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Gunrunner: Were ATF agents personally running guns into Mexico?

December 20, 2012

 Barack Obama had hoped that he put the murderous Fast and Furious scandal to bed when he gave in  to Eric Holder’s plea to seal the documents which Darrell Issa had spent a year trying to get his hands on.

  And it looked like it was mission accomplished until earlier this week when Eric Holder’s prediction that weapons lost during the deadly Fast and Furious scandal would continue to turn up at crime scenes for years to come came  true when we learned a weapon sold under the Fast and Furious debacle was recovered at the murder site of a beauty queen named  Maria Susana Flores Gamez last month.

  Charles Grassley is claiming that the Department of Injustice withheld this little tidbit from the Congress, and witthis new revelation we may be finding out why. It turns out that there wasn’t one weapon found at this murder site, there were two.

    The problem is that this newly discovered second weapon just happened to have been personally purchased by an ATF agent named George Gillett. Mr. Gillett admits that he did indeed purchase this weapon but sold it. He also claims that he followed all the laws and has done nothing wrong, however that is not quite true.

  See, George Gillett did fill out the required Form 4473 when he sold the weapon but the problem is he provided false information when he did so:

Gillett’s gun purchase forms incorrectly list the local ATF Phoenix office and a shopping plaza as his personal residence, according to Grassley’s letter

  Twice he incorrectly listed his legal residence, once actually claiming a shopping mall was his legal residence, isn’t that interesting? Charles Grassley pointed out that this in itself is a felony:

Lying on a Form 4473 is a felony and can be punished by up to five years in prison,” Grassley’s letter states. The senator also points out that’s the same alleged violation that suspects in ATF’s Fast and Furious operation were arrested for. “Jaime Avila, Jr. recently plead guilty to a variety of charges” in Fast and Furious, including “for giving a false address on Form 4473

  This is very interesting indeed because up until now we have been under the impression that the ATF was allowing guns purchased by straw buyers to walk into Mexico but now it seems possible that at least one ATF agent was actually involved in weapons trafficking.

  Over one year ago I wrote a post entitledDid the FBI kill Brian Terrywhich showed that the FBI might have played a major role in the murder of Brian Terry–the FBI was there that night and let him walk into a ‘rip crew’ armed with only a bean bag gun–and now it looks as if the ATF may have been trafficking  weapons into Mexico.

  And this is the same regime which is now looking to crack down on Americans’ second amendment rights, who is watching the watchers?

3 Comments leave one →
  1. December 20, 2012 10:22 pm

    The more you dig, the stronger the stench. They had an agenda and everything that has happened is just unimportant collateral damage. Obama nor anyone in his administration take these investigations seriously. They are not above the law. They are the law.


    • December 20, 2012 10:56 pm

      Remember that the Obama regime once said about the Terry death, “if you are going to make an omelet you have to scramble a few eggs.” That statement summed it all up for me.



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