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Gunrunner: Bill Newell provides “supplemental testimony” to the Congress

September 22, 2011

  As I wrote about here, the head of the Phoenix Field Division of the ATF provided information on Fast and Furious to at least one member in the White House. He also testified in the Fast and Furious investigation to the Congress, and is now admitting that his testimony was not exactly straight forward. That is an understatement to say the least; he was avoiding the questions and was clearly trying to hide something–or protect someone–in my opinion.

  Bill Newell has now provided a written 12 page “supplemental testimony” to the Congress in an attempt to clarify what he was trying to say–or more accurately, not say–during his original testimony in July. Mr. Newell’s lawyer claimed that he was nervous during the testimony and was not intentionally trying to mislead the Congress, stating that any errors were simply “unintentional errors of omission.” I would argue that they were INTENTIONAL errors of omission, but that is for Darrell Issa and the Oversight Committee to decide.

  Two days ago secretly recorded audio tapes began surfacing of a conversation between Andre Howard, the owner of the gun shop which was ordered to sell weapons to known drug lords, and ATF Agent Hope McAllister in which they discuss the federal government’s tampering with evidence at Brian Terry’s murder site. And now Bill Newell is “supplementing” his testimony. Coincidence? I think not.

  The author of the article I linked to above has come to a conclusion with which I whole heartedly agree with:

It is interesting that Newell has chosen now to release this supplemental statement given the release of audio tapes involving ATF Agent Hope McAllister and Lone Wolf Trading Company owner Andre Howard. I’m just speculating here but this statement seems to be an effort to get out in front of what is released in the tapes.

  When Bill Newell testified in front of the Congress in July he had no idea that there was audio proof of a coverup so he played cute and avoided the questions, but in light of these audio clips it now looks as if he was trying to hide the fact that a coverup was in progress. Now he knows that there is proof of the coverup and he is in full CYA mode, trying to protect himself from the new revelations that are coming to light. Hence the new “supplemental” testimony. If these audio tapes were nonexistent I doubt very much that Bill Newell would feel compelled to give further “supplemental” testimony.

  The rats are beginning to scurry; Bill Newell is the first and it will be interesting to see how many follow his lead.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Lou222 permalink
    September 22, 2011 9:33 pm

    He left some wiggle room, didn’t he? Next he will be telling us that he, what is the word they use “misspoke”? Surely we will believe that he was nervous, of COURSE he was nervous. I would be too, if I was given only what talking points The One would have me say, knowing that I was probably going down for it. I guess we can sit back and see how they are going to justify this further. You know, once you start a lie, you have to continue it. Funny how that works. All they needed to do was tell the truth and let the guilty take their blame for what they did. However, that is not how it works at this Administration. I think they throw stuff out and see who runs with it. Then they throw a bit more out, watch and wait. Pretty soon, they can’t do anything else but lie they are in so deep.


    • September 23, 2011 6:31 am

      Or maybe he “misremembered.” You are right; if they told the truth from the beginning there is the chance this might have gone away, but as the lies and the obstruction pile up they are just digging themselves in deeper. I expect there will be more like Newell who begin to protect their own asses and then it will get real interesting.


  2. September 23, 2011 1:28 am

    “I don’t recall.” Isn’t that a popular one? Be looking for Holder to use that line alot in the near future.


    • September 23, 2011 6:33 am

      That is another popular one. I expect Holder to get a convenient dose of amnesia.


    • Lou222 permalink
      September 23, 2011 7:12 am

      RJ, wasn’t that what Hillary used with the missing papers? Ron took the hit on that one with the plane crash, along with alot of innocents. This group has a bunch of nasty people in it.



  1. Gunrunner: Darrell Issa accuses the White House of blocking a key witness from testifying on Fast and Furious « America's Watchtower

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