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Will Hillary run on Bill’s record as president instead of her own record?

May 17, 2014

Hillary Clinton gave a speech the other day, a possible kick off to her potential 2016 campaign, and I have to admit that I have only read a few excerpts but I found them interesting.

In this speech she railed against the .01 percent, here is part of what she had to say:

“Not just the top one percent, but the top 0.1 percent, or the top 0.01 percent of the population has risen sharply over the last generation,” Clinton said. “Some are calling it a throwback to the Gilded Age of the robber barons.”

  This is an interesting statement  and she made this statement for a reason. Hillary Clinton is trying to capture the Occupy vote but she has a problem; she and her husband are rich and some would say they are part of the 1 percent the Occupy movement is trying to rally against. So she had to distance herself from the 1 percent by pointing the finger of blame at those who have more money than the Clinton’s. See, the real problem is not with 1 percenters such as the Clinton’s, but rather with the elite among the elite.

  But that is not what I want to focus on in this point for I found something else she said to be even more interesting. You would think that Hillary Clinton would run for president based on her record as a New York Senator and as the Secretary of State, but once again she has a problem; her record as Secretary of State is marred by the Benghazi scandal and the problematic and ineffective “reset” with Russia. So what can she run on if she cannot run on her record? She can try to ride the coattails of her husband’s record while he was president, and that is what is seems like she is prepared to do.

  Here is more from the same speech:

Clinton praised the economic policies of the 1990’s pointing out that under her husband “a rising tide really did lift all boats” helping millions of low income Americans.

  What she will run on, in my opinion, is this: if you liked the economy in the ’90’s then we can return to these policies by electing her. This was the opening salvo but this is interesting because if she wants to run on the past than it should open up the doors to question everything that happened back then. Along with Bill Clinton’s record should come questions about Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky.

  Needless to say, if these questions do come up Hillary Clinton will say the Republicans are simply trying to relitigate the past, but how can she possibly make this claim while at the same time running on the past?

  You trot out Monica Lewinsky to air out this dirty laundry in 2014, two years before the election, so that you can claim all of these questions were answered recently so there is no reason to revisit them once again. Here is part of what I wrote on May 9th:

When I heard about this my first reaction–and I wish I wrote about this before Lynne Cheney did–was that this was an attempt to air Hillary Clinton’s dirty laundry while she prepares her 2016 presidential run. Get it out of the way now so questions would not be brought up at a much more inconvenient time, and if they did come up they could claim this old news because this was all covered two years ago.

  This will allow Hillary Clinton to focus on the issues of the ’90’s she wants to focus on while also allowing her to distance herself from the issues she wishes to ignore.

  If this was all orchestrated, as I believe it was, than it was a brilliant political maneuver by the Clinton’s and I think we all know that if nothing else the Clinton’s a brilliant political tacticians. The only question is, will the American people buy into it?

9 Comments leave one →
  1. May 17, 2014 8:47 pm

    Reblogged this on CLINGERS… BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN !.


  2. May 17, 2014 9:13 pm

    Reblogged this on GulfDogs.


  3. May 17, 2014 11:09 pm

    That’s the way I see it too Steve. Also stating how they help the poor – if they did, there wouldn’t be any left! (Detroit) It’s like Bore-ack speaking against the Gov. spying on people, intrusion into their privacy, against wars; the need for transparency, on & on. Here we’ve had more wars (some not even reported), more false-flags, more spying, more of everything he said he was against – until he got his hands on the kill switch. Instead of privacy rights or rights to a fair trial, citizens can be ‘eliminated’ for being a threat, in the mind & imagination or sociopaths! Hill-o is even worse and that’s why she’s run on Billy’s back as much as it takes. (I think she should have to give back the dishes she ‘stole’ from the White House when they left “serving their Country” … as .001’ers!)


    • May 18, 2014 7:11 am

      The Clinton’s will do anything to get back into the White House and I fear that many Democrats will fall for this tactic because they remember the “glory days’ and will want to relive them.


  4. Paul H. Lemmen permalink
    May 18, 2014 1:16 am

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.


  5. May 18, 2014 3:00 pm

    Not unlike Steve Martin, Hillary, in spite of her and husband’s millions, would like to claim she was born a poor black child and thereby stake the claim of being the country ‘s third black president. She and her claim to the White House would be less pathetic if she had even a scintilla of achievement as a public servant. What is even more pathetic is her having any credibility at all with a majority of the american people. She is a MSM creation not unlike Obummer. Consider her hypocritical anti-american behavior over the past five decades. Her only claim to fame other than leading the charge to depose Nixon claiming to be the daughter of Alinsky is her betrayal of the women’s movement by doing a Tammy Wynette for the ex – philanderer in chief. Unfortunately it appears, if you believe the polls, that the voters will turn to her to “fix” what she and her progressive / left wing / communist / socialist/ Marxist brethren have brought down upon our heads over the past 100 years. In Hillary we are about to get the hair of the dog that bite us.


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