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William Barr threatens to take legal action against states with overly oppressive lock down orders

April 21, 2020

  While all states are in a varying degree of lock down there are some states which Attorney General William Barr believes are going too far and he is threatening to go after them. Here is more:

The Justice Department will consider taking legal action against governors who continue to impose stringent rules for dealing with the coronavirus that infringe on constitutional rights even after the crisis subsides in their states, Attorney General William Barr said.

Blunt means to deal with the pandemic, such as stay-at-home orders and directives shutting down businesses, are justified up to a point, Barr said in an interview Tuesday on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” Eventually, though, states should move to more targeted measures, Barr said.

“We have to give businesses more freedom to operate in a way that’s reasonably safe,” Barr said. “To the extent that governors don’t and impinge on either civil rights or on the national commerce — our common market that we have here — then we’ll have to address that.”

One way the Justice Department might act against state or local officials is by joining lawsuits brought by citizens or businesses over restrictions, Barr said. He acknowledged that state governments are at “a sensitive stage,” as they try to balance health and safety against pressure to reopen. But he said that “as lawsuits develop, as specific cases emerge in the states, we’ll take a look at them.”

“We’re looking carefully at a number of these rules that are being put into place,” Barr said. “And if we think one goes too far, we initially try to jawbone the governors into rolling them back or adjusting them. And if they’re not and people bring lawsuits, we file statement of interest and side with the plaintiffs.”

  I could not agree more with the sentiment but I disagree with the idea that any of the actions these states have taken are reasonable infringements on our rights. In the states with the least offensive restrictions most people have still had their livelihoods and their businesses stolen from them, the people are not allowed to go to their places of worship, they have lost the right to assembly, all parks and beaches have been shut down, and there are limits on what and how much a person can buy.  

  In my opinion William Barr is not going far enough, if he does decide to move on this, because no infringement on our rights is acceptable. It is unacceptable to me that a governor can order people to stay at home and businesses to close and I think every governor in the United States needs to be voted out of office as soon as he or she comes up for reelection and if your state has a procedure for recall I see no need to wait that long.

malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium

7 Comments leave one →
  1. MaddMedic permalink
    April 21, 2020 9:30 pm

    Agreed….It’s gone way to far. But can we stop it? They keep pushing the so-called peak back. And then more restrictions…It’s all political now. And the GOP ain’t doing much…

    Liked by 1 person

    • April 22, 2020 4:33 am

      I don’t think we can stop it and I don’t think this is going to end any time soon. I think they want riots so they can clamp down even tighter.


  2. Bruce Booher permalink
    April 21, 2020 10:40 pm

    Your both right that the Governors have gone to far, and that Barr should do more. But with the left fomenting Trump hatred as fast as they can, I don’t even Barrs proposal has a chance. Look how Pelosi has again taken control of the budget issue got the Senate to back down. They fight harder than we do.
    However, one if the few specifically enumerated powers of the Federal Government is Interstate Commerce. That could be an angle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • April 22, 2020 4:34 am

      That’s just it Bruce, the left fights harder than we do and they end up controlling the narrative and usually get what they want.


  3. F. George Dunham, III permalink
    April 22, 2020 1:58 pm

    This has gone on for too long for sure. I live in Fort Worth and even though it’s not as extreme there it’s still really bad. There are so many way this is affecting people and others don’t appreciate it. I have a disorder where I suffer from constant daily diarrhea. Now I cannot buy my special products for fiber and clothing protection because of store and transportation issues. People like me don’t get featured on the news but we’re suffering, too. I know some people will die, but that is life. People die. I run a software company that is close to bankruptcy and this will probably put me under. I have Rangers season tix that are basically worthless. And I can’t even get a haircut so I look like a literal circus clown. Tired of the left telling us what to do. There are three people I want to stop hearing about on the news: Rachel “Communism” Maddow, Bill “buy my vaccines” Gates and Gary “the mumbling hobbit” Stone. Enough is enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. April 23, 2020 5:56 am

    Now we learn that they have the right to private property as well.The Epoch Times reports:

    “The judge noted in his ruling that governor can ‘commander (sic) or utilize’ property in an emergency.”

    The judge ruled that Orange County has the authority to impose its will on the City of Laguna Hills because it’s acting as an agent of the state. But, an attorney for the city and property owners calls the decision “a judicial takeaway of important property rights,”

    Liked by 1 person

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