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Barack Obama refuses to say when he knew about the Benghazi attack or who he told to protect the personnel that were there

October 30, 2012

  When Mitt Romney tried to pressure Barack Obama during the second debate on Benghazi–before Candy Crowley interfered and saved the president–Barack Obama made the claim that the minute he learned about the attack he issued a directive to do whatever it took to secure all our personnel in Benghazi.

  This is a claim he repeated last Friday during an interview on Denver television:

“I can tell you, as I’ve said over the last couple of months since this happened, the minute I found out what was happening, I gave three very clear directives.

“Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to,” Obama continued.

“Number two, we’re going to investigate exactly what happened so that it doesn’t happen again.

Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice”

   In light of that recent interview CNSNews sent the White House a letter asking some questions including: When did the president learn about the attack? Who did he tell to secure our personnel in Benghazi? Did he watch the event in real time as has been reported, and if he didn’t watch it what was he doing instead?

    Of course we know that Barack Obama WAS watching the attack in real time and we know that people on the ground in Benghazi asked for backup three times and were denied, but it would have been nice to hear the president take responsibility for once but needless to say this letter went unanswered.

  CNSNews then contacted the White House looking for answers, and oddly enough, they were told to contact Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. So CNSNews contacted the Barack Obama campaign and of course they have not had an answer.

  This leads me to conclude that either Barack Obama issued a directive to somebody and it was ignored, and if that is the case that person should already have resigned or been fired, or Barack Obama never issued a directive and is lying to the American people, and if that is the case the American people should fire Barack   Obama next Tuesday. The fact that nobody has resigned, and the fact that Barack Obama hasn’t fired the person who ignored his directive, is proof to me that the latter is the case.

  Barack Obama has not come clean with the American people about what happened in Benghazi and he can hide behind an investigation all he wants to but the bottom line here is that Barack Obama must be hiding something or he would have already set the record straight and held the proper people accountable. His silence on this issue is quite damning indeed.

21 Comments leave one →
  1. bunkerville permalink
    October 30, 2012 7:17 pm

    My guess Valerie Jarrett gave Obama the order to go to bed and forget about it. She Claims to be the one half of his brain. Half of half a brain leaves her. Sandy has slowed this down big time.


    • October 30, 2012 8:53 pm

      Sandy has slowed this down as the media has been given a golden opportunity to ignore the story. Hopefully there are still enough people out there paying attention to this.


  2. October 30, 2012 7:43 pm

    This Benghazi fiasco is going to keep blowing up. I had to take a break from it today, but tomorrow I will be in full rage mode again. This is beginning to look more like treason every day that passes. It is not easy for me to go there, but that is what it is beginning to look like to me.


    • October 30, 2012 8:55 pm

      I hear you Jim, I don’t use the word ‘impeachment’ here but I have to believe if Obama gets reelected impeachment will be on the table once all the details are learned about this fiasco.


  3. lou222 permalink
    October 30, 2012 9:11 pm

    He can’t answer the questions, OR he would incriminate himself…why would he do that? He thinks if he just ignores the questions that they will stop coming his way and everything will be all better….happened before on most everything he has done,,,why would he expect otherwise this time? BUT, this time is different, we have way too much at stake to let him off the hook and let it slide, once again…the media just can’t justify what he has done….we are not buying what he is selling this time….not that any of us ever did. Jim, I know what you mean about “taking a break”, be sure and take your BP meds,,,I have to remember to.


    • October 31, 2012 8:41 pm

      Yeah, he is relaying on the MSM to provide him cover on this issue like they have on every issue in the past and they are doing their best not to let him down, But this is not working this time, I just saw a poll on Breitbart which says even with the media blackout on Benghazi 51% of Americans disapprove they way he has handled it. The word is getting out there and we must keep pushing this issue until we know the truth.


  4. MaddMedic permalink
    October 30, 2012 9:50 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word… and commented:
    Obama…lies, lying and bullshit are all he knows.


  5. Georgia Peach permalink
    October 30, 2012 11:35 pm

    This article I found is worth reading if you have not already seen it.
    Benghazi attack was an inside job
    “Perhaps the most startling revelation that has come out of all this, however, happens to be the fact that two armed drones with video surveillance happened to be hovering over the attack scene almost the entire evening, feeding live video of the attacks in progress to officials at the White House, Pentagon and State Department… With the Commander-in-Chief being the only individual that has the authority to order a stand-down in the event Americans are under attack by, what most people mistakenly believe are, enemy forces. “


    • lou222 permalink
      October 31, 2012 7:45 am

      GP, I am of the opinion that what the article states is true. I believe that it was an inside job and that it was just F&F on steroids, gone wrong. I also think that it was Obama that shut down any chance of those men being rescued, because if they had been, what would they have told us about a botched operation??? Were they that involved in something illegal that to survive would have taken down this administration? Where are the survivors that our brave men were able to get out of there? Are they being held somewhere so they cannot speak? Would they know about any plot or mission, or were they just there doing an honest days work? This administration is in pretty deep this time and as usual, the media is covering for them. At what point does the media need to step back and say they are aiding and abetting a “criminal” activity? Ever? What else could you call it? Couple that with F&F alone and shouldn’t the president and at the very least Jarrett, Clinton and Holder be in prison for crimes committed? Now we have Sandy and this will most likely be swept under the rug the best they can….plus going after Romney about bringing in supplies instead of just donating money…what about the Obamas”, are they not wealthy, as well? We always seem to have something else they can focus on to get Obama and administration off the hook, NOT THIS TIME! We need to keep posting and spreading the word…this is our last chance! Well, that is my opinion anyway.


    • October 31, 2012 8:45 pm

      I hadn’t read this particular article but I have heard rumors this was a hit on Stevens because he was getting to the truth on arms smuggling into Turkey, and with his record with Fast and Furious I don’t doubt it for a second.


  6. lou222 permalink
    October 31, 2012 8:00 am

    I just read an article from the Washington Post, it had the word “lingering”, in the article title…they have lingering questions about Benghazi!! My thought when I read that was,,,are they already putting the whole episode out to pasture? Lingering to me means almost an after thought, that they have moved on BUT, they still wonder about it! Seriously, are they that stupid? You know what I think about stupid people, but do they think we will move on because they are dismissing the whole episode as not worth reporting on now?


    • October 31, 2012 8:47 pm

      I hope you are wrong about that, I hope that the COngress presses on with this no matter who wins on Tuesday!


  7. October 31, 2012 8:27 am

    For the first time since Sunday evening we have contact with the outside world here in northern NJ. I hear Obama is once again up in the polls. It looks like only Obama can fuck with Mother Nature.


    • lou222 permalink
      October 31, 2012 10:01 am

      Glad to hear you are up and running, we sure rely on this internet for our info, don’t we? Up in the polls? Probably only in the media’s dreams, but that is what they will report and hope the stupid people believe them.


      • October 31, 2012 11:43 am

        That was reported on WABC radio this morning.
        We have only generator supplied power which we use sparingly since gasoline is not readily available. The only Internet available is on via my I-phone. Do you think cabin fever will be covered under obamacare?


      • lou222 permalink
        October 31, 2012 1:52 pm

        Maybe next year, who knows! I know that cabin fever well. Hang in there. As for the reporting…it figures, WABC.


      • October 31, 2012 8:50 pm

        Yeah, don’t put too much stock on the ABC poll, everything seems to be holding steady at this point.


    • October 31, 2012 8:48 pm

      Glad to hear you are okay and back with us, I haven’t seen anything to show that Obama has gained from this storm yet. I think it is going to have a minimal effect, if any.


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