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Gunrunner: Another Fast and Furious weapon turns up at a murder scene

December 18, 2012

 Since Eric Holder ran to Barack Obama and pleaded with him to seal the records Darrell Issa had subpoenaed, and Barack Obama obliged him through Executive Privilege, I haven’t had anything new to write about on the murderous Fast and Furious scandal–which is exactly what the Obama regime wanted.

  But that changed today:

 On November 23rd of this year there was a shootout in Mexico between a drug cartel and Mexican soldiers which left  Maria Susana Flores Gamez, a beauty queen used as a human shield, dead.

  A weapon purchased by Uriel Patino was found at the scene of the crime. Why is this important? Because the weapon was one of 700 that Patino purchased while under the watchful eye of the ATF as part of Fast and Furious.

  Chuck Grassley stated that the Department of Injustice did not notify the Congress that one of the weapons found at the scene was one of the weapons lost in the Fast and Furious debacle. Not surprising when we take into account that Eric Holder has already admitted that Fast and Furious weapons will continue to turn up at crime scenes for years to come–he would just rather keep the actual statistics as quiet as possible.

  Not one mention of this in the propaganda arm of the Obama regime otherwise known as the mainstream media, is anyone surprised?

6 Comments leave one →
  1. December 18, 2012 8:17 pm

    The media use to call Ronald Reagan the Teflon President. But, Obama and his partners in crime take the prize by a long way.



    • December 18, 2012 8:21 pm

      You’ve got that right Jim, nothing from entering into war against Libya to the Benghazi attack to Fast and Furious to using EO to pass laws while going around the Congress and beyond has stuck to him.


  2. December 19, 2012 3:12 am

    To bad the Mexican Government doesn’t have any balls. Otherwise, they would call “fast and furious” an act of WAR! That is EXACTLY what it is. Our government knowingly and purposely armed the Mexican cartels, and they in turn, are fighting the Mexican Government, AND OURS. That IS an act of war! I won’t be holding my breath whilst waiting for them to declare it so.


    • December 19, 2012 7:23 am

      It is odd that nobody ever really talked about the international weapons trafficking that was going on here which took the signatures of as many as 10 department heads including the State Department and the IRS, this was huge and I don’t know why Mexico isn’t more vocal.



  1. Gunrunner: Were ATF agents personally running guns into Mexico? « America's Watchtower
  2. Gunrunner: Were ATF agents personally running guns into Mexico? « DamDems

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