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Conservative group readies attack ads against Rand Paul

April 6, 2015

 Rand Paul has not yet officially announced his candidacy for the Presidency and already a conservative group is readying an attack ad against him–comparing the Senator from Kentucky to Barack Obama.

  Here is more:

The Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America, a 501(c)(4) group led by veteran Republican operative Rick Reed, will go live with its campaign against Paul on Tuesday, while the senator is in Louisville, Kentucky, announcing his presidential candidacy. The group will begin airing ads on broadcast TV, cable and the Web in several early primary states accusing Paul of being weak on Iran and tying him to the Barack Obama administration’s Iran policy, which polls show is deeply unpopular among Republican voters.

“Paul supports more negotiations with Iran while standing against more sanctions that would hold the Iranian regime accountable. That’s not a conservative position, that’s Obama’s position,” Reed told me in an interview Monday. “His longstanding position on Iran and his agreement with Obama on Iran calls into question his judgment.”

 Rand Paul I think what this shows us is that the establishment Republicans are very worried about the possibility Rand Paul’s libertarian views could gain him traction with the younger voters and they are looking to nip any potential momentum in the bud for they see him as a threat to the establishment.

  It is going to be interesting to see if this group endorses a candidate, and if they do which one the get behind. If they get behind someone like Ted Cruz it will lend some credibility to the organization because Cruz is definitely more conservative than Paul on social issues. However if the group aligns itself with the establishment’s pick, Jeb Bush, it will show us the group is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the establishment. 

  If Rand Paul is able to gain any traction it will make this race very interesting in my opinion and I would expect the attacks to escalate because the establishment is not really interested in representing the will of the constituents, but rather are only interested in holding on to power and if the recent history of the past two Presidential elections are any indication it will backfire on them…

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

8 Comments leave one →
  1. Zip-a-Dee permalink
    April 6, 2015 11:52 pm

    The RINO’s don’t consider him as ‘one of them’ so therefore not in the ‘in’ group but a foe. They get along better w/ the Dems than they do Rand! Yes Steve I agree, they’ll do what they have to thumb him down – they consider him an ‘obstacle’.

    Liked by 1 person

    • April 7, 2015 5:41 am

      I agree 100% Much like Cruz, Paul has made the establishment mad at times and so they want no part of him at this point. That is why I find it so interesting both Paul and Cruz are running! In the end they may split the anti-establishment vote but we know the outcome is pretty well determined anyway so we might as well enjoy this ride.


      • Zip-a-Dee permalink
        April 7, 2015 1:15 pm

        Or, go into partnership. But, are you’re thinking that it’s going to be the Bush Dynasty pushed in again? Some still don’t realize the gravity and impact the last Skull & Bones member Prez had on us. People tend to don’t associate it with the Pirate flag – the skull and bones – but they should! This is a power handed group: “Legend has it that Geronimo’s head is still inside Skull and Bones HQ, known as “The Tomb,” at 64 High Street in New Haven.” Instead of the ocean seas, today it’s the sea of humanity they’re raiding [one of the Water Baron family’s]. Might be the Agenda is using these guys to speak ‘inspiring words” to distract the hopeful, while they press on their deconstruction. Going for the carrot while the buggy is being stripped and lay waste. If people with moral integrity aren’t in the White House we’re going to end up like the Native Indians and Geronimo!

        Liked by 1 person

      • April 7, 2015 7:09 pm

        If Cruz and Paul formed a partnership I think it would be very interesting to say the least, together they might be able to break the reign the establishment has on the party but it will still be tough to compete with the money that will go to Bush.
        I have heard those rumors of the Skull and Bones and the initiation people take to become a member.


  2. petermc3 permalink
    April 7, 2015 1:28 pm

    I still maintain that the conservative base, of which I consider myself a member although my voting in NJ has zero impact, will stay away from the polls in droves in 2016 just as was done in 2012. The republican landslide in 2014 turned out to be a suicide mission for the GOP since we now know that majority or not we are ill represented at best and not represented at all at worst by today’s republican majority. Go get em’ Rand.🐘

    Liked by 1 person

    • April 7, 2015 7:11 pm

      You could be right about that. The Republicans have already thrown away the 2014 victory and this could lead to even more conservatives staying home in 2016. I do not think they will ever learn…


  3. April 7, 2015 4:38 pm

    Humans have an amazing capacity to eat their own.

    Liked by 1 person


  1. Rand Paul announces his candidacy for the Presidency in 2016 | America's Watchtower

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