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Gunrunner: Eric Holder testifies in front of the Senate, changes his story and refuses to apologize to Brian Terry’s family

November 8, 2011

  In an attempt at a pre-emptive strike before he testifies in what will surely be a less friendly environment in front of the House Oversight Committee, Eric Holder today testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Democrat controlled Judiciary Committee was seen to be more or less friendly ground for Eric Holder and, predictably, Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer tried to lay the blame for Fast and Furious at the feet of former President Bush by claiming that the deadly operation was merely an extension of the Bush era Operation Wide Receiver. I have already debunked that myth here, and this is what I wrote in that post:

But this does argument simply does not hold water as there was a huge difference between the two operations which the Department of “Justice” is ignoring. Under President Bush’s Operation Wide Receiver 500 weapons were sold to straw purchasers who then turned around and sold the weapons to drug lords, but that is where the similarities end.

  Under Operation Wide Receiver the weapons were fitted with tracking devices–the weapons sold under Fast and Furious were not–but the tracking devices failed, and once this became known the program was immediately halted. Under Fast and Furious the weapons were never equipped with tracking devices and were untraceable from the beginning and in fact there whereabouts were only learned of after the fact when the weapons turned up at the scenes of violent crimes, such as the murder sight of Brian Terry, and that is exactly the way the Obama regime planned it to work from the failed operation’s inception.

   But I still found his testimony interesting for a couple of reasons:

  First and most importantly, Eric Holder changed his original testimony; in May of this year Eric Holder testified under oath that he only learned about Operation Fast and Furious “a few weeks ago”  after the scandal first became public knowledge, but today he testified that he learned about the deadly and scandalous operation as early as February of this year.

  This is a clear contradiction to his testimony back in May and he is laying the groundwork for his upcoming testimony before the House Oversight Committee. Darrell Issa is on the record as calling Eric Holder’s May testimony less than truthful and while Darrell Issa has been unwilling to call Eric Holder a liar he was proven to be right by Eric Holder’s own words today.

  This just leads to more questions; why was Eric Holder less than truthful in his May testimony? What led him to change his story today? How can we believe Eric Holder’s testimony today was truthful now that we know he lied back in May? What was/is he hiding? When did he really know about the operation? Those are but a few questions, they are just piling up at this point.

  I am sure that Darrell Issa found Eric Holder’s new story to be as interesting as I did, and I expect Darrell Issa to grill Eric Holder on his ever evolving stance on Operation Fast and Furious when he appears before the House Oversight Committee. Eric Holder knows a hell of allot more than he is willing to admit and Darrell Issa was right when he called Eric Holder’s testimony less than truthful. Eric Holder is trying to squirm his way out of this and he is no longer thinking clearly, he is only digging the hole deeper and it is about to cave in on him.

  The second part of Eric Holder’s testimony that I found interesting is this story; Eric Holder was given the chance to apologize to Brian Terry’s family and he refused to do so. Not only that but he stated that “it is not fair to assume that the mistakes that happened in Fast & Furious directly led to the death of Agent Terry.”

  Really?! Brian Terry was armed with a beanbag gun when he encountered criminals who were armed with weapons that the United States government sold to them, and he was murdered with one of those weapons and it is “not fair” to “assume” that Operation Fast and Furious had any direct correlation to the death of Brian Terry?

  How can Eric Holder find it within his heartless soul to make such a presumptuous statement in light of the facts? This was a perfect opportunity for Eric Holder to make some sort of amends with the Terry family and instead he decided to use this opportunity to try to separate Fast and Furious from the murder of Brian Terry.

  Eric Holder “regrets” the murder of Brian Terry but he is not sorry for it. Was he unwilling to apologize because he felt this would be am admission of guilt on his part? This does not hold water because even if we give Eric Holder the benefit of the doubt which he does not deserve, and we absolve him for all responsibility for authorizing this deadly operation he still owes the Terry family an apology for his criminal negligence and gross incompetence for having no idea what was happening beneath him.

37 Comments leave one →
  1. November 8, 2011 9:48 pm

    “it is not fair to assume that the mistakes that happened in Fast & Furious directly led to the death of Agent Terry.”

    I was so mad when I read that earlier today I couldn’t see straight. How dare he make such an asinine statement. He’s disgusting and unfit to serve in any level of our government.


    • November 9, 2011 7:58 am

      It is maddening to hear that statement, isn’t it! This man is a disgrace and needs to do the honorable thing and step down.


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 12, 2011 8:59 am

      C on F, given that we now know, via leaked from the MSM, that AG Holder has sent a letter to Brian Terry’s parents (they had not received at the time of the announcement), has he regained any credibility in the eyes of America? I bet there will be so many people that say he has. They will be the ones that have been looking for anything to turn his descent around. If I were the parents, I would not open the letter and write “return to sender” on the outside. What a smack in the face that would be to only receive a letter after it was brought out in the hearings and he was shamed into sending it. I can only imagine the pain they have suffered to lose a child and then to have national coverage that doesn’t go away, would probably be horrible. I hope they can find some peace and closure after this administration is taken down, but it will not bring back their beloved son, Brian. Bottom line is that this never had to happen. This is what we get when we elect people that do NOT belong in Our House.


      • November 12, 2011 9:46 am

        This does not give him more cedibility in my mind, and in fact it makes him seem even more small and callous. He only did this for the PR move and only after he was forced to testify that he hadn’t contacted the family before this. It was contrived and just the fact that it was made public before the family even received it tells me it wasn’t sincere but rather just politically motivated.


  2. LD Jackson permalink
    November 8, 2011 10:05 pm

    Eric Holder is either a complete and total idiot or he doesn’t have a heart. For him to make such a statement, especially when it has been proven that the gun that killed Agent Terry came from Fast and Furious, is beyond the pale. How much longer can he continue to deny the truth?


    • November 9, 2011 8:02 am

      I think he is both. If he is unwilling to even admit that F&F played a role in Brian Terry’s murder than he is so removed from the truth that nothing he says can be trusted.


      • November 9, 2011 9:38 pm

        Indeed he is both. You can’t fix that level of stupid, or lie your way out of it.


      • November 9, 2011 11:04 pm

        And an idiot with power is a dangerous person indeed!


  3. November 8, 2011 11:34 pm

    He is a despicable cretin…


  4. November 9, 2011 12:38 am

    As the investigation advances into where Holder and OBAMA can be held accountable for what they knew and when they knew it, It will become crystal clear that Holder was a toy/tool for anti-gun OBAMA’s attack on the second amendment. In true ALINSKY distraction mode, create more distraction and confusion and


  5. November 9, 2011 12:50 am

    I want to know when we’re going to stop dancing around the fire and get to the business of prosecuting some of these scumbags.


    • November 9, 2011 8:03 am

      Hoefully soon John. Issa wants to wrap up his investigation by the end of the year, then I hope to see some movement on this criminal regime.


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 9, 2011 9:14 am

      John, the wheels of govenment turn very slow, unless they want to take something away from us. Then they shift into a different gear. Dancing is a good term to use with this bunch. Scumbags, as well. Do you have a “go-to” list already made up about this group sitting next to your computer, ha ?


  6. November 9, 2011 1:28 am

    Pleasepleaseplease let this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back! Pleeeeeese!

    Sure, I’m begging. Whatever. Don’t judge.


    • November 9, 2011 8:04 am

      We have to be getting close to the point where Holder cannot stay in his position, it is getting more embarrassing the more this man opens his mouth.


  7. November 9, 2011 1:37 am

    Why is this guy not GONE?



    • November 9, 2011 8:05 am

      I wish I could answer that question Harrison.


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 9, 2011 9:10 am

      Harrison, this guy is not done because the powers that be says he is not done. That is all we little people need to know. As for his statement about the time frame, what is a few weeks among friends, weeks, months, no difference to him. That looked good in front of the Democratically controlled panel that was running defense for him. Also, the man has no conscience, as do none of the rest of his group, I expected nothing more than what he said. Saying he was sorry would admit something that he doesn’t have in him. What a sorry excuse for a human being, isn’t he? Let’s hope that Issa/Grassley have a suprise waiting for him. I did hear something on the news that Grassley said they did not have enough “yet” to do anything to him. It had to have been on FOX. I caught just part of it in passing, but it was upsetting to hear that admission, that gives them ammo and a second wind to keep going with their lies.


      • November 9, 2011 8:46 pm

        I agree with everything you said Lou. This man is not done because the Obama regime knows what is best for us and we are supposed to just lie back and take whatever this regime dishes out because it is for our owm good. Damn, I am getting sick of this whole regime and their arrogance!


  8. bunkerville permalink
    November 9, 2011 2:17 pm

    Obama will never admit that one of his buddies needs to go. I hear he is one of his best buds, so this will drag out til 2012 I fear… hope I am wrong.


    • November 9, 2011 8:47 pm

      I hope you are wrong also, but maybe if this drags out into the election it will come back to haunt the Democrats. At least I hope so.


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 9, 2011 10:02 pm

      I hear that there is a big to do with Jarrett and Daley. Isn’t Daley leaving at the end of the year or soon there after? Jarrett must have won out, but can you imagine all the turmoil going on in Our House right about now? I bet there are alot of sleepless nights and alot of people pulling “all nighters” trying to figure out their next move. We at least have the satisfaction knowing hopefully that they do not sleep well at night.


      • November 9, 2011 11:06 pm

        I haven’t followed this story closely but I do believe that Daley is leaving at the end of Obama’s term, and I also read that he was demoted by Obama after he told him he was leaving.


  9. November 9, 2011 5:56 pm

    It would appear that Holder came out of the same “Manchurian” test tube as the ‘Messiah.’ Both he and his boss are experienced liars. But unfortunately there are enough uniformed and under educated Americans who support him and the Obama administration – proof there is no end to stupidity and aversion to truth by those too be blind to realize the true nature of these dangerous creatures….WM.


    • November 9, 2011 8:48 pm

      I fear that you are right about the uniformed voters, and Obama is banking on them to win reelection. I hope that enough people are paying attention and realize what a criminal regime is running this country.


  10. November 9, 2011 6:00 pm

    In my haste: ‘uniformed’ should read uninformed and word ‘be’ should not be there – my apologies, passionate response is my weakness at times….WM


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 9, 2011 8:33 pm

      I happens, just dance on, William!


      • November 9, 2011 8:49 pm

        If I didn’t have spell check…..well, I don’t even want to think about that.


      • Lou222 permalink
        November 9, 2011 9:56 pm

        HAHA, William, did you see what I just posted? I put “I” instead of “It”. Steve is right, “spell check”!


  11. November 10, 2011 11:44 am

    With regards to Valerie Jarrett. While the Obama WH cabal all seem to be working in concert to end the U.S. as we know it, there has always been dissent vis a vis Jarrett’s presence in the WH.

    An old classmate of mine from college is a chief deputy to a Republican congressman, (whom I shall not name.) He told me that Jarrett’s nick name is the ‘Princess of Darkness.’ Anyone who challenges her authority or attempts to interfere with her agenda, is toast. Accordingly it would appear that Daley has run afoul of the Princess of Darkness agenda.

    Machiavelli would be proud…..WM


  12. November 11, 2011 2:31 am

    Steve – Would like to, but it will only cause trouble not just for me but especially for him. The only clue is that his boss will not run for re-election in the next cycle….WM



  2. Gunrunner: New documents released about Fast and Furious call into question Eric Holder’s original testimony « America's Watchtower

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