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Was the White House fence jumper a left wing environmentalist?

September 22, 2014

 white-house-securityAs you have probably heard by now a man allegedly jumped the White House fence, crossed the entire yard, and walked right into the White House without being stopped by the men who are charged with protecting the President. I have not written about this because I found the whole story to be fishy from the beginning and I felt there was more to this story than we were being told. But now I feel I was wrong, however it still appears as if we are not being told the whole story–the mainstream media is not speculating on a possible motive for once.

  We have now learned that the man’s name is Omar Gonzalez, he is a former military man, and he had 800 rounds of ammunition in his car as well as a machete and two hatchets. And he was carrying a knife at the time of his illegal border crossing.

  Normally this would lead the mainstream media to attempt to link him to the Tea Party or to label him a racist who opposed the President because he is black, but to date the establishment media has been silent in regards to speculation about a motive.

  Why is that? How can the mainstream media avoid speculating on a motive when everything above seems to prove he is a right wing extremist? Perhaps this short quote could provide us with an answer:

According to a criminal complaint, Gonzalez told Secret Service agents after his arrest that he was “concerned that the atmosphere was collapsing” and needed to contact the president “so he could get word out to the people.”

  All the talk that I have heard from the mainstream media on this issue swirls around White House security and not about a possible motive and that is quite a bit different from what we usually hear when something like this happens. 

  The mainstream media loves to play the speculation game–as they did after the Aurora shooting when they linked an innocent man to the shooting, or in the attempted Times Square bombing when they speculated it was someone upset with Obamacare–so I do not think I am being out of line at speculating that Omar Gonzalez might just be a left wing radical environmentalist based on the quote above. I am a small time blogger who is just following the template of the mainstream media, and it did just happen to coincide with the People’s Climate March, just saying…

  Two can play at this game, how does it feel?

35 Comments leave one →
  1. September 22, 2014 8:19 pm

    What ever his politics he is definitely few cards short of a full deck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • September 22, 2014 8:30 pm

      There is no doubt in my mind that this man has problems and if he has PTSD from serving in the military I hope he gets the help he needs. Still, it was fun to throw this back at the left.

      Liked by 1 person

    • lou222 permalink
      September 23, 2014 9:49 am

      It is pretty bad, Jim, when the color of your skin or your ethnicity should play into if you are guilty or not! I thought we might be getting past that when Obama was elected, but he has made it worse since he has been in office. Sad state of affairs, isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      • September 23, 2014 7:53 pm

        He has made it worse and he has done it on purpose in order to divide and conquer us.


  2. zip permalink
    September 22, 2014 8:58 pm

    It’s like a mouse going up to the cat and saying, “I want to report there’s been many mice disappearing, can you help?” “YES WE CAN!
    The guy’s probably taking about all the chem trails in the air (toxic metallics/chems).
    Yep, who know Steve. Why didn’t they shoot him like that women with the kid in the backseat who drove thru a barricade? Many of these people are on pharm. drugs for depression – hearing voices and such. Today with the tech and such (especially drugged) who knows what’s going on inside their heads
    Remember this happened during the Gov. shutdown last Oct – Parks closed, WH tours stopped (to make the people suffer and show them who’s boss). Those barricades -weren’t normally there but were up to keep people out – she ran thru trying to reach obama who supposedly communicating w/ her! Oct.’s just around the corner. Since 911 didn’t false flag another Benghazi (that we know of), who knows what Oct surprise will be – said the cat to the mouse.

    Liked by 2 people

    • September 23, 2014 5:41 am

      I forgot about that woman in the car, but they sure did not take their chances with her, did they? That is why I thought this story was fishy from the beginning, it is hard for me to believe that anyone can make it across the lawn and into the White House that the President does not want there.

      Liked by 1 person

      • zip permalink
        September 23, 2014 11:50 am

        a.k.a acting prez bros are well received by him though – he even bows to the big bosses.

        Liked by 1 person

    • lou222 permalink
      September 23, 2014 9:44 am

      Zip, there are a lot of people on Benzodiazepines (messes with chemical balance in the brain) or other anti-psychotic or anti-depression drugs. They can make a person do strange things, while they are supposed to be helping them. I know what they can and do to people, all for supposedly helping with sleep or anxiety or depression. I am not so sure they don’t do more harm than good. How many doctors hand these drugs out without really telling patients that the withdrawal symptoms are that of coming off of Opiates or Meth on a lot of them. I wonder how many people would start taking them, IF they knew they would probably be on them the rest of their life or have to go thru withdrawal? Something as simple sounding as Ambien (commercial has that nice butterfly floating around) for a restful sleep has a withdrawal problem, as well. How many of these people that are labeled “shooters” or having trouble at school, etc., are on some of these drugs? I bet there are more people than we think that have a compromised thinking pattern, that normally, off those drugs would never react as they do on the meds? Anyway, makes you wonder what the drugs they are taking have to do with what they do on a daily basis, doesn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      • September 23, 2014 11:48 am

        Agree Lou. The Big Pharm Industry – an arm of the octopus. Increased number of kids drugged (anti-depressants), ADHD or suffering from autism (linked to mercury in vaccines). What you stated brings to mind a more insidious hidden agenda:
        Just like that ‘nice little monarch butterfly’ it symbolizes a Pandora’s box. Realizing this world system has been deceiving us since we popped out, no wonder it’s difficult to ‘see’ the real under belly. Notice: we don’t come in this world laughing!


      • lou222 permalink
        September 23, 2014 3:56 pm

        Zip, I do NOT take any flu vaccines or ones they are trying to get seniors to take for pneumonia or shingles! My son and his wife are limiting their kids shots they take, as well. After reviewing what is in some of the shots, WHY would anyone be interested in taking them? Our local Walgreens is pushing the flu vaccines and the senior ones are stated as being 4 times the potency for them!!! What the hell? I also will not do the cholesterol meds, or anything that Big Pharma is trying to push people to “ask your doctor” about…that sends up a red flag for me, but I know alot of people that NEED the new drugs! Anyway, not a big fan of shots OR fluoride in the water supplies, we have well water and I will take my chances with it. I have to go to the dr to get my BP meds, have not found another way to control it, but other than the once a year appointment for that, I stay away from there.


      • September 23, 2014 7:55 pm

        And yet nobody–especially those on the left–want to address this. Whenever there is a shooting and we bring up the issue of drugs we are ridiculed but there is no doubt that this plays some role in all of this in my mind.


      • September 24, 2014 5:44 am

        I am with you Lou, I have never had a Flu shot and I have never had the Flu.


  3. September 22, 2014 9:01 pm

    Here are two theories I heard today as to why the emporer’s castle was successfully penetrated: First-the military establishment sending a message that they are unhappy with the commander in chief and his handling of the ISIS crisis.
    Second-The secret service agents assigned to protect the White House either feared repercussions if they harmed the intruder or their PC brainwashing rendered them unable to cause harm physical or otherwise to a
    misunderstood miscreant. This second scenario seems more plausible. How far we have fallen this once great republic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • September 23, 2014 5:43 am

      That first scenario is interesting but I think you are right that the second one is more likely the truth. In today’s PC America they did not dare to stop him.


  4. September 22, 2014 9:23 pm

    Geez, Steve, I thought you’d be grateful (as I am) there for once, there isn’t a flurry of speculation about the fellow’s motives. As in “Let’s wait a bit and let the investigation professionals do their jobs . . .”

    For the rest, our country is no less great than it ever was, but we are a lot more aware of our weaknesses — which will guide us in strengthening ourselves further.

    Take good care and may God bless us all!



    • September 23, 2014 5:44 am

      I am glad that the MSM isn’t speculating for once, however I could not resist the temptation to throw one back at them. I am only human after all…;)


  5. September 22, 2014 10:22 pm

    About the same as the nutcase that is roaming around NE PA. Forget that his facebook linked him to Marxist sites as well as African Revolutionary sites.The WH fellow has the right last name so we probably will not hear too much more about him individually.

    Liked by 1 person

    • September 23, 2014 5:46 am

      I think that probably has something to do with it. The MSM thought Zimmerman had the right last name and when they found out he wasn’t what they thought he was they went so far as to create a whole new ethnicity.

      Liked by 1 person

    • lou222 permalink
      September 23, 2014 9:27 am

      I think you are right about the name, Bunker! Now if this was a white American, they would be having a hay day with it. Now, they have to regroup and take another trail on this one. If they do not get the reaction they want, they seem to always have a backup plan, don’t they? It will either intensify the situation OR it will be a false alarm, nothing to see here. Which will this be?

      Liked by 2 people

      • September 23, 2014 7:56 pm

        We need to look no further than Zimmerman, they thought he was white based on his name so they ran with it. Rather than admitting their mistake they created a new ethnicity in order to double down.


  6. September 22, 2014 10:34 pm

    Two wrongs don’t make a right… just saying. 😛

    Now for the serious comment. It just boggles my mind why there is a need to politicize events like this. Why can’t we just have a crazy nutcase without making it into a left or right issue?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lou222 permalink
    September 23, 2014 9:23 am

    I have read numerous articles on what happened. I will start with the first intruder and then within 24 hours a second one. This one made it into the White House (10 minutes after the first family was on Air Force 1). I am pretty sure that we have a lot of coverage for SS at the White House, if not there, then where else is the best security? Not on our borders, but that is different, it is only us lowly peons that are in danger. Don’t the SS have dogs? Don’t they have sharp shooters on the roof? What happened? Are they having to be so politically correct that they cannot react as they should, without repercussions of being out of a job if they react the wrong way? Is this just a trial run to see IF they (terrorists) can get in and if so, where does the threat come from when they DO get on the grounds? Is it just something to make us afraid that our President is in danger and is that supposed to make us like him more and rally around his party? Is it another kind of ploy because the elections are coming up? Do we need a bigger and better fence or compound around the White House? I fall back on, don’t we need a fence or compound at the borders, as well? This whole thing just has an “iffy” scenario around it. I am on the fence on what is actually going on. The media will tell us what the White House tells them to report. I just think it did not get the reaction it was supposed to get, so they are spinning it now.


  8. Petermc3 permalink
    September 23, 2014 12:54 pm

    Had the security detail, including the killer dogs, not gathered at the helicopter pad to woof, wave and throw kisses at the prez’s flying circus they might have stopped the guy before he made himself comfortable in The People’s House. 🐶🚔🚔🚓

    Liked by 2 people

    • GBear101 permalink
      September 23, 2014 9:28 pm

      yes, they should be at all places at all times, again, is this real critical comment? or just something that could be said of any administration…wish this site stayed more on real discussion on the concerns Steve brings up than just idle rants and jabs


      • September 23, 2014 11:15 pm

        Lighten up GBear. The dogs probably didn’t woof at the Zero family Helicopter.

        Liked by 1 person

      • lou222 permalink
        September 24, 2014 9:17 am

        I think we have more than enough in the way of protection for the White House, but these servants have to play by the new rules, might not be as easy as we think. There is not a whole lot a person can do now days that does not offend someone else or you get called on. Such a pity! I was not aware that we are using “just idle rants and jabs” here, guess we have offended someone. However, I will say and type what I please until Steve sees it as being unfit to post. Last time I checked, we still have the luxury of freedom of speech.

        Liked by 1 person

      • September 24, 2014 6:52 pm

        As you know Lou, as a proponent of free speech I allow all comments to stand and all opinions to be heard.


  9. September 25, 2014 1:04 am

    Eh, the freedom of speech on this site is moderated and controlled by brother Steve. It’s his site. Beyond that, WordPress owns the site, technically, and I suppose they could either scrap individual posts or, more likely, shut the whole thing down if they care to. Not that they will, but they have that right – because in this country, private property rights trump free speech.

    The freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution applies to the government, which is forbidden from abridging people’s speech (beyond “Fire” in a crowded theater, incitement to riot, and some other common-sense things.

    All that said, I think I’d have to make a pretty vile post before Steve considered deleting it.

    Take good care and may God bless us all!


    Liked by 1 person

    • September 25, 2014 5:52 am

      Your assessment is correct of course and as the owner of this blog I could choose to delete comments I disagree with but I do not.
      WordPress actually did shut me down for about five minutes one time. It was an honest mistake but during those five panicked minutes I did not think so, I thought they were shutting me down for good.


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