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Rush Limbaugh Endorses Mitt Romney

February 5, 2008

 Rush Limbaugh on his website today has endorsed Mitt Romney. This comes as no surprise because of his contempt for both McCain and Huckabee.

 Here is the statement as reported by

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney Tuesday, reversing his previous statement that he believed none of the GOP presidential contenders have all three legs of the conservative stool. In clarifying his statement, Limbaugh said he should have said “that at the outset of our campaign, there wasn’t one who had all three legs.” Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson did, “but he was never really a factor,” he said. “I think now, based on the way the campaign has shaken out, that there probably is a candidate on our side who does embody all three legs of the conservative stool, and that’s Romney,” Limbaugh said in a transcript on his Web site Tuesday. “The three stools or the three legs of the stool are national security/foreign policy, the social conservatives, and the fiscal conservatives. The social conservatives are the cultural people. The fiscal conservatives are the economic crowd: low taxes, smaller government, get out of the way,” he added.

 Let’s just hope it isn’t too little too late. I think it is.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. February 5, 2008 9:32 pm

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Rush is taking a lot of flak because of this, but I firmly believe that this election cycle is too crucial to just let things slide.

    I am getting nervous though, since I am watching the news coverage and Romney is trailing behind McCain AND Huck…

    What the hell is going on out there???


  2. February 5, 2008 9:46 pm

    It’s not looking good so far. I don’t know where conservatives are supposed to go from here.
    Rush was for Thompson but he never came out and endorsed him, perhaps if he did he would still be in the race. Now he comes out in favor of Romney, I am not surprised based on the two other candidates, but why did he wait so long to endorse anyone? It’s too late now.
    I’m still holding out hope until California comes in.


  3. February 6, 2008 7:44 am

    There’s still a possibility of an upset, but it’s slim. I’m hoping for plan B, which is Ron Paul dropping on to an independent ticket and telling the GOP where to stick it and then joining up with Nader to severely disrupt the traditional 2-party election.


  4. February 6, 2008 7:09 pm

    I have to say that I will probably be with you on this plan B. It is time to send a message and I don’t know what else we can do but show our displeasure by a protest vote for a third party candidate.


  5. February 7, 2008 1:31 pm

    Now is the time to ask where we go from here. Romney has thrown in the towel – which I think is a huge mistake. So what’s next? What do we do?

    I hope that the Romney supports don’t default to McCain. That would be the worst thing they could do…


  6. February 7, 2008 11:39 pm

    I don’t know where to go from here. I keep going through this in my mind and I come up blank. I don’t think it matters at this poit what Romney supporters do, it’s in the bag for McCain now.



  1. Rush Limbaugh’s On-Again, Off-Again Relationship with Mitt Romney | B.log

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