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The White House offered Andrew Romanoff a job to drop out of the Colorado primary

June 2, 2010

  I have written extensively about the illegal job offer that the Obama regime made to Joe Sestak in order to persuade him to drop his primary bid against Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania primary, but now it has been learned that Joe Sestak might not have been the only potential candidate to receive a bribe offer from the Obama regime. It is now being reported that last year someone in the Obama regime offered Andrew Romanoff a job in the regime hoping that he would drop his primary bid against entrenched Colorado Democrat Michael Bennet.

  The White House is now claiming that this job offer was not an attempt to persuade Andrew Romanoff to drop out of the race and are insisting that no formal offer was made to Romanoff. Sound familiar? It should, this is exactly what the regime was saying before they finally admitted that they did send President Clinton to feel out Joe Sestak about a possible job in the regime that legally would have prevented him from running against Arlen Specter.

  Republicans are not satisfied with the Obama defense:

Romanoff would be well-served to explain all of the details surrounding his discussions with the White House, the positions they proposed and the individuals who contacted him immediately,” said Amber Marchand, a spokeswoman for the Republicans’ Senate campaign committee

   And they shouldn’t be because it is now becoming evident to everyone that the regime was involved in criminal activity and whether they knew that this type of offer was illegal or not just doesn’t matter. The first illegal job offer could be a mistake, but the second job offer is a trend. How many other illegal job offers did the White House make?

   Ignorance of the law is now excuse from it. This is a case of politics as usual and Barack Obama ran on the promise to end politics as usual. This type of quid pro quo might be acceptable in Chicago politics, but when you are president of the United States, and you promised to end this type of behavior while running an open, transparent, and honest administration, this type of illegal backroom dealing seems even more insidious.

  If there was any doubt before that an investigation into this regime should be forthcoming all doubt has been erased. It is time to find out exactly what this administration has been up to behind closed doors.

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5 Comments leave one →
  1. June 2, 2010 10:13 pm

    As Michelle Malkin writes in her book, this is Chicago Thugery at its finest! Maybe this will be the think we can use to start impeachment processes. I have a feeling this isn’t the only law breaking that has happened.


    • June 2, 2010 10:25 pm

      Romanoff has now admitted that the White House offered him three jobs if he dropped out of the race> I am writing a post about it right now. If we win back the congress I think there should be serious discussion about impeachment.



  1. Andrew Romanoff admits the White House offered him three jobs to drop out of the Colorado primary « America's Watchtower
  2. White House admits to contacting Andrew Romanoff about a job « America's Watchtower

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