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Barack Obama to Hurricane Sandy victims: “We leave nobody behind”

October 30, 2012

 Unlike what happened during the Benghazi attack Barack Obama decided to don his Commander-in-Chief hat and take control of hurricane response and rescue efforts thereby showing the American people he was a true leader.

  Today he reassured hurricane victims (of which I was one before Barack Obama singlehandedly restored power to Kingston, New Hampshire) that we had nothing to worry about because he had our backs:

This is a tough time for a lot of people; millions of folks all across the Eastern Seaboard, but America’s tougher. And we’re tougher because we pull together, we leave nobody behind, we make sure we respond as a nation and remind ourselves that whenever an American is in need, all of stand together to make sure we’re providing the help that’s necessary.  

  That is fine, I have nothing against Barack Obama making it known that people who are affected by this storm will receive the help they need to make it through, but I just wish he had felt the same way when the terrorist  attack in Benghazi was taking place.

    There were four people there who needed help from Barack Obama-Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, and Sean Smith–in fact they cried out for help three times but were ignored by Barack Obama even as he watched the attack carried out in real time.

  In that case Barack Obama did in fact leave four people behind and did not give them the help they needed and requested. I suppose it is much easier for Barack Obama to sit in Washington and coordinate a response to a hurricane at home than it is for him to make a tough decision regarding our heroes abroad, but that doesn’t make his inaction in Benghazi any more acceptable.

  In fact I would say he is over compensating in regards to Hurricane Sandy to show the American people that he really is the leader he failed to be when it came to Benghazi and I think the American people are not being fooled by this one bit because they can now compare and contrast his differing reactions to Benghazi and Sandy and they see a man who failed to live up to the most important duty he was entrusted with.

24 Comments leave one →
  1. October 30, 2012 7:48 pm

    He thought he could hide Benghazi. He knew he couldn’t hide Sandy


    • October 30, 2012 7:56 pm

      Obama can’t hide anything… And it’s ALL coming back on him…


    • October 30, 2012 8:38 pm

      Good point, but I think Sandy has helped to expose Benghazi even though the MSM thought they could use Sandy to bury Benghazi.


  2. John Carey permalink
    October 30, 2012 7:59 pm

    First off, our prayers go out to all those who are dealing with this event. As for Obama, this is nothing more than political theater for him. Using this crisis to improve his own battered image. Let’s not forget how the President has failed over and over these last four years. Let’s not forget about Fast and Furious, the gulf oil spill, the Arab spring, 8.1 percent unemployment, and of course the loss of four brave Americans in Benghazi. Looking Presidential one time in four years is simply not getting it done.


    • October 30, 2012 8:41 pm

      You’ve got that right John, this is nothing but a political maneuver designed to improve Obama’s image and it couldn’t have come at a better time for him. But at this point I hope it is too little too late. He has four years of failure and one week of success (at least as the MSM gauges it) is not going to erase his record.


    • LD Jackson permalink
      October 31, 2012 7:00 am

      Amen to that.


  3. October 30, 2012 8:24 pm

    Glad to see you back in the saddle, I hope there was not too much damage. As for Benghazi, it is vital that coverage of the Benghazi Cover Up not get blown away. Obama is disgusting in some of his comments about Sandy. All of his fake heroics were never applied to that night in Benghazi. Now here he is, trying to stand 10 feet tall when he is the lowest of the low. I bet Chris Mathews had a tingle up his leg all day watching Obama strut around.

    Now in addition to those who died in Benghazi, General Ham, and I think also a Navy Admiral have been removed from command. General Ham contradicted Panetta when Panetta tried to say Ham agreed with him about not sending troops in. So he has suddenly been forced to retire. How telling. Now a distinguished general has just had his career destroyed because of Dear Leader. He is another casualty of this cover up. And if what I am hearing about this admiral is true, so is he. This story must not be allowed to go away. I know Sandy was horrible, but this cover up must be exposed for what it is. I think we are just seeing the tip of the iceburg, this scandal runs very deep and concerns our national security.


    • October 30, 2012 8:45 pm

      Thanks, we came out of this unscathed other than not having power for over 24 hours–nothing compared to what others are going through.
      I have heard the same about General ham and the Navy admiral as well and it seems as if the cover up is growing. The media is going to use Sandy as an excuse to not talk about Benghazi right up until election day but I think there are many Americans who want to know what happened who are not going to forget about this on November 6th.


  4. Anonymous permalink
    October 30, 2012 8:32 pm

    He will make this claim only because there no way he can figure out how tell the world that he defeated Mother Nature along with defeating Al Qaeda.


    • October 30, 2012 8:46 pm

      And in case you didn’t hear, he took out Osama bin Laden all by himself. The man is a superhero. 🙂


  5. lou222 permalink
    October 30, 2012 9:07 pm

    I believe nothing he says, nothing….so it really doesn’t matter what comes out of his mouth. Empty words. Glad you are back, Steve.


    • October 30, 2012 9:10 pm

      Thanks Lou, glad to be back! I am with you, I just assume that when Barack Obama is speaking he is lying and I find I am right much more often then I am wrong.


      • lou222 permalink
        October 30, 2012 9:15 pm

        I remember the ice storm a few years back,,,we had one of those big C-crane…(I am sure that is spelled wrong) radios,,,that had am/fm and shortwave on it…you had to crank it for 30 minutes use time….i did that over and over,,,i have to have “noise” most the time of some sort…and the cracking of the branches before they came down from the weight of the ice was horrible. We had candles, but I missed the things we take for granted.


  6. October 30, 2012 11:03 pm

    I’d love to see Mitt Romney donate a million to the Salvation Army expressly for Hurricane Sandy relief. That would diss the Red Cross elitist assholes, make NOMObama look like a cheapskate and show people who the REAL man is in this race. MSNBC was crapping all over Romney because he was helping to collect food, batteries, blankets, etc over in Ohio. Said he was politicizing and not doing what the red cross said to do. Who died and made those twerps king? What a waste of human flesh that bunch of moronic turds over there are.


  7. LD Jackson permalink
    October 31, 2012 7:02 am

    Well said, Steve. Obama’s response to Sandy has been nothing like his response to Benghazi. Glad to see you back at the grindstone.


    • October 31, 2012 8:31 pm

      Thanks Larry, it is good to be back. Obama is obviously trying to make up for his stumbling on Benghazi, but of course this was a much easier decision to make and it didn’t take any courage unlike the decision he had to make in Benghazi. I think this highlights the fact that he just isn’t up to making tough decisions yet is more than willing to take credit for making the easy ones.


  8. bunkerville permalink
    October 31, 2012 10:56 am

    Thankfully a week from now the voting will be over. Then, we can only hope that our nation can start to gettingvback to what our founders gave us.


    • October 31, 2012 8:32 pm

      I hope so bunker, of course it will be much easier to do so if we are rid of Barack Obama.


  9. October 31, 2012 1:12 pm

    If this cowardly wimp at the helm of the economy and military has taught us anything, it is that one incapable man holding all power with virtually no one to answer to is indeed dangerous. A solution to any future community organizer’s attempt to consolidate all power under one man rule would be a Triumverate ala Rome after Ceaser’s murder. Surely any pissant like Obama would right away be dispatched to the land of 72 virgins and then the strongest of the remaining two would ultimately triumph. Maybe a man of proven strength and fortitude would be better than a lying, blame the other guy, hope and change pimp the likes of which we have suffered under these past four years. Enough if his flower power ; give us Attila, General Sherman, General Patton, anyone with a set of balls unafraid to scorch the earth of the Middle East


    • October 31, 2012 8:34 pm

      I’m not sure that man exists anymore but it does make us long for the days when men were men.


  10. lou222 permalink
    October 31, 2012 6:47 pm

    I saw this and thought you might want to see the comparison:


  11. October 31, 2012 8:37 pm

    I’ve seen this before but it is always worth watching again. I think it tells us quite a bit about the moral in our military these days.



  1. Remember Benghazi

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