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Scott Brown wins! Thank you Massachusetts

January 19, 2010

  Thank you Massachusetts.

The eyes of the nation were  upon you, and you did not disappoint, you sent Scott Brown to the senate. This was more than just a special election, this was a referendum on Barack Obama and his agenda. This is the shot heard around the nation.

  Democrats took the Massachusetts race for granted, there was not even any exit polling because it was thought that Marsha Martha Coakley would run away with this election. The sense of entitlement on behalf of the Democrats was palatable. There was no way that a Republican in Massachusetts could win a national election; hell, it hadn’t happened since Richard Nixon was popular.

  But the Democrats failed to realize how upset the American people are; it is hard to image this is possible because we have let them know how we feel many times.

  It all started on April 15th of 2009; the Tea Parties. We were laughed at, we were scorned, we were ridiculed. But we were serious, and we should have been listened to. We were not, and then came the Town Hall meetings over the Summer. We let all of our “representatives” know exactly how we felt on healthcare. Were we listened to? No! The Democrat party tried to marginalize us; they called this movement an “Astroturf” effort. And they continued to push the healthcare bill forward against our will.

  Still they didn’t listen. But then came the elections in Virginia, New York, and New Jersey. While Republicans lost in New York, big gains were made in the Virginia and New Jersey races. This was a repudiation of Barack Obama yet the Democrats still did not listen to us. They still moved forward with healthcare reform.

  I was enthusiastic after the elections of Virginia and New Jersey, but I warned about getting too complacent because we were going to lose the next special election, to be held in Massachusetts. I was wrong, and I couldn’t be happier. I never thought that our movement would gain enough momentum to carry us toward victory in Massachusetts of all places.

  If this does not wake up the Democrat party, nothing will. We have been heard once again, this time in what is possibly the bluest state in the union. The Tea Party movement is here to stay! We are not going away.

  We are watching all of you, not just the Democrats. There are several Republicans that we have our eyes on– we all know who they are, and so do they. This should send a shockwave through Washington D.C.

  Scott Brown’s victory has to have all of the Democrats in Washington second guessing themselves. If a Republican can win in Massachusetts by running against Barack Obama’s agenda, they have to be wondering how they will fare in re-election bids in states that are not nearly as blue as Massachusetts. This should put a real crimp on Barack Obama’s agenda; Democrats in Washington will have to decide whether to succumb to the pressure of the White House and sacrifice themselves for the president’s agenda, or whether they should listen to the people that they work for and vote against the president’s agenda. In the end, they need to remember that they work for us, and they had damned well better learn their lesson from Massachusetts or they will all be in the unemployment line come November.

  The fight is still not over, we must remain vigilant and follow this through until the November election. We have the momentum and we must stay true.

  They laughed at the Tea Party movement in April, they had better not be laughing any more. Martha Coakley was “teabagged” in Massachusetts, and we will “teabag” anyone that does not listen to the will of the American people. Who is laughing now?

  Once again, thank you Massachusetts. You have given the “people’s seat” to Scott Brown.

 The revolution will be televised!

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31 Comments leave one →
  1. January 19, 2010 11:08 pm

    Now that’s really PROGRESSIVE !

    YeeHaH !


  2. January 19, 2010 11:46 pm

    I was very concerned about those electronic voting machines. I know Steve King brought a crew, and there were other observers as well. In the end, there was no way the Dems could steal this one. Congrats, Scott. Can’t wait for him to pull that truck into the congressional parking structure. Harry Reid will have a fit.


  3. R.W. permalink
    January 20, 2010 12:43 am

    And the downward spiral continues. Now it’s pretty much a given that any kind of real progress will be shelved for the foreseeable future.


  4. January 20, 2010 1:00 am

    Congratulations Scott Brown! To Washington: CAN YOU HEAR US NOW!


    • January 20, 2010 9:12 pm

      I think they are beginning to hear us,we have spoken loud enough now, haven’t we?!


  5. January 20, 2010 3:05 am

    Sooooooooooooo awesome!!! Yes, thank-you MA!!!!!


  6. Scott in Idaho permalink
    January 20, 2010 8:18 am

    From an American in Idaho- Thank you Massachusetts! From myself and others thank you for your message to the current administration that our voices do matter and our government works for us not the other way around.


    • January 20, 2010 9:13 pm

      Massachusetts should be the wake up call. If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere!


  7. January 20, 2010 1:48 pm

    Lets now hope that Brown remains conservative and that the people of Massachusetts don’t get a *Snowe Job*… 😕


    • January 20, 2010 9:14 pm

      I don’t think that we have to worry about a “Snowe Job,” I think that he is the real deal. He ran as the 41st vote against the president, and I think that he will adhere to what got him elected.


  8. January 20, 2010 4:11 pm

    Honestly, I didn’t put much stock in the Tea Parties in the beginning, but damn of all the places for the Tea Party to have its biggest inpact, at the home of the first Tea Party. It does seem that a great movement is a work and we must make sure the momentum is maintained.


    • January 20, 2010 9:16 pm

      I wasn’t sure if the movement would go beyond that first day, but it certainly has. This is a real movement and as you said, we have to maintain it. This is just the beginning, we must remain focused.


  9. Deb permalink
    January 20, 2010 5:16 pm

    Wow! this is great. Your welcome, everyone. According to MSM, it was a “stunning” victory. Not so stunning to tea party participants, though. Godd thing the vitriol that will come (and already has) from the far left is just words. Don’t stop now, Barney is next!!!!


    • Deb permalink
      January 20, 2010 5:16 pm



      • Vincent permalink
        January 20, 2010 5:18 pm

        Ohhh! If only!


    • January 20, 2010 9:18 pm

      They have words, but you actions spoke much louder. I knew that you would do the right thing, but I was always a little scared inside that Massachusetts would fall in line. Thankfully they did not. Deval Patrick is right there on the list with Barney Frank.


  10. Vincent permalink
    January 20, 2010 5:17 pm

    Excellent! Very encouraging. Maybe we have a chance to turn this thing around before we crash. Maybe.
    I don’t know why I am surprised but obama actually managed to blame this loss on Bush. No, really, as incredible as it sounds he actually implies that this loss is because of the people’s discontent over the past eight years.
    Asked for his assessment of the Republican victory a year after taking office, President Obama told ABC: “The same thing that swept Scott Brown into office swept me into office.”

    “People are angry and they are frustrated. Not just because what has happened in the last year or two years, but what’s happened over the last eight years.”

    Can you believe that $#!*?


    • January 20, 2010 9:19 pm

      He really cannot accept blame, can he? That’s okay, let him live in his fantasy world as more and more of his party find themselves in the unemployment line– right next to him.


  11. Deb permalink
    January 20, 2010 5:47 pm

    I almost forgot, happy one year in office anniversary, ‘bama!


  12. Rick permalink
    January 20, 2010 6:31 pm

    Hurray for Scott Brown and every blue blooded American in Massachusetts.
    May every state be as strong

    Brown is a stand up kind of guy.
    There is a story about how he defended his opinion about gay marriage (he is against it) during a speech in a high school.
    He quoted some students Facebook pages and pointed them out after they made disparaging remarks about him and his daughters.
    That took guts and confidence in what is right

    Brown stated this morning that his election was not a referendum on Obama
    Too bad…maybe he doesn’t even get it or maybe he is just keeping his head down.

    Let’s see if he can behave like a “people’s man” in Washington
    The musket holder of that great “shot heard round the world” may have had no idea what he had just done.
    In fact I think he fell in battle


    • January 20, 2010 9:21 pm

      I think that he will hold true to what he campaigned on. He may not grasp what he has done yet, but we do, and we thank him for it.


  13. Geof permalink
    January 20, 2010 9:03 pm

    I, too, congratulate Mr. Brown’s win. As for the last comment about “not getting it, or keeping his head down”, it might have been one of the smartest things he could have said. One day after pulling off an upset, knowing how much attention has been paid to this seat, is not really the time to gloat. Now is the time to focus on a plan to start making the changes needed. By saying that, it would keep him from looking to be too far right, and willing to work together with people. A response like that might show some democrats he means business, and not looking to steal the spotlight.


    • January 20, 2010 9:23 pm

      Agreed! Brown will stick to what got him elected. He probably wanted to be low key, instead of intentionally stirring the pot before he even got there, there will be time for that once he gets there.


  14. LD Jackson permalink
    January 20, 2010 9:23 pm

    Congratulations to Scott Brown and the Republican Party. Now, if they will pay attention to the will of the people, they can keep their jobs.


    • January 20, 2010 9:24 pm

      Yes, we are watching the Republicans to, I know of at least three that had better be paying attention to what is happening.


  15. pinniped permalink
    January 21, 2010 2:39 pm

    I posted on my Facebook account yesterday that I was so glad Scott Brown won, and one of my friends commented that she believed it was “a sad day not only for MA, but for the entire nation”. Then she went on to comment that “poor Ted Kennedy must be rolling over in his grave”. I couldn’t believe it. I’m sorry to say I don’t think she was being sarcastic. “poor Ted Kennedy”?!


    • Deb permalink
      January 21, 2010 3:49 pm

      You did “unfriend” her immediately, I hope? Just kidding. I’m glad at least it is a smaller percentage than we thought that are permanently brainwashed by the left. Did your friend ever hear the name Mary Jo?


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