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Barack Obama talks about creating a Secretary of Business if he wins reelection

October 29, 2012

  Barack Obama is hinting that if he wins a second term he would like to create a new position called the ‘Secretary of Business.’ Barack Obama makes this sound good by claiming he would be streamlining the government by consolidating different agencies and putting them under the lead of one man.

  As 1984ish as the department head sounds he actually makes it sound like a decent proposal, but this is the quote I find most interesting and I think it tells us more about what Barack Obama really has in mind:

Mr. Obama blamed Congress for such consolidation not happening during his first term because lawmakers have been “very protective about not giving up their jurisdiction over various pieces of government.”

  Consolidation hasn’t taken place yet because the Congress doesn’t want to give up jurisdiction in their role in the government. That’s pretty telling isn’t it? Sounds to me like he is upset that Congress hasn’t given more of its constitutionally granted responsibility and authority to the president. What is Barack Obama really trying to consolidate–more power in his hands and less lying with the Congress?

5 Comments leave one →
  1. October 29, 2012 6:55 pm

    He can create the Peoples Appointed congress to go over and around the elected congress. Answering only to the administration they can implement the dictator’s dictates without interference from any elected body.
    Along with that the Secretary of Business can take bribes-I mean applications- from anyone wanting to open a business or start a business, kinda’ like Death Panels for business. No problem though, once there is nothing produced and nothing left to distribute to the dependent masses then genocide will fill the void…Uhm Uhm Uhm.


  2. October 29, 2012 7:52 pm

    You are right to worry, Steve. It is just another attempt to take away what power the Congress still has. Business in our country doesn’t need any Secretary of Business in the Federal government. They need government to get the hell out of the way.


  3. Steve permalink
    October 29, 2012 8:03 pm

    My natural distrust of gov’t in general, and especially in this pres, make the questions about this run rampant! Why the hell is this even necessary? To consolidate things like SBA loans? Give me a break…no way does the benefit outweigh the negatives of creating a new, larger bureaucracy. Besides, there’s already a Sec. of Commerce…what does he actually do, by the way…? Seriously, look what the DHS has become…it sorta sounded like a good idea in the wake of 9/11, but now it’s an excuse for heavy-handed power grabbers. What could become of a Dept of Business under someone like obama? I’m not sure, but I doubt it will enhance our business standing as a country.

    Thanks for focusing the commentary on obama’s quote about blaming congress for not allowing him to consolidate power. When I first saw this I didn’t pick up on that point. That could be truly frightening…


  4. LD Jackson permalink
    October 29, 2012 8:21 pm

    Geesh, that’s just what we need. Another department of government to consolidate responsibilities of several other departments under its authority. If Obama patterns it after the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I wonder who it will answer to and where its budget will come from? No doubt, he is trying to create another department with which he can circumvent the authority of Congress.

    No thank you very much!



  1. Secretary of Business? « THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.

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