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The IRS finds nearly 7,000 documents related to the Tea Party targeting scandal

March 10, 2017

 Not that it matters at this point in time but it is being reported in this story that the IRS has located 6,924 documents related to the Tea Party targeting scandal. Here is more:

The Internal Revenue Service has located 6,924 documents potentially related to the targeting of Tea Party conservatives, two years after the group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit for them.

The watchdog group intended to find records regarding how the IRS selected individuals and organizations for audits that were requesting nonprofit tax status.

The agency will not say when it will make the documents available to the public.

  “At this time, the Service is unable to provide an estimate regarding when it will complete its review of the potentially responsive documents,” the agency said. “The Service will begin producing any non-exempt, responsive documents by March 10, 2017, and, if necessary, continue to produce non-responsive records on a bi-weekly basis.”

  The agency managed to hold off “finding” these documents until after Barack Obama left office, isn’t that convenient? But as you can see the IRS is still stonewalling and cannot possibly provide a date when the emails can be released to the public.

  Here is what Judicial Watch had to say:

“The corruption at the IRS is astounding,” Fitton said in a statement. “Our attorneys knew that there were more records to be searched but the Obama IRS ignored this issue for years. President Trump needs to clean house at the IRS as quickly as possible.”

  I could not agree more!

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

4 Comments leave one →
  1. March 11, 2017 3:15 am

    sad thing is..I can’t name a single agency or department (military included) where trump shouldn’t clean house.

    of course…delegation of authority works. appoint a new director of the IRS and instruct them to begin removing anyone that won’t cooperate.

    do this with multiple agencies at once and the news won’t be able to keep up.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. March 11, 2017 10:34 am

    Sadly Obama turmed a lot of these appointments into Civil Service positions. Either way,,get out the scum that can be gotten to….

    Liked by 2 people

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