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New Hampshire Senate race turns ugly already

May 3, 2014

 Last week the Scott Brown campaign accused Jeanne Shaheen’s campaign of illegally coordinating with Harry Reid’s Super PAC in a recent campaign commercial and the NHGOP filed a complaint with the FEC. Three days later the Shaheen campaign responded to this by filing its own complaint against the Brown campaign with the FEC.

  The gist of the Shaheen complaint goes something like this: in a recent interview Scott Brown admitted that when he talked to his wife on Valentine’s Day he made up his mind to run for the Senate. However he did not form an exploratory committee until a couple of weeks later and then officially made the announcement in April. The Shaheen campaign believes that he should have filed campaign finance forms after he made his decision on Valentine’s Day and not after he made his candidacy known to the voters of New Hampshire.

    I do not know whether either of the complaints are legitimate or not and that is not the point of this post. The point of this post is simple: here we can see two big name candidates who have lost focus of what really matters in the race and have begun going after each other instead of debating the issues and their policies. This race has already devolved and Scott Brown still has not won the primary.

  This in my opinion favors Jeanne Shaheen for with Barack Obama’s popularity falling on a daily basis, and with Jeanne Shaheen tied at the hip with the president’s policies, I am sure she welcomes such a diversion for it is a distraction from her voting record. However, at the same time this takes the focus off of some of Scott Brown’s record and that is a plus for him as well because some conservatives do not trust him.

  While these two candidates play sophomoric games perhaps it is time to look at an adult who will stay focused on what should be truly important to the voters of the state of New Hampshire instead of choosing between two establishment candidates. There are two other candidates out there without the name recognition and without the establishment money and their names are Karen Testerman and Jim Rubens.

12 Comments leave one →
  1. May 3, 2014 8:29 am

    Factor in the ignorance of the electorate as a whole and Shaneen would appear to he a shoo- in. Our next president set the modern day standard for carpet bagging, a model which Brown, even as a RINO, cannot copy.


  2. May 3, 2014 9:17 am

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  3. May 3, 2014 11:00 am

    IT will be interesting to see how this plays out. The carpet bagger?


  4. May 3, 2014 11:31 am

    Taking the ‘adult approach’ sounds logical and the right thing to do, but like Petermc3 mentions that’s not what sells today; nor stops the rigging of the counting machines/computers.
    A consideration: Say you want something, don’t care how you get – no moral, ethical or conscience restraints – and will use every trick in the book, and your imagination to get ‘it’, plus join in w/ those that have gotten what they want this same way, you’ll succeed! So, today it seems (just like it’s been going on for generations) whoever wins did the best job at ‘that’.


  5. May 6, 2014 1:08 am

    We need a politically “undeclared” person with extremely high moral character to toss their hat in the ring. Campaign against Scott Brown as a carpetbagger and a RINO, and call it what it is, IMPORTING A SENATOR! We MUST have a home-grown intelligent person out of over a million residents in the State! They need to campaign against Shaheen as a DO NOTHING waste of space and as an Obama shill. She OWNS obummercare! I honestly believe that an Independent would have a good shot at winning that seat.

    I think I mentioned here once that I was considering such a run, but I have decided not to. My wife works for the Government and if I ran, she believes strongly that doing so would jeopardize her job. Knowing how things have been since 5 years ago, she may be correct. I sure hope someone steps up though and I would gladly campaign for him/her!


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