hands and I think the Americans are seeing what this regime is up to. I think it will backfire on them but then again maybe I am being too optimistic.


  3. October 5, 2013 5:45 pm

    The Sultan of Sob’s temper tantrum is out of hand. Now he had DC Police eject Vietnam veterans from the Wall Memorial. October 13th, veterans are trying to put up half million veterans to protest in DC.


    • October 5, 2013 6:11 pm

      The way the Obama regime is treating these people is sickening! I hope that the vets are able to pull this protest off, I would love to see them march on Washington!


      • October 5, 2013 6:16 pm

        They will need a lot of cops if they intend to push around veterans. Maybe the plan is to bayonet the vets and charge them in a secret court as terrorists, with secret witnesses, and secret testimony. That, would in fact cause something much bigger to take place all across America.


      • October 6, 2013 8:31 am

        After all, they are on that “right wing extremist” report that came out shortly after Obama was sworn in…..


  4. October 5, 2013 5:46 pm

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  5. Petermc3 permalink
    October 5, 2013 6:59 pm

    One has to wonder whether these pantywaist pussies with daisies in their lapels on the left who so abhor violence will stand by Obamazulul if he issues shoot to kill orders. Then again given African dictators penchant for killing their own by the hundreds of thousands what difference will it make…nothing new under the sun.


    • October 5, 2013 9:43 pm

      Somebody must have issued a shoot to kill order against that woman in DC last week and nobody seems to be questioning that…..


  6. MaddMedic permalink
    October 5, 2013 7:00 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word….


  7. October 5, 2013 7:07 pm

    Reblogged this on U.S. Constitutional Free Press.


  8. October 5, 2013 7:49 pm

    Now he is trying to shut down thousands of miles of the ocean. He really is off.


  9. Chris permalink
    October 5, 2013 8:29 pm

    Like in Turkey people should come to the mall in Washington and light a candle for freedom. It seems except for a few elerdery tourist most Americans are blazay and uninformed.about what is going on. What we are witnessing as you have said is tyrrany by a president. He should be impeached for this treason.


    • October 5, 2013 9:47 pm

      Now that would be a great image! I hear the vets are planning a march on Washington and that would be the perfect time to light candles, it would send quite a message.


  10. LD Jackson permalink
    October 5, 2013 8:53 pm

    When Barack Obama first took office, I tried to have respect for him as President Obama. Even though I disagreed vehemently with his ideology and political philosophy, I felt I should give him the respect afforded his office. That respect has long went by the wayside. I have not previously seen any politician so vindictive and petty as the man now living in the White House. He deserves no respect for how he is cheapening the Office of President. It is truly pathetic to watch.


    • October 5, 2013 9:50 pm

      Respect needs to be earned and Barack Obama has done nothing to earn respect, in fact it is just the opposite.


    • lou222 permalink
      October 6, 2013 8:45 am

      Larry, I think we all wanted things to work out for the best, even though we did NOT vote for Obama. At least we were hoping it was not going to be as bad as we all knew it most likely would be. We gave it our best shot at being civil and now we just cannot do it anymore. He has over stepped his bounds at every turn and it has been allowed over and over. I think this time, he might have stepped into something he cannot pull himself out of. Those men and women deserve our respect AND support, something that Obama no longer deserves from us. They are there in a place that WE THE PEOPLE paid for and how dare this administration try and block them from paying the respect they want to, to their fallen comrades. If this alone does not stir up America, then what will? Our neighbor in back, in his 80’s was lucky to go on one of those flights, he came home thrilled to be able to do it. For Obama to block this from happening is petty and childish, but then again, look who am I speaking of??


      • LD Jackson permalink
        October 6, 2013 9:01 am

        Not to toot my own horn a lot, but you might be interested in the post I wrote this morning.


      • October 6, 2013 4:17 pm

        Well said Lou. We knew how bad it would be but we still had to hope for the best but now we are seeing our fears come to fruition. As hard as it might be to believe I think it is going to get worse still over the next three years. The more he loses faith with the American people the more petulant he becomes. You are right, he is like a little kid when he doesn’t get his way.


      • October 6, 2013 4:18 pm

        Toot away Larry! I will be reading it later tonight.


  11. October 5, 2013 9:28 pm

    John “Manila John” Basilone was killed on Iwo Jima in the first two hours after landing. J. Basilone is the first Marine in WW2 to be awarded the “Medal of Honor” on Guadalcanal 42′ after killing an estimated 3000 Imperial Japanese Regulars. When the Battle was over there were three Marines left in John’s Unit. J. Basilone was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions on Iwo. And I am willing to bet, some of those Vets at the Iwo Jima Memorial were packing heat!


    • October 5, 2013 9:53 pm

      Thanks for sharing that info on John Basilone, if I am not mistaken he was featured in HBO’s ‘The Pacific.’ A true American hero who should not be forgotten.


  12. Bruce permalink
    October 5, 2013 9:47 pm

    Just ask yourself a few questions and this all makes sense. What did Obama claim as his profession? COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. What does a community organizers do? MAKE SPEECHES, WHIP UP HOSTILITY, AND SHUT DOWN PUBLIC ACCESS TO PROPERTY. Where did he do his organizing? IN THE MOST CUT-THROAT CITY IN AMERICA. He is doing exactly what he is good at, actually the only thing he is good at.


  13. Petermc3 permalink
    October 5, 2013 10:56 pm

    In my high school he would have been voted class douchebag.


  14. Chris permalink
    October 6, 2013 12:01 am

    Feds reject offer by Arizona Gov. to reopen Grand Canyon using state funds

    An NPS official said as long as the government is shut down, the Grand Canyon will remain closed to the public.

    “I appreciate the support and I thanked them for the offer, but it’s not an offer we can accept,” said park superintendent Dave Uberuaga, according to Fox News.

    Private businesses, affected by the closure of the iconic park, have also offered to pay for the park to reopen.

    Businesses have pledged over $100,000 and a town council committed $200,000 to open one of the viewpoints, according to Fox News.


    • October 6, 2013 8:34 am

      Arizona should have done what Wisconsin did and not ask for permission, just defy the order and make them do something about it.


      • lou222 permalink
        October 6, 2013 8:53 am

        Gov. Walker is a great guy! I know the Dems don’t think so, but he does have the best interest of his state at heart. More of these states need to tell the administration to “go pound sand” and stop this silliness. What is Obama going to do about it, send AG Holder to sue the state? I see that working out really well. I am sick of all of them, the games they are playing are so obvious, that even an idiot not paying attention should be seeing it by now. Community Organizer, indeed! The sooner he is out of office, the better, he can take the rest of his staff with him. He is a horrible, horrible man (term used lightly)!


      • October 6, 2013 4:20 pm

        I agree Lou, more states need to follow Walker’s example and start standing up to this man and his bullying.



  1. The Pettiness and Arrogance of Barack Obama

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