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Adam Kinzinger fires back at Debbie Halvorson’s campaign for comparing him to Hitler

September 22, 2010

  Campaign workers for Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson staged a protest in which they compared Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Halvorson’s opponent in the general election–Captain Adam Kinzinger–to Adolph Hitler.

  I wrote about this protest here. Debbie Halvorson originally denied that any of her campaign workers participated in this protest until they were caught on video tape entering her campaign office once the protest was over.

  Captain Adam Kinzinger is not going to take this lying down; he has released a new campaign ad attacking Debbie Halvorson for what appears to be a coordinated effort to paint the honorable Air Force pilot as just another fascist, nazi sympathizer. This story hasn’t received the coverage it deserves–or would have received had these been Tea Party activists that were engaged in this despicable behavior.

  Here is Captain Adam Kinzinger response to this abomination:

2 Comments leave one →
  1. September 22, 2010 10:20 pm

    Nice on the firing back. Hopefully, this will clobber her campaign.


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