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I am Sick of Conservophobes

April 27, 2008

 This is the shit that I really get sick and tired of hearing and reading about.

David Plouffe( Obama’s Campaign Manager) tells Linda Douglass that real racists are probably voting Republican in any case:

“[T]he vast, vast majority of voters who would not vote for Barack Obama in November based on race are probably firmly in John McCain’s camp already,” he says.

 Somebody please explain to me why it is perfectly acceptable to hold stereotypes and prejudices such as the one above against conservative Republicans. Why is it that conservatives are the only group where it is not only acceptable to be bigoted towards, it is encouraged by people in the Democrat party?

  When liberals such as Obama’s campaign manager use rhetoric like he did above, where he claims that people who would vote against Obama because he is black are voting Republican anyway, he is calling us racists. This is an old, worn out stereotype and I am getting sick and fucking tired of having to listen to this bullshit time and time again.

 Last time I checked it is only Democrats who are voting against Obama right now, why are these people not considered racists? Because they are liberals and can’t possibly be racists? If you don’t think there are racists on both sides of the aisle you are just fooling yourself.

 People who paint conservatives with a broad brush and call us racists are nothing but conservophobes. They are afraid of our ideas so they try to devalue us and our ideas. Well, I for one am tired of it. I am tired of the bigotry being levied towards us. I am tired of how it is not considered wrong to stereotype us. Every other group in this country is now protected. I want the equal protection under the law that everyone else receives.

 Republicans aren’t voting for Obama, that is true Mr. Plouffe, but it is because they don’t agree with his ideology, not because of the color of his skin. If you can’t separate the two then it is you who are the bigot. You are bigoted against conservatives. You are a conservophobe.

I am sick of conservophobes, and I grow tired of their old, boring, useless, tired, false accusations against us. It is nothing but a ploy to distract voters from the issues we face. Debate us on the issues and stop the political games.

 We know you conservophobes don’t like us, but what are you afraid of?

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Tyrone permalink
    April 27, 2008 9:42 pm

    We’re fraid of being LYNCHED thts what we ARE!!!


  2. Dale permalink
    April 27, 2008 9:43 pm

    Oh please, he’s not saying conservatives are racist, he’s saying racists will vote for McCain. In case you hadn’t noticed, McCain is a white guy. People who are racist are probably also misogynist, so they’re not going to vote for Clinton either.

    Sorry to explode your wussy martyr fantasy, but you’re letting your emotions get in the way of your logic here.


  3. April 27, 2008 9:56 pm

    Tyrone, grow up and stop eating what you are being spoon fed by Democrats.
    Dale, he is saying that racists are Republicans, what’s the difference. I am sick of it, as you can tell. Just in case you haven’t noticed, Obama and Clinton are Democrats that is why conservatives will vote for McCain, not because of your pre-conceived notions. And just for the record I am not voting for McCain either.


  4. Jack permalink
    April 27, 2008 10:03 pm

    The majority of racists (assumed to be white here) in America ARE republican. Why is that such a big revelation? Why does someone pointing out an OBVIOUS fact upset you so much? Most stereotypes are based in reality to varying degrees, and this “stereotype” holds true in the majority of cases.


  5. sdf permalink
    April 28, 2008 1:38 am

    this is you – wah wah wah wah


  6. starfish permalink
    April 28, 2008 3:49 am

    I believe a certain amount of preferred race (persons having a common interest) is in all of us, it is natural. What percentage that is I would guess varies but I would say it is around ten percent.Now I feel this is different (and sometime mixed) than the merriam-webster use 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.What I believe is a person ,as we see everyday, can prefer to be with a person of like-race without being a racist.


  7. April 28, 2008 4:29 am

    “They are afraid of our ideas so they try to devalue us and our ideas.”

    Reseta ( said it best: We’re not afraid of your ideas, honey. We’re repulsed by them.


  8. April 28, 2008 5:08 am

    Jack, you have no proof of that, you are just making it up. I was wondering how long it would take someone to use the reasoning that stereotypes are based in reality. It didn’t take long. Why does it upset me? Think about it for a minute.


  9. Alfie permalink
    April 28, 2008 2:33 pm

    @ Jack you are historically and factually wrong. Historically the most active racists in America have been Dems. Remember the South didn’t vote GOP till RR. Byrd (d) KKK. I could go on and on. Factually well you have nothing but the empirical stereotype. Perhaps someone should tell the blacks that are conservative they’re wrong. The flip side of this coin would be that it would be wrong to point out Obama is piling up the black vote. Are thy racist ? For more Leftist whining go to and for a more truthful read


  10. Deb permalink
    April 28, 2008 3:22 pm

    As far as I see it, the way-left dems just want to be able to do anything they want and don’t want to have to do anything they don’t want. (whoa, I’m dizzy…) They are “afraid” of ethics, and my favorite– meritocracy. Antoher phrase (along with natural disaster) that I haven’t heard in forever– No pain, no gain. It should not have anything do to with race. President Lincoln was a republican.


  11. April 28, 2008 9:37 pm

    They love to forget that little fact about Lincoln, don’t they?


  12. April 30, 2008 12:47 pm

    To a certain extend I agree with you. There are racist on both sides. And also that people will vote “against” Obama in November because he is a Democrat and not because he is black.
    But here is where the racist element comes in. “The vast, vast majority of voters who would not vote for Barack Obama in November based on race are probably firmly in John McCain’s camp already”.
    What is being said is that there are certain people who will vote based on race. And in November those people will most likely be on the side of McCain. The quote isn’t about the primary race right now, but a hypothetical statement about November.
    It is not saying that Republicans are racist. Only that those who do not want to vote for a black man in November will most likely vote for McCain in November. I don’t think it can be implied that he said that racist are Republican or the other way around. It was never said and neither implied.

    So I do agree with David’s statement – but it spins the other way around as well. People who won’t vote for a white guy in November will most likely vote for Obama.
    Both are true, but it is also different. African Americans have always voted for the white guy because there were no alternatives, but white Americans have never had to make race an issue until now.


  13. May 1, 2008 6:37 pm

    Your first paragraph was really my main point. I believe that most people who will not vote for Obama will not vote for him based on the fact that they don’t agree with his policies.
    I probably do get a little sensitive on this whole Republicans are racists angle when I read comments like the one I used in this point, just look at Jack’s response. But I have been called a racist by several commentors on different posts because I disagree with Obama. On a post about about a student who claimed to be artificially inseminating herself to abort the fetuses for an art project someone left me the following comment:

    ” I get extremely uneasy when I hear someone touting states’ rights – as you do re: Roe vs. Wade. States’ Rights is a code used by many to sugar coat denying minorities equal rights under the law.”

    My post had nothing to do with race, but this person said that because I believe in stronger state’s rights that it was a code word for racist policies. I honestly do not understand where that came from. I have been attacked personally here and when I read that I felt I had to defend my party.


  14. July 27, 2008 6:17 am

    I’m not voting for Obama for a variety of reasons, none of which are his skin color. It mainly has to do with his far left socialist policies. I thought I was concerned about Obama’s delusions of grandeur – however, I realize its his delusions of adequacy that concern me the most.


  15. AlanDownunder permalink
    October 30, 2008 4:50 am

    We know you conservophobes don’t like us, but what are you afraid of?

    We’re afraid of what you’ve done to the whole damn planet for the past 8 years. Middle east stuffed, oil price rocketed, global finance trashed, your kindergarten level science, your terrorist breeding program, your torture chambers, your perversion of religion, your greenhouse denial, your trashing of the constitution.

    By any objective standard, you are highly dangerous clowns. You take cretins like Bush and Palin seriously. You haven’t a clue and you haven’t a clue that you haven’t a clue.

    Despite nobbling your own justice department and courts with farcically incompetent appointments (Goodling? Schlozman? Gonzales? c’mon), the number of your leaders and functionaries doing time, or worse with commuted sentences, is still breathtaking.

    The sane among you – count them – are deserting your ‘base’ of terminal whack jobs.

    Sorry for sounding off like an O’Reilly or a Limbaugh. It’s very uncharacteristic of people occupying the left 90% of the political spectrum, but I had to address you fools in your native tongue in the (admittedly vain) hope of explaining things.



  16. AlanDownunder permalink
    October 30, 2008 5:14 am

    Now for some civilised logic.

    Let me paraphrase Plouffe: if there is a single racist of the white persuasion, however unlikely that such a person may exist, who would not vote for Barack Obama in November based on race, that mythical being is probably firmly in John McCain’s camp already. Makes sense to me.

    That makes exactly the same point Plouffe made. His mistake was accepting the absurd premise that there are white racists in the US of which a majority could be termed ‘vast’. Y’know, like a vast majority of 9 out of 10. Of course, we all know that any such, if they exist, would be far outnumbered by black racists voting for Obama without a thought for issues like health care, social security, education, wealth disparity and overzealous (but definitely non-racist) police officers.


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