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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants people to boycott work when the States are opened up

April 22, 2020

  I think it is safe to say that most people in this country are tired of the tyranny and long for the day when the government allows people to get back to their normal lives. Most people are ready to get on with their lives and would like to see their family and friends again, and most people would like to go to work to earn a living so they can put food on the table and pay the bills that have been piling up because the government stole their livelihood from them.

  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a different idea however; because Donald Trump wants to get Americans working and living again the New York Representative wants people to say screw that. Here is what she had to say:

 “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives.’”

  Those who still have jobs to go back to after this lock down is over should just say no in order to spite the President. You can tell that AOC does not live in the real world any more and because she personally is unaffected by the lock down it is easy for her to tell people not to make money to pay the bills.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

13 Comments leave one →
  1. MaddMedic permalink
    April 22, 2020 7:00 pm

    Is she dumb or just and idiot?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MaddMedic permalink
    April 22, 2020 7:00 pm

    just an!! not and!! geeeshh…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peter3nj permalink
    April 22, 2020 7:13 pm

    New Yorkers live her and that is what counts. She blew 25,000 Amazon jobs and her constituents counting on those potential jobs would put her in the White House if it were possible.
    I understand she is being cast in the lead role in the remake of Dumb and Dumber with chicks also with a title change. The new title is Really F___ing Stupid and F___ing Stupider.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. steve hawes permalink
    April 22, 2020 7:23 pm

    I’d say she’s dumber than a box of rocks, but I don’t want to insult rocks

    Liked by 2 people

  5. lauri permalink
    April 22, 2020 10:25 pm

    To me she is just like a teenage girl going along with her friends.


  6. April 23, 2020 9:34 am

    Well, since AOC has NEVER had a real job (Bartenders like her flash their boobs and gab for tips and this is socializing and not work) she has no comprehension of the real world.

    Given her silver spoon upbringing, that she never acknowledges, she does understand things like kids and feeding them and rent and utilities and car payments and insurance and all that complicated stuff that real people deal with.

    So, to her, boycotting work is just like ditching a lecture or not doing the dishes….oh well….everything will be fine anyways….SOMEBODY ELSE will do the work.

    Liked by 1 person

    • April 23, 2020 6:58 pm

      She does not understand how the real world works and she is a legislator, it baffles the mind!

      Liked by 1 person

      • April 23, 2020 7:22 pm

        Thing is, a politician does not have to demonstrate any functional ability to do anything other than talk and seem like they care and have some sort of understanding. Problem really is that voters do not vet their elected officials before voting for them and this is how incompetents like AOC and pure effing a-holes like Pelosi and Schumer get and stay in office.

        Liked by 1 person

      • April 24, 2020 4:36 am

        And that is exactly why Obama became President, he sounded good.


    • April 23, 2020 7:00 pm

      Made a mistake…..

      Given her silver spoon upbringing, that she never acknowledges, she does NOT understand things like kids and feeding them and rent and utilities and car payments and insurance and all that complicated stuff that real people deal with.

      Liked by 1 person

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