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Christopher Steele refuses to testify about Russia investigation origins

May 29, 2019

  William Barr is now investigating the origins of the Russia investigation to determine if the Obama administration was justified on spying on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

  As we all now know, the Russia dossier was used as evidence by the FBI to gain the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign even though it was unconfirmed and this is where all the questions about the justification of the probe lie. Because of this naturally William Barr would like the man who created the fake dossier to testify.

  It is also equally natural that the man who created the fake dossier might be a little leery about testifying, and that is why the news that Christopher Steele is refusing to testify in the investigation is not really surprising at all.

  Here is more:

The former British spy who produced a dossier describing alleged links between Donald Trump and Russia will not cooperate with a prosecutor assigned by U.S. Attorney General William Barr to review how the investigations of Trump and his 2016 election campaign began, a source with knowledge of the situation said.

Christopher Steele, a former Russia expert for the British spy agency MI6, will not answer questions from prosecutor John Durham, named by Barr to examine the origins of the investigations into Trump and his campaign team, said the source close to Steele’s London-based private investigation firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.

  Christopher Steele did cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation and has said he will cooperate with another currently ongoing investigation which is not directly related to his dossier, but of course he has a lot more on the line in this investigation and a lot more to hide. Allegedly…

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

4 Comments leave one →
  1. May 29, 2019 11:33 am

    I see how you slipped in “fake” dossier Steve! Have they not twisted it enough to confuse you to not discern (judge) error from ‘truth’ 😊
    1st 🚩 “M16 British spy” … need more be investigated?
    “… he will cooperate with another [fake] currently ongoing investigation” but not in any “real investigation” is what he’s saying, right?
    1828 Webster’s ~ Fake: (n): One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn.
    I thought this interesting, using the words “lies” “coil” pretty much describes his source 🐍
    This is OT but when thinking of M16 and their mindset, the Beatles come up as an example. I knew Paul had been replaced but I’d not heard this before. Sharing it show the “deception” and utter “falseness” of their tactics.

    Liked by 1 person

    • May 29, 2019 7:11 pm

      Yeah, I guess I should have written “allegedly fake” instead of just fake! 🙂 They really do try to confuse people to the point where they do not know what is true any more and they seem to be doing a good job at it.
      I also heard about Paul but not about the rest of the Beatles being replaced.

      Liked by 1 person

      • May 30, 2019 12:30 am

        Notice ‘alleged’ is used when “their guilty are involve”, but much more pointed language is used when its their enemy “We the People”.
        I told a young librarian that ‘propaganda’ had been legalized to “use” on the American people in 2012. I think he realized who the ‘acting’ prez was at that time and replied “that’s been going on forever.” Like it was ‘to be expected and the ‘fake prez’ just “made it legal.” The difference between Propaganda being used for our good is one thing, but when we’re considered the “enemy” it isn’t! That’s was a usurping region does to make their slaves ‘submissive or complying’ to something “not for their good”!
        And that leads into your confusion comment.”Confusion” is a tactic of the enemy, as you know: 1 Cor 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace …” not emotional manipulation.
        I’d read that depiction of Beatles some other place too. Don’t know if its true, how could I know for sure (or research it out) when so many truths are buried. Good thing “Real Truth” rose up out of the grave 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • May 30, 2019 6:54 pm

        That’s right, we know the Truth and everything else come from the evil one.


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