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John Boehner’s ‘cromnibus’ bill surrenders on border crisis

December 9, 2014

 As if it were not bad enough that John Boehner possibly tricked conservatives into strengthening Barack Obama’s Executive amnesty we also learned that he was trying to get his cromnibus spending bill passed without letting the conservatives see what was in it.

  And now, if this story is true, we may know why. John Boehner’s cromnibus bill would actually provide nearly $1 billion to “handle the surge of unaccompanied minor children who began pouring across the southern border this summer.”

  Here is more:

The deal, which Boehner is working with Nancy Pelosi and her top lieutenant Steny Hoyer to secure Democratic votes for, would—according to the New York Times—“allocate roughly $948 million to handle the surge of unaccompanied minor children who began pouring across the southern border this summer.”

Under the spending deal, there would almost certainly be no policy changes attached to that $948 million worth of cash for Obama’s border crisis. 

  And that is where the rub is because before the August recess Republicans denied lesser funding for the border crisis unless there were changes to immigration policy:

Nearly every House Republican, in the days leading up to the August recess, rejected spending $659 million on the border crisis unless there were changes to immigration law—forcing GOP leadership to keep Congress in town an extra day and hash out the details to do so. But, now under Boehner’s leadership, every House Republican who votes for the omnibus bill will not only be flip-flopping from the previous position that no money could be allocated to Obama’s border crisis without policy changes—they’ll be giving him more money than they said was unacceptable last time.

Technically there was a change to the immigration policy but it was done by Barack Obama himself through Executive Action and, of course, this was not the change the Republicans were seeking.

  This news was met with condemnation by at least one GOP aide:

 “So, over the summer, GOP firmly says to Obama: no long-term funding period and no money until we change the policy to try and force deportations,” the aide said:

Members spent a lot of time trying to write that bill. The only thing that’s happened since then is we won an election. So can someone explain to me why we are giving Obama more money, for longer-term, without the policy change? Why not wait until January so we can pass a bill with the policy changes? Basically, the [House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Hal] Rogers plan looks like it will subsidize illegal immigration through September of next year. None of the border kids are being sent home, and ‘border security’ is just being used to funnel the illegal immigrants from south of the border into the interior of the U.S.

john-boehner-crying  What else needs to be said? Now that the election is over John Boehner is showing his true colors. Much like Barack Obama, John Boehner’s rhetoric does not match his actions. He is an elitist statist who is more interested in working with Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer than he is in making a stand with the conservatives against Barack Obama to pursue what he thinks is a policy which will help him remain in power.

  The only question is: will the conservatives stand for this or will they fall in line with the establishment? After all, John Boehner does have a history of punishing those in the Republican party who do not fall in line with his agenda.

25 Comments leave one →
  1. MaddMedic permalink
    December 9, 2014 10:22 pm

    Reblogged this on Freedom Is Just Another Word… and commented:
    RINO’s and DemocRATs….

    Liked by 2 people

  2. December 9, 2014 10:28 pm

    Reblogged this on Give Me Liberty.

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  3. December 9, 2014 11:46 pm

    I keep thinking that you should be writing “cronybus” but that is just me being cynical.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. lou222 permalink
    December 10, 2014 8:24 am

    They have an agenda already in place, they will make a showing of putting up a fight, but I bet we already know what the outcome will be. Then they will come out and say they “tried” but just could not stop this. Then it is business as usual after that. I mean what is a billion or a trillion dollars among friends, right? Boehner has already been voted back in for the start of the new year, I do not know if they can do a re-vote or not. I doubt that would happen anyway. He was “for us until he was against us”, about sums Boehner up. About all we can do is make a few phone calls, otherwise we will be sitting back and watching America’s downfall in slow motion. At least we can say we “were here” when it happened and tried to stop it, for all that is worth.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Zip-a-Dee permalink
      December 10, 2014 1:12 pm

      And, Lou, if people start to call them at their game, they have their SS DHS ready. Like you stated in one comment – ‘they’re of another world’ – and mind. ‘… and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.’ They got the evil part down and that’s ‘good’ for them!

      Liked by 2 people

    • December 10, 2014 7:46 pm

      Exactly Lou, this is the Hegelian Dialectic on full display!


  5. lou222 permalink
    December 10, 2014 8:29 am

    One more comment: as I am sitting here trying to juggle the bill paying with all the extra Christmas goodies attached this month, I have to ponder my measly pittance of cash the government allows us to keep after taxes. Considering they are playing in the big boy games with OUR money, I really feel short changed that I do not have much of a say so in where my money is being spent and how by THEM. I think they have lost sight of where that money is coming from, don’t you? I mean they did not just pull it out of their butts!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • December 10, 2014 7:50 pm

      They act as if they own our money and can decide how much of it to let us have! It is backwards and it is so damned frustrating to sit here trying to pay the bills knowing that in a perfect world the government would not be taking so much of what is rightfully ours to spend on so many useless and needless things!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. lou222 permalink
    December 10, 2014 12:20 pm

    Still time to call your Representatives???

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lou222 permalink
    December 10, 2014 12:55 pm

    Here is an article about what is going on with Boehner and McConnell. The article has another link to get your phone numbers, Please read and CALL!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. December 10, 2014 1:08 pm

    Nothing worse than a whining, sniveling and tearing corrupt lying thief and scoundrel! And those who support him! All out of the same Evolution slime of deceit and fraud! It’s really something how these scum profit and are exulted in positions of power. Such is this world system and ‘source’ is manifested – the god of this world.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. December 10, 2014 6:47 pm

    F***K Boehner. There goes my 30 year pension as my company soon will go under. What does this have to do with the Budget bill?? I have nothing more to say.
    For the first time, the benefits of current retirees could be severely cut, part of an effort to save some of the nation’s most distressed pension plans. The change would alter 40 years of federal law and could affect millions of workers, many of them part of a shrinking corps of middle-income employees in businesses such as trucking, construction and supermarkets. Read more on this here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lou222 permalink
      December 10, 2014 6:57 pm

      My husbands, as well, Bunker. Guess they need that extra money for the illegals coming in. This is no different than the health care, take from those that have and give to the have-nots. So, they take part of OUR retirement and give to someone that doesn’t have as much? There is going to come a time when WE are the ones in need and that is coming quickly. I have a feeling that retirement is not going to be an option in the near future and jobs are going to hard to get with the illegals pouring in. Screw ALL of them, both sides that do NOT represent us.

      Liked by 2 people

      • December 10, 2014 7:00 pm

        My Rep’s Staffer said he had not heard of it. No three days notice. I don’t know when I have been so mad.

        Liked by 1 person

      • lou222 permalink
        December 10, 2014 7:27 pm

        Just when we think things are turning around and “we” have the House and Senate and they not only do not change for the good, but take a turn for the worse. I cannot believe these plans were not already in the making and we are just being played for the fools they think we are. I am beginning to wonder if we are not just that, fools for ever believing that someone was good for their word. Ya, so much for the 72 hour notice we were promised to let those that CARE about what they are voting on read thru it. Refresh my memory, but isn’t this what they did to us with the ACA? Shoved it on thru? This could make a person turn to the bottle!!!!! Oh, wait…….

        Liked by 3 people

    • December 10, 2014 7:53 pm

      Bunkerville and Lou: This is absolutely sickening! There is nothing I can say other than to say that I am hoping and praying that everything ends up working out.

      Liked by 2 people

      • December 10, 2014 8:02 pm

        Thanks Steve. Guess I better live high while I can. Same old thing, Rush it through, have to get home for Christmas. Pelosi II.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Zip-a-Dee permalink
        December 10, 2014 10:33 pm

        Sorry to hear. We need a group like the ‘Expendables’ to clear the house and chambers out. They’ll keep on with their thievery unless some Patriot group steps in (Oath Keepers?).

        Liked by 1 person

      • lou222 permalink
        December 11, 2014 12:21 pm

        I think you are right, Zip! We are on the outside looking in, I fear! We can only watch while our lives are being destroyed. It can only get better for those that are on the dole, but for the middle class, this Administration wants to destroy us. At least in this, they are doing a good job!!!!

        Liked by 1 person



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