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Have Americans Become too Sensitive?

January 21, 2008

 Have Americans become to sensitive?

That is the question that I have been thinking about for the last several days. I first started thinking about this when William R. Farr made the following comment meant as a joke at an event:

“I have a telegram from the White House.” Then he added, “They’re going to have to change the name of that building if Obama’s elected.”

 To me this remark was not meant as mean-spirited, condescending, or malicious. It was simply a joke. It was a play on words, yet just look at the reaction that it drew:

Witnesses said they could hear people gasp in the ballroom of the Adam’s Mark Hotel. “I gasped,” said Gov. Bill Ritter

 People gasped and were shocked. Were they really offended or did they just “feel” like they were supposed to be offended? That is what got to me the most about this. The fact that political correctness has gotten us to the point in this country where anybody can be offended by anything at anytime. Who is to decide what is offensive anyway? And why are we no longer allowed to say anything offensive? Political correctness is a deliberate attack on free speech. Because something may offend somebody doesn’t mean it isn’t true or shouldn’t be said. I am not talking about the above comment here, rather speaking on general terms. Americans have become too sensitive. By this I mean that they are too easily offended. If you think I may be over-reacting, let us look at a couple of recent happenings.

 Jada Pinkett Smith gave a speech last year at Harvard University, during this speech she said the following:

“Women, you can have it all—a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career,” she said. “They say you gotta choose. Nah, nah, nah. We are a new generation of women. We got to set a new standard of rules around here. You can do whatever it is you want. All you have to do is want it.”

This was meant as an uplifting ans motivational speech explaining to young women that they could have a family and career, that they didn’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong. Here is the reaction it drew:

“Some of the content was extremely heteronormative, and made BGLTSA members feel uncomfortable,” he said.

 She had to apologize later that week because she was being insensitive to gays by saying you could have a husband and a career. She wasn’t sensitive to the lesbians in the crowd. They were offended and uncomfortable.

 Another example, again from Harvard:

Harvard University president  Lawrence H. Summers has provoked a new storm of controversy by suggesting that the shortage of elite female scientists may stem in part from “innate” differences between men and women.

 This man had the balls to say that men and women might be different. Holy shit, who would have thunk it? This drew a firestorm of criticism as the quote was interpreted as meaning women were inferior to men, when in fact he was listing several possible reasons why women didn’t do as well in science as men. He was not saying men were superior, yet he was forced to resign.

 This is where we stand now in this country. Everybody is too sensitive, hell Obama is a smoker yet he is afraid to smoke in public because he is afraid of the backlash. He is too sensitive of his smoking and what others may think of him because of it. So how did we get to this point? Political correctness is how.

 The first I remember hearing the term “politically correct” was probably in the early 1990’s. Anything that was controversial or stereotypical was seen as not politically correct. We have been indoctrinated over time to stop saying things that may be unpopular or insensitive. We were told “you can’t say that, it is not politically correct”. There were even times when I was told “that may be true, but it’s not politically correct.” As if I give a damn if something is politically correct, if it’s true its true, regardless of whether it is politically alright to say it. Who the hell does the government think they are to tell Americans what they can and can’t say?

 Political correctness started as a means to break down the walls of stereotypes by limiting what people can say around different groups of people, yet the opposite has occurred. The politically correct movement has built more walls around people because when someone looks at another person they now see a gender, race, or sexual preference and immediately put up a filter on what the can and can’t say as to not offend anyone. People see others as a member of a particular group instead of another person.

 On top of this, political correctness has also taught people that they should be offended by the words of others. People have become too easily offended by everything. I am offended by people who are always offended and are always playing the victim card. Speaking of the victim card, political correctness has also led everyone to believe they are a victim of something. Nobody is accountable for their own actions because they are taught that the system is unfair and they don’t have a chance.

 This has made Americans too sensitive on two issues. First Americans are too afraid to say anything that might be offensive. And I am pretty sure the constitution doesn’t limit free speech to non-offensive speech. Secondly it has turned Americans into a bunch of pansies, yeah I said pansies I don’t care if it is politically correct. People have become too sensitive because they have been taught that nothing controvercial or offensive is ever supposed to be said, so when something is said that they don’t like they can’t deal with it other than to become offended. Their feelings get hurt and instead of standing up for themselves the feel sorry for themselves.

 America is being driven apart by the very vehicle that was supposed to bring us together, political correctness. America used to be known as the melting pot, where people of all nationalities could come together as one and join together as one nation. Now however, due to another politically correct ideal, multi-culturism, America is more like a crock pot where the ingredients are thrown in together but instead of becoming one, we stay seperate and “coexist.”

 I do believe Americans have become too sensitive, what do you think?

37 Comments leave one →
  1. Gram Andrews permalink
    January 22, 2008 10:00 am

    I think it is a method of brain-washing…was a time when a person was different and stood up for what they believed, they were considered brave. Now it is called intolerant. Not only do we have to agree-to-disagree, we have to actually agree.


  2. January 24, 2008 4:22 pm

    Great post. I cannot agree more.
    No where in the Constitution or Bill of Rights is there a right to NOT be offended. As a matter of fact the right to free speech is the right to be offensive.
    People need to grow some thicker skin. I am tired of sitting at work watching what I say because I might offend a minority, all the while they say things that if I said, they would find offensive. It is pure, Grade A bullshit.


  3. patrick permalink
    May 30, 2010 8:00 pm

    Yes americans are way to sensitive.You yanks always bag australia for being racist just because of some stupid ads that you all misinterpreted. White americans are just as bad you treated the native folk like crap for a long long time and were racist as all hell towards african americans. Fuck americans you are all whining babies


    • January 3, 2015 2:35 am

      Fuck you and whatever piece of shit country you’re from! We’re a nation that’s welcomed countless individuals, while exhibiting valor through adversity. We’ve allowed them the opportunity to prosper. Can your country say the same?


  4. retardedamerican permalink
    July 4, 2010 7:19 pm

    don’t forget to mention how we americans believed the US gov’t when we were told that the 9/11 bombings were caused by terrorists. it was just a conspiracy to make people support the war.


  5. Silence Dogood permalink
    February 13, 2011 8:51 pm

    Your post is spot on. Political Correctness is a way for elements within the government to censor and control the people without offically repealing the right to free speech. If one says anything not deemed “appropriate” they risk their career and social standing because the populous has been brainwashed and blackmailed into being “offended” or they will suffer the same fate. This fake morality prevents respectable people from rightly correcting others who are part of an offendable group. This is resulting in the real offenders getting their way. However it can’t go on for ever. There is too much pent up rage and it will eventually bust at the seams.


  6. Old Marine permalink
    May 7, 2011 2:15 pm

    Are we going to morph some part of the Constitution to guarantee a persons right to not be offended?

    I am afraid we might not need to. Already you get fired from your job, ostracized by friends and family, and smeared in the press just for saying something. Even if it is correct.

    The thought police are everywhere. Unless you are a member of some protected group be careful of what you say. You will be labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe,etc. There will be no arguement in your favor. Your accuser will not care about facts or logic. They will not have to defend their labeling you.

    I judge each on his or her merits and actions. I have no obligation to like someone or something because it would be PC to do so.


    • May 7, 2011 8:54 pm

      I agree 100%! There is no right to not ever be offended, sometimes people say things that I do not like but that does not mean they shouldn’t be allowed to say it. We need to get over this whole mentallity that people can’t say anything because it might offend somone.


  7. August 10, 2011 2:06 pm

    Steven, way to go for writing such a bold article! I couldn’t agree more. I am the type of person who is typically bold in what I say, but yet time and time again, I’m told to lower my voice, or watch what I say because heaven forbid, I might offend someone! So then I put things to the test at times, and sure enough, when I say something too bold (not mean spirited, but just bold like calling someone out on wrong doings) I get their pity poor me-you’ve just hurt my feelings card.


    • August 10, 2011 4:28 pm

      Thank you, we have reached a point in this country where almost anything that a person says there will be someone who takes offense to it. I would argue that the freedom of speech was meant to protect words that people say that may be controversial to others, it is this type of speech that is protected and yet political correctness is helping to reverse one of out basic freedoms.


    • David permalink
      June 24, 2012 4:31 am

      In what way are you saying it. Sometimes the way we do call someone on the carpet can be offensive eventhough we didn’t mean to be.


  8. Rebecca permalink
    January 11, 2012 2:14 pm

    Ive lived in america for 6 years and beside the fact that everybody appeared polite and meant well, there was something very plastic about it. America is very sensitive because they have blind patriotism for their country. Its actually rather off putting.
    You say something and they think you’re being offensive toward America.
    Most of the rest of the world are moving forward with ideals but america (because they have had their turn on top) are acting like the petulant teenager and think they they are the best country in the world.
    Most Americans have never experianced other countires and cultures and you try to have a conversation with them and it almost always ends up being simply “Yeah we still saved your asses in WWII”
    – come on.


    • Razvitie permalink
      October 15, 2012 12:33 pm



    • justice permalink
      January 17, 2013 2:57 pm

      fuck yea america 2x world champs


    • Pavlovproject permalink
      July 22, 2013 4:37 pm

      So True Rebecca…and unfortunate that the vast majority of Americans resort to this “one” tactic!!!


  9. Brenna permalink
    February 28, 2012 6:35 pm

    You really did a great job on this piece. I honestly couldn’t agree more. If you want to extend on this issue, it’s not just what we say that people are being too fussy about, it’s what we display as well. For example, if you watched cartoons about ten years ago, you’d see Elmer Fudd shooting Bugs Bunny. Yeah, maybe there would be a little blood–followed by laughter–but that doesn’t mean I’m going to grow up to be a mass murderer! I’m sorry, but the things in life that I, and I’m assuming many others, find enjoyable are considered, today, as “inappropriate”. Regardless if these things are offensive or not, I should have the right to choose if I want to engage in them without being berated for it.


    • February 28, 2012 9:04 pm

      Thank you!


    • David permalink
      June 24, 2012 4:48 am

      I hate to say this but I go to a church, yes folks that’s right, a church, where I sometimes feel like I’m walking through an emotional mine field where if I so much as even remotely do the or say the wrong thing. BOOOOOM! Some drama queen sounds off. And I tell you, even when it comes to going to church a saying which I made up is true. “Every theater has a drama queen”.


  10. Joy permalink
    October 8, 2012 10:59 am

    I totally agree! On top of political correctness, people are looking into things to be offended by. If you write an e-mail with an exclamation point at the end, than prepare for all political-correctness hell to break loose!!


  11. Matt Kundert permalink
    March 16, 2013 7:08 pm

    Not adding anything to the conversation, but I felt I had to tell you how much I agree with and appreciate this article. I’m citing you in my high school censorship research paper. 🙂


  12. shoop permalink
    March 21, 2013 8:31 am

    This should to be all over tumblr. QUICK, SOMEONE REBLOG THIS!


  13. Craig permalink
    April 11, 2013 9:10 am

    @ Steve D.
    Well thoughtout and articulated post! Unfortunately, it speaks volumes of truth, that which the vast majority [again unfortunate] will not understand, let alone “consider” as thought provoking! It just proves how easily lead the masses eat up simple brainwashing schemes.


  14. June 19, 2013 2:04 pm

    Hate to comment so late on this….just found it with a Google search. People are sensitive about EVERYTHING. Make a small comment and BOOM….mountain out of a molehill. Someone posts a video, you can tell it was made with X product so you say I wish blah product had more features and boom…criticism.. Nothing at all was meant by the person who said it. I just don’t get what has happened to people’s backbones! Don’t they realize when mountains are made out of molehills that the arguments that they make just aren’t taken seriously by everyone? It gets to the point where there’s no communication happening at all because people are afraid to say anything for fear that they will offend someone for….not liking a video of their kids or something.


    • June 19, 2013 7:02 pm

      No need to apologize for joining the conversation late, I am glad that people are still reading this post. I couldn’t agree more with what you wrote!


  15. July 22, 2013 3:05 pm

    Amazingly while so many people will agree with you, I’m willing to bet that NONE of them would say this for themselves.


    • Pavlovproject permalink
      July 22, 2013 4:34 pm

      Good observation! Why do you think this is??


  16. Patricia permalink
    April 27, 2014 2:03 am

    I think being offended has turned into a tool for people to wield control over others. I see it at work all the time. If a manager has to correct an employee on job performance the employee is “offended” in some way. Its a ploy to refocus from the employees bad behavior to the manager, suddenly a manager is on trail in HR and questioned on if he or she “offended” an employee. It puts the employee in a position of power over the management. I think this is also one of the number one reasons companies are losing their competitive edge in the United States. Instead of a culture of excellence we have become a culture of mediocrity, because if we insist on excellence we will need to call out those slackers in the work force, and firing someone for poor job performance becomes risky because they may be offended during the process.


  17. BLake permalink
    September 20, 2014 2:44 am

    While I agree it doesn’t exactly hurt to not be a jerk or at least be tactful no? But certainly it’s gotten ridiculous these days, racism, sexism and homophobia are seen in everything! I say this a a black gay liberal too.

    I I kinda hate the free speech reference, free speech protect you from the government, not the public.


  18. Dana permalink
    September 25, 2014 3:11 pm

    This article is absolutely perfect. I wanted to write a persuasive forensics piece on the country becoming too sensitive, and this will definitely add to my argument. Thanks so much! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. freespeach...neverheardofit permalink
    February 23, 2015 1:26 pm

    Sensitivity, Something that drives me nutz. Around here they cancelled Halloween costumes in a school of 1,500 because… no joke 2 kids found some of the costumes offensive. I turned 16 3 months ago i talk how i want i don’t mean to offend anybody and i dont hate anybody because of their race or any reason if i find something offensive i don’t care say what you want i wont listen but then you get the cry baby 1990s hippies that i had to have a school meeting with once because i called my friend a homo 1 time… 1 TIME i didnt mean it as a mean way but this one time got me suspended for a few days. i read every comment and im thinking how im gonna use some of the points made in my argument next time i get called in to the dreaded office. now number 2 my friend was texting me he said butch instead of the other word for female dog (cant say it will be flagged for offensive by school internet) any way we were saying butch back and forth all day laughing at it and out lesbo teacher yells at us we had no clue at all what it ment but shee said it was offensive what i wanted to say was offensive but i kept quiet. and last thing this one you people might laugh at i had to download a proxy just to view this artical because it was flagged as adult/ offensive no lie. what a country i live in.


  20. September 8, 2015 1:38 am

    I needed this post. I feel this way all the time, especially sonce ©Target recently took away the separate signs for “girls” and “boys” toys to make it more gender neutral. They treat it like it’s segregation when it’s far from it. I understand equality but I feel like we are losing order by making neutral content, there needs to be standards. Honestly, there are more pressing issues than gender specific aisles at the store.

    Liked by 1 person

    • James Fuller permalink
      July 11, 2016 11:02 am

      Don t you think you are getting a little too *offended* and *sensitive* that the toys are no longer labeled so as to suggest that only certain ones are appropriate for boys or girls?


  21. WakeUpJacob permalink
    August 31, 2016 4:41 pm

    Today I got fired for having headphones in my ears. I said I was waiting patiently, so I thought why not enjoy a quick song. That was my worst decision of the day lol, not really the song was worth it. Long story short, I said nicely and calmly you guys have a hair up your ass. Then I said look, you can’t fire me because I quit! So they responded I wish you the best of luck in life. I said no you don’t, you guys are walking me to the door because of headphones in my ears. I say blame technology, no better yet, thank you technology. This is a example of political correctness just be too correct for the sake of not being offensive. So I’m going to end this comment by being offensive, go pluck that hair out your butt, I mean ass.

    Love you guys,


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