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One more Veterans Day video: homecomings

November 11, 2010

  As I was surfing the net today and checking out the various Veterans Day posts from my favorite blogs I was reminded of a video that I saw on The Current a couple of months ago. This was a video that is about ten minutes long and is nothing but homecoming reunions between our military heroes and their families. Many of the reunions in this video are of our heroes surprising their loved ones with their return home.

  After remembering this video I had to check it out once again for it reminds us that while those that have chosen to serve this country do so at a great sacrifice to themselves, they are not alone in their sacrifice. Many of those that choose to serve leave behind sons, daughters, spouses, parents, grandparents, and friends because they believe in the cause that America is fighting for.

  While our troops are in a foreign land fighting for freedom, their loved ones remain at home wondering how safe the one that left them is. Are they in danger? Are they safe? What lies around the corner? They live with these fears just as much as those that are in a foreign land. In a way it might even be tougher for them because they cannot see what is actually happening as they breathlessly await for both any news on their loved ones and the safe return of their loved ones.

  Today is a day for honoring the veterans, but we mustn’t forget the families and friends of those veterans, because theirs is a sacrifice that is equal to those that are serving overseas right now, they let go of their loved ones so that we might remain free. 

  I have decided to post that video below, but be forewarned, it is a tear-jerker so do not watch it without a couple of tissues because you will need them. The reaction of the little girl in the very first scene–who thought her dad was still in Iraq–when she looks up and sees her dad will bring a tear to your eye. It sums up what military families give up on a daily basis.

  Thank you to all the veterans and thank you to all of the families of the veterans for giving up such a big part of your life in the defense of freedom!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. November 12, 2010 1:01 am

    This is still one of the most awesome videos Steve. Thanks for posting it again and thanks for the link. It means a great deal to us.


    • November 12, 2010 7:37 am

      I love this video, it really makes you think about what all of the famies must go through on a daily basis. You are welcome for the link, keep up the great work!


  2. November 12, 2010 3:39 am

    Amazing. I could feel the joy of those folks.


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