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Despite Hillary Clinton’s claim, the State Department did not automatically archive her emails

March 13, 2015

 During her press conference when she tried to stem the tide of her email controversy Hillary Clinton stated that this was basically no big deal because most of her State Department emails were sent to people who were following the law and because of this the emails were sent to official government email addresses. Therefore, she claimed, the emails were archived at that point in time.

  Here is more:

Clinton had said at a news conference Tuesday that she believed the vast majority of work-related emails she sent or received from the private account, linked to a server at her New York residence, were “immediately captured and preserved” because she was in correspondence with other officials using “.gov” accounts.

   However it turns out this is not correct because we have now learned the State Department was not automatically archiving emails and did not begin to do so until last month! (I would venture to guess this began after somebody learned a potential scandal was brewing, but that is just speculation on my part.) 

  But in another day of intense questioning from reporters, Psaki said automatic archiving began just last month for “dozens” of top officials — such as the deputy secretary, under secretaries and assistant secretaries. “Our goal is to apply this to all employee mailboxes by the end of 2016,” she said.

  This means that when the Oversight Committee began requesting Hillary Clinton’s emails they could have been “hidden” on the computers of people within the State Department that the Committee was not even requesting emails from, and because she used a personal email account she most likely did not turn them over either.

  That was either a bold assumption on the former first lady’s part or a great attempt at deflecting the blame for her breech of protocol. If it was in fact an attempt at deflection there is just one fatal flaw; who is it that was the head of the State Department at this time? And does that not mean that in the end the blame still falls on her?

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Father Paul Lemmen permalink
    March 13, 2015 8:16 pm

    Reblogged this on A Conservative Christian Man.

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  2. Petermc3 permalink
    March 13, 2015 8:42 pm

    She will rock, shake, and roller skate right into the White House. This fiasco will be forgotten sooner than you can say Bomb Serbia…

    Liked by 1 person

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