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Hundreds of COVID-19 lawsuits headed to courts

May 2, 2020

  It has taken quite a bit longer than I had thought it would be we are finally starting to see some blow back against the various State leaders and their stay at home orders. We have seen the protests slowly ramp up in different States but we know this really could start to boil over because even people in the liberal bastions of New York and California are starting to fight back.

  When Governor Sununu of New Hampshire issued a stay at home order his authority was quickly challenged in the courts and just as quickly dismissed but now a month or so later there are hundreds of lawsuits set to hit the dockets. Here is more:

Hundreds of lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus pandemic are rapidly amassing in state and federal courts, the first wave of litigation challenging decisions made early during the crisis by corporations, insurance companies and governments.

Claims have been filed against hospitals and senior-living facilities, airlines and cruise lines, fitness chains and the entertainment industry – 771 as of Friday, according to a database compiled by Hunton Andrews Kurth, an international law firm tracking cases that emerge from the pandemic. The volume and variety make painfully clear that, throughout the United States, the virus has caused widespread devastation and hardship, and that the full scope of its economic toll remains to be seen.

Complaints reach across industries and state lines. Some seek significant monetary damages. Others ask for a judge to correct actions alleged to be harmful or in violation of contractual agreements.

  There is only so much people can take and we could be reaching a breaking point. Some people have had everything taken from them in the blink of an eye. They did not lose their jobs, their livelihoods, their means of survival, they had it taken from them and they are right to be upset, and yet people call them selfish for finally starting to fight back against a situation which was not of their doing? Against something that has been perpetrated against them? Against something they might never recover from? Tell me again who the selfish ones are? 

  It will be interesting to see how these lawsuits play out, I am sure many of them will be thrown out, but it is good to see people are not as complacent as I thought they were.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

11 Comments leave one →
  1. peter3nj permalink
    May 2, 2020 9:03 am

    Will thEre be lawsuits naming the ChiComs as defendants?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peter3nj permalink
    May 2, 2020 9:52 am

    Off topic:
    MSNBC today Joe Biden live interview with Al Sharpton @5:00. Should be worth its weight in gold for a few laughs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. May 2, 2020 3:42 pm

    Witnessing how ‘evil’ plays ‘fair’.
    Liar, cheat and fraud … then they berate or manipulate people’s ’emotions’ calling them ‘selfish’!
    The very ugly things they are they “project on others” to control and steal everything they can!

    Liked by 1 person


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