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Gunrunner: The ATF promotes three people at the heart of the Fast and Furious scandal

August 16, 2011

  Three people who were directly involved in the Fast and Furious scandal have been promoted by the ATF, apparently for a job well done. These people are William McMahon, William Newell David Voth; they now will enjoy cushy jobs in Washington DC.

  One can only wonder about the motive for these promotions which are coming while the Oversight Committee is still investigating one of the biggest scandals in United States history because the timing certainly seems suspect. I can only come up with four plausible scenarios for these promotions: Either this really isn’t a promotion and these people have been removed from field work and reassigned to Washington as punishment for their roles in the Gunrunner scandal, and the word “promotion” is only being used so that these men can save face, or the government feels as if they actually performed their roles in the scandal according to plan, or they are being moved up in order to protect them from the investigation, or they received these promotions for a guarantee that they will remain silent on the scandal. I can see no other reason for this news, but something just doesn’t wash with this story.

  In my opinion this is most likely a payoff in return for their silence moving forward and I hope that Darrell Issa will now expand his investigation and look into why people who were involved in the policy which led to Brian Terry’s death are suddenly worthy of promotions. If Darrell Issa finds that these men were promoted in return for their silence it looks as if we can add another crime to the list in regards to Operation Gunrunner as this rogue regime looks to cover up a scandal which grows bigger with every update.

19 Comments leave one →
  1. August 16, 2011 9:14 pm

    Chicago style politics in action, Steve. Obama sees nothing wrong with that and apparently the media doesn’t either.


    • August 17, 2011 6:22 am

      This type of politics is what Obama has grown up around so it seems perfectly normal to him.


  2. bunkerville permalink
    August 16, 2011 11:18 pm

    Says it all, now doesn’t it? Life is cheap, of course, in Obama’s world.


    • August 17, 2011 6:23 am

      It sure does, there is no doubt this was a payoff, I can come up with no other reason for a promotion at this time.


  3. August 16, 2011 11:24 pm

    I hate the ATF!


  4. August 17, 2011 12:17 am

    I agree, I think it’s bribe. Unfortunately, a pretty effective tactic.


    • August 17, 2011 6:24 am

      I think Issa will see what this is and will look into it; the Obama regime could be compounding the problem while trying to hide the story.


  5. Steve permalink
    August 17, 2011 12:30 am

    I wondered if you’d comment on this travesty. What I want to know is when will the Judiciary Committee(s) appoint a Special Prosecutor to get to the bottom if these crimes and hang ’em high?!

    ….I can dream, can’t I…?


    • August 17, 2011 6:25 am

      It is time for a special prosecutor in my opinion. Darrell Issa has basically already implied that this was a criminal investigation. Issa has done well, time to give it to the professionals.


      • Lou222 permalink
        August 21, 2011 6:08 pm

        I think it depends on who the special prosecutor is. We have seen it before when one is appointed and it has gone nowhere. We also know that the promotions were a payback for shutting up from here forward or to say they had, what is the word “misspoken”, ya that is it. Funny how that happens, alot. We can only hope that Rep. Issa has a strong back and can take whatever beating will come his way.


      • August 21, 2011 9:04 pm

        Very true, that is why we need to hire a prosecutor while the House has control because we need to make sure that we hire someone who will not sweep this under the rug.


  6. August 17, 2011 9:52 am

    The promotions are to insure they keep their mouths shut. What are they earning? Somebody please compile a list of all of the things Obama, his justice dept, the labor board etc. have done to us so we can use it in the upcoming elections.


    • August 17, 2011 7:30 pm

      There is no doubt that this is an attempt to hush up these individuals, there is no other reason that I can think of that holds water. By trying to cover up this scandal they may actually be burying themselves deeper in it.


  7. August 17, 2011 11:49 pm

    No one should wonder why government is not trusted. There should be a hold on senior level promotions at BATF until this issue has been investigated. Promotions should go to the ones who come forward about what happened.
    Even if the people were found guilty of a crime they would still enjoy their government retirement benifits. So I guess they would want to be promoted as high as possible before getting fired.
    That is the main concern with most government workers I know. Get their retirement so they can get another government job and double dip. You can retire at 57 with full compensation or -5% for every year earlier.


    • August 18, 2011 6:40 am

      I hope this isn’t one of those deals where as long as you serve one day in your new promotion you are eligible for a higher pension. T



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  4. Gunrunner: ATF official granted paid leave so that he can collect a second six figure salary with JP Morgan « America's Watchtower

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