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Solargate: $2.8 billion in stimulus money went to a “green” company based in Spain

November 10, 2011

  Forgive me if I am wrong, in my naiveté I assumed that the stimulus bill was designed to stimulate the American economy, but as we have learned in the Solyndra, SunPower, LightSquared, Fisker, and Tesla scandals it certainly does not hurt to be a major donor to Democrat campaigns.

  All of the aforementioned companies received stimulus money even though there were questions surrounding the companies and their viability, and it just so happens that investors and lobbyists for these companies have ties to Democrat campaigns. In the case of Fisker; that company was awarded $500 million even though the company moved its operation to Finland because it would have been unprofitable to remain in the United States. 

  The Obama regime is defending the Fisker decision by claiming that some of the money will be used to build a plant in Delaware, which just happens to be Joe Biden’s home state, and that will likely be the regime’s defense in the latest scandal to erupt onto the scene–Abengoa.

  Abengoa is a Spain based company and is one of the few solvent green energy companies and certainly was not in need of a government loan considering the company’s estimated worth is over $25 billion yet the company received three loans from the United States totaling a whopping $2.8 billion.

  The Obama regime will likely claim that he loans were justified because the company will use some of the money to build a plant in Kansas, but one has to wonder why the company needed government money considering they were already rolling in cash.  And the answer is simple, Abengoa has ties to the Democrat party.

  It is becoming abundantly clear that the stimulus bill is being used by the Obama regime to funnel money into the coffers of known Democrat supporters and donors, but because the Obama regime has declared executive privilege and will not turn over documents related to the Solyndra scandal one has to wonder how much of this money is being filtered back into the reelection campaigns of Democrats who are perceived to be in trouble in 2012.

8 Comments leave one →
  1. Lou222 permalink
    November 10, 2011 9:22 pm

    Would you say there is palm greasing going on here? As to the lack of documents being turned over, did we really expect that? I know I didn’t! Executive privilege, indeed!!!!


    • November 10, 2011 9:57 pm

      That is exactly what I am saying! 🙂


      • Lou222 permalink
        November 10, 2011 10:16 pm

        An aside note: what is going on in Atlanta with the positive TB findings from the homeless shelter? I have read little that the CBC is doing to contain this. This could be very serious if exposed people are going back home. Apparently it involves the OWS protestors.


      • November 11, 2011 7:19 am

        I heard a little bit about that Lou, but I did read it was spreading though the OWS crowd.


  2. November 10, 2011 9:55 pm

    That obama sure knows how to treat his friends, doen’t he? Chu is scum just like his boss. The American people have been ripped off and it hardly makes the news.


    • November 10, 2011 9:59 pm

      The worst part of this whole story is the fact that the media isn’t reporting about Obama stealing our money and sending it to Democrat operatives in an attempt to get Dems reelected. It is sad really.


    • Lou222 permalink
      November 10, 2011 10:08 pm

      C on F, isn’t there a saying about “you are who you associate with”? That whole crew of his are evil, I just can’t figure out how others missed that small detail!


      • November 11, 2011 7:20 am

        Yes there is Lou; I believe you can judge a person by who he hangs around with and in Obama’s case he admitted to seeking out Marxists in college. That tells us all we need to know about this man.


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