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Barack Obama’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew, has money hidden in the Cayman Islands

February 9, 2013

    You may remember that during the 2012 campaign much was made of the fact that Mitt Romney had money hidden in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying taxes. This was harped on over and over again by Democrats seeking to paint Mitt Romney as a tax cheat who was out of touch with the American people, and apparently it was effective.

  Now we are learning that Barack Obama’s choice to replace tax cheat Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew, also has (or had?) hidden in the Cayman Islands.

As recently as 2010, Jack Lew, President Obama‘s nominee to be the next secretary of the Treasury, had $56,000 invested in a CitiGroup venture capital fund based in the Cayman Islands’ notorious Ugland House, a building whose mailboxes are home to nearly 19,000 corporate entities, many of them tax shelters.

  Venture capital? I thought this was in and of itself eveil, but I digress. This is what Max Baucus said in 2008 about the Ugland House in the Cayman Islands:

Today we will take a look at some ostensibly crowded halls, those of the Ugland House in the Cayman Islands,” Senator Max Baucus of Montana, the committee’s chairman, said, opening the hearing. “That is a remarkable five-story building that the G.A.O. tells us has some 18,857 tenants. Today we will examine whether many of those tenants are feasting at America’s taxpayers’ expense.

  And Barack Obama himself once spoke out on the evils of the Ugland House:

President Obama has been almost obsessively critical of offshore investments,” Mr. Grassley said. “He called Ugland House ‘either the biggest building or the biggest tax scam on record

  But that was then and this is now and Barack Obama is defending Jack Lew’s tax shelter:

Jack Lew paid all of his taxes and reported all of the income, gains and losses from the investment on his tax returns,” said Eric Schultz, a White House spokesman.

  Of course these are the same people who defended Barack Obama’s decision to nominate a tax cheat to head the Treasury in 2008 so it isn’t surprising they would also support a man who has engaged in the same practices that they railed against when Mitt Romney was running for president.

They didn’t give a damn that Timothy Geithner was a tax cheat so, to paraphrase Hillary Clinton, what difference does this make? What a bunch of phonies and hypocrites!

6 Comments leave one →
  1. February 9, 2013 5:54 pm

    “What a bunch of phonies and hypocrites!”

    It is in their genes, Steve.


  2. LD Jackson permalink
    February 10, 2013 6:33 am

    Honestly, it’s just what they do. This administration is just more daring in its ability to speak out of both sides of their mouths and get away with it. They have their cake and can eat it too, mainly because most of the media is completely silent about issues such as you have mentioned.


    • February 10, 2013 6:39 am

      This regime is so brazen it would be unbelievable until you look at the cover the media provides. Obama knows he will never take any heat and in fact the media will attack the people who question Obama and make them look like the bad guys so he feels as if he can do almost anything he wants to.


  3. February 10, 2013 1:40 pm

    The lefty syncophants praising Jack Lew’s personal wealth protection prowness will unapologetically attack the next righty or conservative who has the brass to do as they do rather than do as they say. It is so tempting to bite one’s nose to spite one’s face as regards the entire system collapsing and knowing the administration would thumb its nose at those who support its hypocrisy and criminal activities.



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