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Judicial Watch requests an investigation into two Democratic Intelligence Committee members

April 17, 2017

  Using the same tactic and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington used in order to force Devin Nunes to step aside from the Russian hacking scandal, Judicial Watch has requested an investigation into the possibility that two top Democrats on the Intelligence Committee potentially are guilty of the same violation as Devin Nunes is accused of.

  Here is more:

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Friday called for a preliminary investigation into two top Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee for potentially disclosing classified information to the public in violation of House ethics rules.

Judicial Watch has requested the Office of Congressional Ethics to look into whether Vice Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) broke House ethics rules for disclosing classified information to the public, with which left-wing groups have targeted its Republican chairman.

  For some strange reason and CREW are not interested in the possibility that Vice Chairman Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier were up to the same thing as Devin Nunes, something that was not lost on Judicial Watch:

If the standard for filing a complaint or opening an ethics investigation is that a member has commented publicly on matters that touch on classified information, but the member does not reveal the source of his or her information, then the complaints against Chairman Nunes are incomplete insofar as they target only Nunes.

At least two other members of the House Intelligence Committee have made comments about classified material that raise more directly the very same concerns raised against Chairman Nunes because they appear to confirm classified information contained in leaked intelligence community intercepts.

  And more still:

Judicial Watch noted that Schiff had spoken to an audience at the Brookings Institution the day before, on March 21, appearing to confirm a leaked December 29 conversation between incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

“And then you have leaks that expose malfeasance or illegality. Now, I put that kind of leak, I put the Flynn leak in that category,” Schiff had said.

Judicial Watch also cites an April 3 Daily Caller story in which Speier, a committee member, appeared to confirm the contents of that call.

“Ambassador Kislyak and General Flynn were freelancing sanctions relief at the end of December, when he had no portfolio in which to make any kind of negotiations with Ambassador Kislyak,” the Daily Caller reported she said.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a statement, “At least two leading Democrats, Reps. Schiff and Speier, on the House Intelligence Committee, seem to have improperly disclosed classified information.”

“While the Ethics Committee examines Rep. Nunes’s innocuous statements on Obama’s surveillance on the Trump team, it ought to expand its investigation to include the other members of the Intelligence Committee who seem to have flagrantly violated the rules.”

  It certainly sounds as if the transgressions of Schiff and Speier were more blatant than the transgressions of Nunes and it seems as if an expansion of the investigation is in order. Will the Office of Congressional Ethics honor this request? That is the question and if they do then there is no excuse for Schiff and Speier not to follow Nunes’s lead and step away from the investigation as well. Right?

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

4 Comments leave one →
  1. April 17, 2017 10:58 pm

    This is an interesting move. I hadn’t caught this. The rate they are going no one will be left on the committee. The Senate is a more suitable forum in my mind. I think the quality of the committee members and the ability to interrogate is better. But then again,,, it is probably a dog and pony show anyway.

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  2. Brittius permalink
    April 18, 2017 6:46 am

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  1. Judicial Watch requests an investigation into two Democratic Intelligence Committee members — America’s Watchtower – Deplorables Seeking Justice-DSJ

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