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Democrats begin to distance themselves from Barack Obama

February 4, 2010

  During President Bush’s sixth year in office he had become so toxic that Republicans started to distance themselves from him, or at least they tried to distance themselves from him. It didn’t work and Democrats were able to ride the anti-Bush wave to victories in both 2006 and 2008. President Bush’s unpopularity led to the majority that Democrats now enjoy.

  Some Democrats are still trying to ride that anti-Bush wave– the most notable is Barack Obama– but that wave has crested and it is no longer viable for Democrats to be simply anti-Bush so they are beginning to look towards another strategy for the upcoming midterm election. They are beginning to distance themselves from Barack Obama.

Barack Obama– the man who was ushered into power with such high expectations–  and his agenda have become so toxic for vulnerable Democrats in the midterm elections that they are actually trying to distance themselves from the president. It is stunning that Barack Obama has alienated so many people so quickly.

   In a strategy that seems reminiscent of recent Republican victories, Democrats are now trying to claim they represent the people and do not represent Barack Obama or his policies. Democrats are now trying to be the next Scott Brown. Even Arlen Specter, who changed parties thinking that he could ride Obama’s coattails to re-election as a Democrat, is now trying to distance himself from the man he was coddling up to just a few short months ago.

  Barack Obama has burned through all of the goodwill that he had conjured up during the election and people are fed up with his far left agenda after only one year. Democrats can see this and they are unwilling to sacrifice their jobs for Barack Obama’s agenda, so they are distancing themselves from him.

  We must not be fooled by this strategy. Democrats are just as responsible for Barack Obama’s agenda as he is. They have enabled him and they must be stopped. If we fall for this ploy, Democrats who win re-election will fall lack-step in line with Barack Obama once their re-election is secured and will continue to persue his agenda. The only way that we can ensure that Obama’s agenda will be defeated is to defeat all of those who support him– even those who are now trying to distance themselves from him.

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9 Comments leave one →
  1. February 4, 2010 11:00 pm

    I could not agree more with your statement that Democrats are just as responsible as Obama! You hit the nail on the head!


    • February 4, 2010 11:25 pm

      They are and if we let them distance themselves from Obama and re-elect them, they will move back to the left. I don’t think that the American people are going to fall for this, we all know where they stand.


  2. LD Jackson permalink
    February 5, 2010 6:52 am

    It is interesting to see how quickly they are turning on him, but we must remember the number one priority of most politicians is preserving their job. I say that in regards to Democrats and Republicans.


    • February 6, 2010 10:27 pm

      That is true Larry. Once they have preserved their jobs they will probably fall back in line with him until election time rolls around again. Let us just vote them out right now and let them look for a new job. At least then they would have something in common with many Americans today.


  3. February 5, 2010 4:08 pm

    DemoRats… Sinking ship…

    As much as the Dems should bear responsibility, they aren’t stupid, they see what The Obamessiah is and don’t want to be a part of *The Failure*…

    They want to be able to laugh and point and say, “But *I* didn’t support him, I dumped him… “


  4. February 5, 2010 5:55 pm

    Its funny how quickly the tide can change—have democrats in congress suddenly changed, no thats not the case. They see the voters have changed and they just want to get in step before November—sorry guys its just too late for that. The U.S. is fast becoming a “No Progressive Zone”.


  5. Deb permalink
    February 5, 2010 7:03 pm

    Those rats had better take swim lessons from some polar bears, or they ain’t gonna make it!!!! It is stunning and bizarre tha a POTUS has alienated people so quickly. I just wonder if he will be stubborn, (or stiff-necked, as it is described in the Bible) and insist on his own way, instead of turning to the truth. And not allowing the fly-over at the God and Country event in Idaho? Because it is religious? So he keeps trying to pander to the moonbats. And totally off subject– if anyone is looking into buying a car— one word– TOYOTA.


  6. February 5, 2010 8:00 pm

    I see they’re starting to cook up employment numbers. Look for the ‘it’s working’ campaign later this year. LD has it right, they’ll distance themselves until it looks like Obama may be accomplishing something-real or not, and they will just as quickly flock back to him.


    • February 6, 2010 10:33 pm

      Yes they will come back to him if they win re-election. That is why we have to hope that people won’t be fooled by them.


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