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Super Tuesday? Yeah Right!

February 6, 2008

 Last night turned out to be a huge disappointment. It is hard to figure out how I could be so disappointed because I had lowered my expectations so much that I thought I could accept this defeat of conservatism in the Republican party with ease. Not so. I am having trouble finding the words so I give you lyrics from a song called ” I Know It’s Over” by The Smiths:

                                                         I know it’s over

                                                         Still I cling

                                                         I don’t know where else I can go

 The worst part about this whole thing is all of the rumors that Mike Hickabee has worked out a backroom deal to be the pick of Juan McCain for vice president. To be clear, I have no intention of voting for McCain if he is the Republican nominee, but any chance that I might change my mind goes out the window with Huckabee as a running mate.

 In my opinion a Juan McCain/Mike Huckabee ticket is no better than a Hillary/Obama or Obama/Hillary ticket and I refuse to give either a vote. There is no real difference between either ticket and I will not be held responsible for the disaster of the next four years.

 I was originally of the position that at least McCain would be better on national security, but that is not really true. He has opposed waterboarding and agrees with granting GITMO detainees the rights of American citizens, so throw that issue out also.

 Where will McCain be better than Hillary or Obama?




National security-NO

Spending- Probably, whoopdy-freakin-do! I found the one issue. Is this enough for me to cast a vote for him. NO!

 The prospect of McCain, who continually assures us he will work with Democrats (read: give in to them), or Hillary or Obama elected president with an almost certain large majority in the house and senate is probably the scariest scenario that could have been painted, and now it is closer to reality.

 Welcome to the United Socialists of America.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. February 6, 2008 7:55 am

    Welcome to the “brave new world”… I hope you brought a helmet.

    Not only is McCain not going to be better than Clinton, he is actually far worse. What people apparently forgot (or just didn’t care about?) is that the very things that Clinton was scrutinized for by the Republicans are the things that McCain authored and she supported! Say what they want about Clinton, she just followed McCain – and while she was hammered over and over by Hannity and the rest of the Republican “faithful,” McCain gets rocketed ahead in the primaries.

    I’ll tell you one thing, if this is all because he is supposedly a “war hero” and is somehow deserving of this because of it, I’m going to really blow my top.


  2. February 6, 2008 11:08 pm

    I thought I had braced myself too but I have been very depressed all day. I always bounce back and I’m sure I’ll be better in a couple of days but right now I’m just grieving the loss that the Republican party is suffering.

    Once I’m done pouting I MAY be able to hold my nose and vote for McCain in the general but I probably won’t be able to if he picks Huckabee for the VP. I’m not letting the Huckster anywhere near the Whitehouse, I want a new slate of candidates come 2012. And no matter what I refuse to campaign for McCain. I’m not going to defend someone I despise and who has spit in my face.


  3. February 7, 2008 8:02 am

    Dee, you’re better than me then. There is nothing that McCain can do that would convince me to vote for him.

    While I won’t vote democrat, at least they’re honest about who and what they are… While McCain is dishonest to no end which I will not tolerate. Even if people stand for the wrong things (i.e. most liberals), as long as they’re honest I will give them the utmost respect over somebody who capitulates and lies.


  4. Dave Navarro permalink
    March 27, 2009 6:03 pm

    Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again – taking you feeds also, Thanks.


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