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November 27th open thread: ‘Gutter Ballet’

November 27, 2016

  open-threadHere is the open thread for Sunday, November 27th. Please feel free to post links to interesting articles and to discuss whatever issues arise during the course of the day. Nothing is off-topic here.

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  I have been a little under the weather the last few days so I really did not put much thought into the musical selection this week however last night I heard a song for the first time called Gutter Ballet by Savatage and I thought I would share it, so here it is.

frui diem

20 Comments leave one →
  1. Brittius permalink
    November 27, 2016 9:41 am

    Ahhh… The Gutter Ballet.
    The Concrete Mambo.
    Bloody knuckles, all while making arrests. Been there and done that about 30 or 40 times.
    The Gutter Ballet, in the First Act, will be either a drug dealer, upon seeing the cop, and knowing the cop sees them, will walk off and disappear.
    Second Act, as patrol is continued, the dregs of the gutter, crack whores, knowing, if cops are seeing them loiter for the purpose of prostitution, they demi plie, and do the pidgeon walk and keep moving.
    Third Act, cop spots drug dealer again, and the mutt just handed something off to someone. The ditch. Cops bolt from patrol car, one after the mutt, and the other after the buyer.
    Fourth Act, the Grand Gutter Ballet. Taking down the mutt as he runs full cantor, he doesn’t know that most cops have athletic backgrounds. The Hit. Like, Dick Butkus, tearing the mutt’s beard right off of his face as the neck twists and the perp goes propelled to the ground. The Swing Out.
    Final Act, both cops have the dunce duo, handcuffed. Yes uniforms are ripped. But the arrests, made. Narcotics, recovered. Proceeds of sales, recovered. And.., at times, a gun gets taken off the streets.

    Liked by 2 people

    • lou222 permalink
      November 27, 2016 9:46 am

      You know, Britt, I really appreciate you! What experience you have had in your past that you choose to share with us! That it is always so detailed is an added plus. I still think you have a “book” in you somewhere down the line, bet it would be a best seller.

      Liked by 3 people

    • November 27, 2016 8:57 pm

      Yes, well said Brittius! I think Lou is right, have you ever thought about putting all these thoughts down on paper in some form of book or journal?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Brittius permalink
        November 27, 2016 9:01 pm

        I started writing a couple of books but walked away from them. My wife wants to write a book about me but I said wait until I am dead and buried a few years.
        Thank you.
        PS: I also caught someone on the FBI Most Wanted list. (What a head trip that was! I ended up being awarded the J. Edgar Hoover Distinguished Service Award. Not many have that award.)
        Being that I was not political and passed over three times for civil service promotion to lieutenant, I feel, it’s all in a day’s work, and what I signed the back of the paycheck for, every other week. Around here, nobody cared. Rather anti-climatic.

        Liked by 3 people

      • November 27, 2016 9:03 pm

        I think it would make a very interesting book! Congrats on winning that award!

        Liked by 1 person

      • lou222 permalink
        November 28, 2016 10:33 am

        Dare I say you are “a diamond in the rough”? Glad you are here, Britt and looking forward to more of your stories.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. lou222 permalink
    November 27, 2016 9:51 am

    I spent my usual Saturday down at my brothers, did the gun range and a gun shop (found my speed strips there) and an Irish Pub for lunch…also went to the cemetery to “visit” our parents, have not been there for awhile….but has to be done. We had a good day as far as my brothers health was concerned. Then, however, we went home and he turned on that damned MSNBC and that Joy Reid talking about Jill Stein/Hillary Clinton wanting recounts….really, really? My brother thinks it is a good idea…I reminded him that Clinton had a rant about Trump needing to accept whatever the vote was…now she is fighting it…..I can only think it is Soros money making a play at it….will this never end?

    Liked by 3 people

    • November 27, 2016 8:58 pm

      Glad to hear your brother is doing a little better! Isn’t it funny how Hillary doesn’t think challenging the results of the election is not a threat to democracy any more?

      Liked by 1 person

      • lou222 permalink
        November 28, 2016 10:40 am

        She is a cold calculated “witch” and the sooner we are rid of her and all around her the better. Having said that, I doubt that will be for a long time.

        Liked by 2 people

      • November 28, 2016 8:03 pm

        Hopefully she will just ride off into the sunset but it doesn’t look like that is going to be the case.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. lou222 permalink
    November 27, 2016 9:53 am

    Steve, you only have 60 to go to reach 3,000, that will be an impressive following!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. petermac3 permalink
    November 27, 2016 10:03 am

    For we non-Cubans who grew up in Hudson County, NJ, Cubans and their plight were woven into our culture. A shining example of a people who escaped to this country as refugees and became real Americans, a people who took all that this country offered and ran with it rather than trying to tear America down. So for the last two days it has been sickening watching the news outlets characterize the dead Fidel as a revolutionary of hero status rather than a murdering monster who ruled with an iron fist while depriving his people of their freedoms and even the basic necessities of life. He and his government henchmen starved its people while their bellies were full and their prisons full of political prisoners many of whom were tortured and murdered. It was refreshing to see NJ Senator Bob Menendaz, who I knew back in te day, remind fellow Cubans that Raul has more blood on his hands than Fidel so to expect change in Cuba is baseless. And kudos to Trump for characterizing the dictator’s death for the good thing it is while pukebag Obama mourns as the good communist neighborhood organizer that he is should. And surely Jimmy Carter along with the Holywood rabble must be feeling the pain of losing a friend and role model. Pathetic…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Brittius permalink
      November 27, 2016 10:59 am

      I always regarded Cuban people as Italians, and one of my own. Many Italians went to Cuba. Many Cubans, are essentially ethnic Italians. In fact, I knew more Cuban-Americans, who were more Italian, than Italian-Americans. They think exactly like the Italians.
      If Cuba was a Free land, and if I were a millionaire, Cuba, is where I would want to reside. They have the world’s best tobacco, coffee, and sugar. Fishing. Hunting in the hills. Old cars (need I say more?).
      I went to high school with a grandson of Roberto Campos, of Puerto Rico. He was a close friend in school. Two other friends, one who was in the fighting of some Caribbean place, I forgot which one, and the other, his family narrowly made it out of Cuba. He was Cuban-Italian. All three friends, were Good people. When I heard news of Fidel’s death, I thought, if any of the three were around, they would be glad, and hope for Freedom for the people.

      Liked by 3 people

      • petermac3 permalink
        November 27, 2016 1:18 pm

        My sentiments exactly Britt. Cubans and Italians, both groups interchangeable, came here to enjoy a better life, a life of opportunity and freedoms. I was in Oriente province in 1999. The natural beauty of the land although obscured by the poverty, the police state with government spies in each and every neighborhood and lack of nearly everything we enjoy in this nation, shone through. The one treat-if you will- were the old cars and the camel buses. This was the time of the Elian Gonzalez debacle made possible by Clinton and Reno. There the young people were forced to demonstrate in the streets…or else. Obama, Carter and the America hating rich elite Hollywood loons will have nine days to join the enslaved people on the island of Cuba in mourning the death of a murderous tyrant.

        Liked by 3 people

    • November 27, 2016 9:00 pm

      Just seeing the reaction of the Cubans in Florida should be enough to convince the MSM and Hollywood they are not accurately portraying Fidel but of course they do not care.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. November 27, 2016 2:34 pm

    Recount: RECOUNT IMPOSSIBLE: HERE IT IS, Proof Jillary Stein is launching a dead effort.
    BUSTED: Jill Stein cannot ___________ the election in Pennsylvania and also cannot request a recount.

    I went over Pennsylvania election law carefully, and discovered Jill cannot do jack because I am not filling in this blank because I will not provide legal advice to a scammer like Jill and I am not filling in this blank either with another detail that can hang her, because I am not giving advice and I want her to trip on everything possible. Pennsylvania has MORE THAN DUBIOUS odds of doing anything, and this proves her donation request was fraudulent, because there was no recount possible in Pennsylvania and she can’t even ____________ because of ______________. Pennsylvania has some really good laws specifically set up to prevent a scammer like Stein from hanging the election up in B.S. legalese which is obviously what she intended to try if she was smart enough to know a recount cannot even be asked for. Perhaps she was not aware, because liberals are surprisingly good at worming their way into fat paychecks while being totally incompetent.’
    Even Bari is telling Hilly to forget it – if we ‘recall’ though the main attack came from his staff (Jarrett have on of her’s tell about Hilly’s illegal email system), so no ‘luv-bonding’ going on there.
    Here’s a fun one – the left promote ‘passion’ but only when it’s theirs after their kind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • November 27, 2016 9:01 pm

      And hasn’t she also admitted she may divert some of the money she collected for the recount elsewhere? These people were scammed!

      Liked by 1 person

      • November 27, 2016 9:41 pm

        Yep, that’s what her kind do! She’s ranking in the ‘green’ – and the ignorant (beguiled) Hilly supporters youth contributed (their parent’s $$) all for not!

        Liked by 1 person

      • November 28, 2016 6:55 am

        I guess we now know what the “green” in green party stands for…

        Liked by 1 person

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