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Biden insider confirms email legitimacy and Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s business dealings

October 22, 2020

While the left is trying to discredit Rudy Giuliani by claiming he was working with the Russians to release the emails from Hunter Biden’s computer nobody on the left, including good ole Uncle Joe or Hunter Biden himself, has denied that the emails are legitimate.

Every day it gets worse and worse for Joe and Hunter Biden and today was no exception. Not only is nobody denying the legitimacy of the emails, but now a family insider is admitting the emails are legitimate. Here is more:

Bobulinski, the recipient of one of the emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop, went public on Wednesday night with a statement saying he confirms its authenticity and detailed how former Vice President Joe Biden — the Democrat nominee for president in this year’s election, which is just over 10 days away — was personally involved in many dealings with his son’s business associates.

But that is just the beginning:

Biden family insider Tony Bobulinski has provided a trove of documents to U.S. Senate investigators from the Senate Homeland Security and Senate Finance Committees, Breitbart News has learned.

In them, text messages, emails, and other documents illustrate a larger picture of concern regarding the Biden family’s operating procedures, and deep connections that Joe Biden himself has to all of this.

text messages reveal details about the negotiations between Chinese officials and the Biden family. In one 2017 text message, Hunter Biden himself says that a Chinese investor intended to become partners with him in order to “be partners with the Bidens.”

But the most damning of all the documents in my mind is the following one in which he mentions not to mention Joe’s name as being in connection with any of this.

“Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face,” Biden family associate James Gilliar—the head of J2cR—says in one WhatsApp text message that Bobulinski provided to the Senate committees. “I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

How funny is it that the proof of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealing comes from a man who put Joe Biden’s name into writing while telling people not to put Joe’s name into writing? But I digress…

This of course flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he had nothing to do with his son’s business dealings. And we should never forget that the Democrats impeached Donald Trump and tried to have him removed from office because he wanted the Ukraine to look into all of this in the first place.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

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