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Donald Trump wins Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut contests

April 26, 2016

  It looks as though this is going to be a big night for Donald Trump: the polls have just closed and already CNN has projected the billionaire businessman to win Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Connecticut without any official results having come in. This of course means that these races were not even close and the only questions are, how big will these victories be and who will finish in second place? 

  If, as expected, Donald Trump wins Delaware and Rhode Island he will have some serious momentum heading into the contests which are considered to be less friendly (because they are less liberal) and it could provide him with a bump in the polls in the upcoming contests. Despite the Republican establishment’s best efforts to stop him the nomination of Donald Trump appears at this point to be unstoppable.

  In the early results Ted Cruz is in third place far behind John Kasich, who is a distant second to Donald Trump in both Connecticut and Rhode Island. As good as this night is shaping up for Donald Trump it appears to be equally disastrous for Ted Cruz. It is still early of course but I do not see much changing…

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

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