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Mitt Romney to meet with his 2012 campaign aides later this month

March 10, 2014

 It is now being reported in this story that Mitt Romney will be gathering his 2012 campaign aides together later this month for what is being described as a ski weekend.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee has invited his debate prep advisers and senior campaign aides to his mountaintop chalet in Park City, Utah, for a weekend of skiing later this month, according to two people close to Romney.

The reunion of Romney’s political brain trust comes amid a burst of positive buzz about the former Massachusetts governor — from favorable reviews of “MITT,” the Netflix documentary about his campaigns, to chatter among some powerful GOP donors about another Romney presidential campaign in 2016.

  Mitt Romney has denied he is contemplating another run at the presidency and one of his aides has stated that this weekend trip has nothing to do with politics:

“It’s really informal,” said a Romney aide, who requested anonymity to discuss the reunion. “The Romneys invited a few campaign friends out to Utah to ski for the weekend.”

Asked if there would be any political strategizing, the aide wrote in an e-mail, “Purely recreational. No ‘strategizing.'”

  Perhaps this is an innocent retreat and perhaps this is Mitt Romney’s way of giving thanks to those people who helped him in his unsuccessful attempt in 2012 at becoming the president.

  But perhaps there is more to this.

  It is quite possible that Mitt Romney told his aides that politics was not on the agenda but I find it highly unlikely that talk will not gravitate to politics at some time during this weekend. It seems to me as if Mitt Romney might be preparing to feel out his former aides about their opinions on yet another run.

  While Mitt Romney continues to deny any interest at another run the rumors persist that either he is thinking about it or that people in the establishment are trying to convince him he should give it another go.

  The establishment Republicans do not like either Ted Cruz or Rand Paul and they are fearful that either one of these two will get the nomination of the party and they are actively looking for what they consider to be a more palatable candidate to throw their support behind.

  This is why, in my opinion, they talk up people like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush as potential candidates. The establishment Republicans will make sure Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, or even Mitt Romney, have the backing of Karl Rove and his network in the next campaign, hoping to choke off any support a candidate such as Ted Cruz or Rand Paul might be able to muster.

  I am getting sick to my stomach…..

5 Comments leave one →
  1. Bruce permalink
    March 10, 2014 8:40 pm

    Boy, you got to wonder. Romney built a big machine, and it is bigger and better organized than any other possible candidate out there, but it was no good. It didn’t work. Their advice was bad at best. I think Romney is an exceptional human being. I think the left mocked and lied about him. BUT WOULD HE DARE PUT HIMSELF IN THE MEAT GRINDER AGAIN? COULD HE WIN? I don’t think so on either count.
    God bless us if we get it wrong again.


    • March 11, 2014 5:49 am

      I hope that I am wrong about this but I believe he is feeling pressure to jump back in again. If so when are the Republicans ever going to learn?


  2. March 10, 2014 8:53 pm

    Best stock up on a lot of Tums, my friend.



  1. Mitt Romney rules out running for president in 2016 | America's Watchtower

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