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The IRS has harassed Sarah Palin’s father six times since 2008

January 13, 2014

 Lois Lerner, formally of the IRS, admitted and apologized for what she called the inappropriate targeting of conservative groups. Eventually it was learned that Lois Lerner was feeling pressure from above to right what the Obama regime felt was a wrong Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case and this is how she decided to go about it.

  Since that time several people have reported being harassed by the IRS after speaking out publicly against Barack Obama, and Christine O’Donnell’s tax records were illegally accessed by an IRS employee while she was running for the Senate.

  And then there is the story of Mitt Romney. When Mitt Romney was running for president against Barack Obama, Harry Reid made the claim that Mister Romney did not pay any taxes over a ten year period. At the time it seemed as though he was simply throwing out baseless claims but in light of the IRS scandal one has to wonder if he actually had inside information–which of course would be illegal.

    But if this story is true it might just take the cake. It is now being claimed that Sarah Palin’s father, who has never run afoul of the IRS, has been targeted by the rogue criminal agency six times since 2008. What happened in 2008 which might suddenly make him a target? Oh yeah, it just so happens that his daughter was chosen as John McCain’s running mate and was seeking the vice-presidency.

Coincidence? You decide.

My father, who worked multiple jobs and faithfully and honestly paid his taxes for fifty years, had never heard a word from the IRS. In 2008, his daughter was tapped to run for vice president of the United States. Since that time, he has been, in his words “horribly harassed” six times by the agency. They’ve tried to dig up something on him but he’s always operated above board.

Government and politics are ugly. Kudos to the few that are trying to clean it up.

  What an unbelievable coincidence, right? It now appears to be all but certain that Barack Obama was, and possibly still is, using the IRS as his jack-booted thugs to punish those that dare to oppose him, and yet closing a bridge and creating a traffic jam is the only scandal the mainstream media is interested in covering? This is a fake scandal?

15 Comments leave one →
  1. josiahe permalink
    January 13, 2014 7:54 pm

    Looks to me like a law suit is due — against Lois et. al.


  2. January 13, 2014 7:59 pm

    Reblogged this on U.S. Constitutional Free Press.


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  4. zip permalink
    January 14, 2014 12:15 am

    What’s interesting about this, is obama hadn’t been elected yet and bush was prez. We know clinton’s used the irs as attack dogs when he reigned. Is reid’s closet empty of skeletons? I’m sure ‘representing the public’ (doing the job they were hired to do) just slips their minds … and callous hearts.


    • January 14, 2014 6:43 am

      Perhaps my wording could have been better. Her father was targeted six times after she ran for VP, this means it probably started in 2009 after Obama became president. But you just never know because I know longer trust any of these people and it makes you wonder just how long this type of activity has been going on.


      • zip permalink
        January 14, 2014 1:13 pm

        You stated it as reported. I just meant that it doesn’t seem to matter who’s ‘acting’ the prez part (although this regime seems to be playing that card a lot), it all works together for the greater ‘bad’. Dr. Carson knows that for a fact!


      • January 14, 2014 8:04 pm

        I cannot argue that point! We are merely pawns in a game in which we really have no control.


  5. MaddMedic permalink
    January 14, 2014 12:50 am

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  6. genomega1 permalink
    January 14, 2014 1:01 am

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    The IRS has harassed Sarah Palin’s father six times since 2008


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