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The Congress will investigate NASA global warming temperature ‘adjustments’

February 22, 2015

 In the last couple of weeks there  have been some reports which allege NASA has been “adjusting” some temperatures from bygone years in order to make it appear as if the earth is warming when in fact it might not be. Some of these “adjustments” have been called “breathtaking.”  I meant to do a post on this issue but I never got around to it.

  Here is some more background on this:

We have written many times about the fact that the scientific agencies which are keepers of the world’s historical temperature data are all, or nearly all, under the control of warmists. These warmists have systematically altered historic temperature records, so that the temperatures they report today for past eras are not the same as what were measured, say, 70 or 80 years ago. The effect of these adjustments is strikingly consistent: they almost always make the past look cooler than it was measured at the time, so that the present looks warmer by comparison. The opposite–an adjustment that results in reporting a historic temperature higher than what was published contemporaneously–never, or almost never, happens. These adjustments may or may not be explained; sometimes, they are kept quiet until someone stumbles across the original data and points out a discrepancy.

    If this is true one has to wonder why these temperatures are being adjusted, although the fact that the temperatures are almost always adjusted down gives us more than a little insight, and one also has to wonder how NASA can properly make these adjustments so many years later. How can the science be settled if the temperatures are not?

  This in my opinion calls into question the credibility of the whole global warming alarmist agenda and those who are trying to manipulate public opinion.

  It is now being reported that the Congress is going to investigate these allegations. Here is more:

Climate change scientists who adhere to the theory of global warming have been strident in their insistence that the Earth is warming and that humans are causing it is “settled science.” However,after revelations have come to light that NASA had been “adjusting” the raw data from ground-based temperature stations to suggest more warming than the data indicate, the veracity of global warming has been placed in doubt. Now, according to a Friday story in the Daily Caller, the practice will be the subject of a Congressional investigation.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-California, has tweeted that such hearings will be forthcoming. Rohrabacher is the vice chair of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. What form the hearings will take has yet to be determined.

  I would consider this to be good news but the lack of results from recent investigations, such as Benghazi, the IRS targeting scandal, and Fast and Furious lead me to believe nothing will come from this. Once again the Congress will put on a show and make it appear as if they are doing something when in fact the Congress will do nothing. We have seen this act before…

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

32 Comments leave one →
  1. February 22, 2015 8:11 pm

    Could you get them to knock it up a few degrees? -30′ C is a bit on the cool side.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. futuret permalink
    February 22, 2015 8:48 pm


    Liked by 1 person

    • February 23, 2015 6:34 am

      That is a great point; corruption investigating corruption and we are supposed to believe anything is going to come from this?! Make believe is all it is!


  3. February 22, 2015 9:24 pm

    I agree that little will be accomplished and that is a terrible shame. Those responsible for falsifying climate data at the UN and NASA belong in jail. They have committed crimal fraud on an unimagineble scale. Think of the hindreds of billions of dollars that have been needlessly spent trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. Of course, Al Gore and his crony palls have made billions off of this scam.

    Liked by 1 person

    • February 23, 2015 6:35 am

      I agree Jim! If this is true and the numbers are being changed to foist a massive fraud on the people of the world than somebody has to go to jail!


  4. CTWalter permalink
    February 23, 2015 1:41 am

    At the core of all the global warming lemmings is the belief that humans are great and terrible; sort of like OZ. They seem to think that the world is small and fragile and we are vastly great, and destructive beings. On one hand they believe humans are parasites, and yet claim to believe in evolution. If we have evolved to the top, we should be content at being at the top. At the same time, they believe that the pure earth should be saved from the evil humans and the population should be reduced to about a tenth of current numbers so we will stop spoiling nature. The truth is that we are insignificant and the world is much larger than we can comprehend. The bio systems that sustain life are so complex that we barely comprehend them. Of course we have an obligation to care for and wisely use the resources at hand. We need to learn not to crap where we live and to handle our waste with wisdom and intelligence. We need to be smart with our resources for economical reasons, not the new/old age religion of ‘green’ where worship of the earth mother is more important than human lives. The intelligence of the ‘greenies’ is so convoluted and self contradictory that any supporters who apply logic to it should be embarrassed. But finally more and more scientists are speaking out and are not afraid of the fear tactics to silence the ‘climate change deniers. And of course congress is useless. But that is an entirely different article and set of comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Zip-a-Dee permalink
    February 23, 2015 4:08 pm

    For ‘appearance sake’, going thru the motions. Yes, it would be GREAT if there were a majority who actually did the job of representing the people rather than their own self interests and that of their masters (the Agenda – The System). It would be nice to see NASA pursue a worthwhile purpose – like ship all those in the Legislative and Judicial “System” (plus their masters) into space, for a oneway trip. Start over with a fresh crop until then got polluted and ship them out too. Now THAT would be a functioning NASA!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Zip-a-Dee permalink
        February 23, 2015 6:08 pm

        The farther society – a Nation of people – stray from the light (truth of God) the darker it gets, more ungodly. Yep, David Reagan’s right about ‘spiritual sickness and blindness’. We aren’t Israel, but we can learn from their mistake. The more they went into idolatry and serving other gods and their fallen flesh nature (doing it ‘their way ‘instead of God’s way), the sicker and more depraved they became. This world is waxing old (the youth of purity fading and losing its substance, its luster), but the LORD’s salvation shall be for ever, and His righteousness shall not be abolished.There is our ‘true HOPE.’

        Liked by 1 person

    • February 23, 2015 8:15 pm

      Yes Zip, they are just going through the motions. Again this is the Hegelian Dialectic on full display. Create the problem and the opposition and then implement the predetermined solution.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pjetermc3 permalink
    February 23, 2015 4:59 pm

    As a child of the 50’s I remembered freezing my balls off in the winter and sweating my balls off in the summer. And today, 60 years later I freeze my ass off in the winter and sweat my ass off in the summer. So much for settled science… 🐘🐴🐘🐴🐘🐴🐘🐴

    Liked by 1 person

    • Zip-a-Dee permalink
      February 23, 2015 6:10 pm

      If this continues you won’t have anything else to freeze off of you …! Settling like gravity.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pjetermc3 permalink
        February 23, 2015 7:42 pm

        Hey Zip, I’m still officiating high school varsity basketball and soccer. I’ve taken a lickin but I keep on tickin…

        Liked by 2 people

    • February 23, 2015 8:17 pm

      Funny how suddenly it being cold in the Winter and warm in the Summer is now not normal after all these years…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. February 23, 2015 6:27 pm

    I had read that there was relocation of many sites, closer to the cities, thus giving a warmer temp.

    Liked by 1 person

    • February 23, 2015 8:18 pm

      I have heard the same thing as well.


      • Dr. Jeff permalink
        March 23, 2015 8:35 pm

        …and the cities grew into areas that had been purely rural as well. That wasn’t enough for the Warmists, so they cooked the base data as well.

        Something about me: My father was a college professor at a major university. In academic circles, he was a real big guy. I spent over 30 years of my life seeing first hand the internal politics of the academic world at a high level. The ONLY reason Glowbal Warming is “settled science” is because there’s a shot caller, like my dad, telling his minions what to say.

        Liked by 1 person

      • March 23, 2015 8:49 pm

        There is no doubt in my mind that what you wrote is true, there are people calling the shots from above and they are attempting to control the narrative…



  1. Experts under fire for releasing a report which claims the global warming models are wrong | America's Watchtower
  2. FEMA to deny funds to States with global warming ‘deniers’ for Governors | America's Watchtower
  3. FEMA To Deny Funds To States With Global Warming ‘Deniers’ For Governors | The Silent Soldier
  4. Barbara Lee claims global warming will turn women into prostitutes | America's Watchtower
  5. Scientist admits that man is “very good” for plants, animals, and wildlife | America's Watchtower
  6. More countries caught ‘adjusting’ temperatures to make it appear as if the earth is warming | America's Watchtower
  7. Citing ‘adjusted’ data NOAA claims there is no global warming hiatus | America's Watchtower
  8. Scientists call for investigating ‘climate deniers’ using the RICO Act | America's Watchtower
  9. German professor confirms NASA has been changing historical data to create global warming | America's Watchtower
  10. NOAA is using compromised temperature stations to promote global warming | America's Watchtower

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