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New study casts doubt about whether North Korea was behind Sony hacking

December 28, 2014

 According to the New York Times a newly released study adds to doubts that North Korea was behind the Sony hacking.

  Here is more:

A number of private security and pentesting researchers are increasingly voicing doubts that the hack of Sony‘s computer systems was the work of North Korea.

President Obama and the F.B.I. last week accused North Korea of targeting Sony and pledged a “proportional response” just hours before North Korea’s Internet went dark without explanation. But security researchers remain skeptical, with some even likening the government’s claims to those of the Bush administration in the build-up to the Iraq war.

Fueling their suspicions is the fact that the government based its findings, in large part, on evidence that it will not release, citing the “need to protect sensitive sources and methods.”

For one, skeptics note that the few malware samples they have studied indicate the hackers routed their attack through computers all over the world. One of those computers, in Bolivia, had been used by the same group to hack targets in South Korea. But that computer, as well as others in Poland, Italy, Thailand, Singapore, Cyprus and the United States, were all freely available to anyone to use, which opens the list of suspects to anyone with an Internet connection and basic hacking skills.

For another, Sony’s attackers constructed their malware on computers configured with Korean language settings, but skeptics note that those settings could have been reset to deflect blame. They also note the attackers used commercial software wiping tools that could have been purchased by anyone.

They also point out that whoever attacked Sony had a keen understanding of its computer systems — the names of company servers and passwords were all hard-coded into the malware — suggesting the hackers were inside Sony before they launched their attack. Or it could even have been an inside job.

  I am posting this because I find it to be an interesting story, I have no idea who was ultimately responsible for hacking Sony; I do not doubt North Korea could be behind the attack, but is it possible a disgruntled employee could have pulled it off?

 But I do believe this: regardless of who is responsible for the hacking it appears clear to me that Sony used this as a publicity stunt when they cancelled “The Interview” before changing course and releasing it after all. If this is true, did Sony do it to promote the movie or did they do it to take the focus off the racist emails which were uncovered? Or both?

  Regular readers of America’s Watchtower understand that I am highly skeptical of everything the Obama regime does, but what could the regime possibly stand to gain by claiming North Korea was behind the attack if that country was not? Perhaps a crackdown on the internet under the guise of national security?

  Just some thoughts, what do you guys think about this?

15 Comments leave one →
  1. December 29, 2014 3:15 am

    Sony hacking themselves could be considered a high risk/high reward possibility & if OpSec failed, well they could always make a movie about it with Chris Helmsworth as Seth Rogen, Leonardo Dicaprio as James Franco, & Jonah Hill as Evan Goldberg, they could name it “Hacking the Interview”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lou222 permalink
    December 29, 2014 11:46 am

    I had my doubts because they came out way to quick blaming NK. Go figure, huh? At least it had the media jumping and putting it center stage in the news, so what exactly during that time did Obama push thru? It was a win-win for Sony AND the Administration, Sony gets record attendance and Obama has something that he did not create run cover for him….wow!

    Liked by 1 person

    • December 29, 2014 7:19 pm

      I don’t doubt he pushed something through while everyone was distracted, but I have not seen anything yet. I will keep digging!


  3. December 29, 2014 1:12 pm

    Glad you posted this Steve. Remember how the Utube vid that had only 17 viewers, was ‘used’ as blame by this Regime for the Benghazi killings – This is proving to be similar. “North Korea Trolls Obama: Compares US President To “A Monkey In A Tropical Jungle” “Piece surPrize”. Those anti-freedom and anti-libertitarians who are ‘ruining America’ from inside the Gov are ‘drilling’ for another inside 2001 false flag Cyber attack.

    Liked by 1 person

    • December 29, 2014 1:26 pm

      The Norse Cyber Attacks realtime:
      Some in the US are ‘within’ the US – as they do own blasting away around the world. It seems that the anti-American Regime in control is shining the light of corruption on the US to make other Nations hate us – when it’s only a few behind the curtain who are the hookworms/wormwood.

      Liked by 1 person

    • December 29, 2014 7:21 pm

      Yeah, Obama does have a history when it comes to videos, doesn’t he? Sadly it seems nobody seems to care about this possibility judging by the traffic to this post.


      • December 30, 2014 2:23 am

        If people are ‘kept busy’ being ‘human doers’ instead of ‘human be-ings’ important topics and considerations get pushed aside. Or if one’s perception of reality has been ‘manipulate & conditioned’ successfully enough by the usurpers (anti-freedom, anti-liberty) who use mass media and the entertainment world to numb and dumb the masses they figure that got it made. BUT it only takes a few good men and women to foil their plans. [Just watched the movie ‘The Equalizer’ – he pretty much did it alone … and so did Jimmy Steward in some of his movies!]

        Liked by 1 person

      • December 30, 2014 6:46 am

        Yeah, with people being too busy trying to make ends meet, and with the propaganda being shoved down their throat when they do have a little down time, it is easy to see how people can be distracted and manipulated.



  1. FBI briefed on the possibility the Sony hacking was an inside job | America's Watchtower
  2. The FBI rejects ‘inside job’ theory in the Sony hacking | America's Watchtower

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