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Hillary Claims the U.S. is Reponsible for Violence in Mexico (Obama’s Plot for Gun Control)

March 26, 2009

  There has been quite a bit of coverage on television lately about Mexican drug violence, and about securing the border. I think that there is a reason why this is gaining so much publicity and it is because of the president and his agenda. I believe that the Mexican drug crime spree that we hear so much  on the news about lately is going to be used by the Obama administration to clamp down on the gun laws in the United States.

  Now Hillary Clinton has said that America’s insatiable appetite for drugs and inability to stop guns from crossing the border into Mexico is what is responsible for the violence in that country.

Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade,” she said. “Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians

  As an aside I would ask the question “which party in this country is it that supports giving drug addicts free needles?”

  Back on topic, evidently we are nothing but a bunch of gun toting drug addicts and we are to blame for all of the criminal activity that is happening in Mexico, not the criminals in Mexico. I can’t even begin to describe how brutally offensive I find this characterization of Americans. This is typical liberal victimization of the criminal. Instead of condemning the drug dealers and violent criminals in Mexico the Secretary of State goes on the record condemning Americans in general. More typical liberal coddling of the criminal at the expense of the true victim.

  Naturally Mexico’s foreign minister,Patricia Espinosa, was pleased at the fact that the evil United States is admitting that we are to blame for all of her country’s problems.

  President Obama is on record as saying that we have to do more to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Mexico and that can only be read as strict gun control laws on law abiding Americans from a president as radical as Obama when it comes to the second amendment, rather than the punishing of illegal Mexicans who are illegally purchasing the guns.

  That is the reason that so much attention is being paid to the problem of illegal Mexicans and the Mexican drug cartel. This is going to be portrayed as another crisis and as Rahm Emanuel’s theory goes, and I paraphrase, never let a good crisis go to waste, and by that I mean they allow you to do things that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. Hillary Clinton recently echoed those sentiments.

  President Obama is in favor of  immigration reform and immigration reform means the same as it did under President Bush and it means the same as it did to John McCain; granting amnesty to illegals. So if the goal of immigration reform is amnesty and  is not cracking down on illegal immigration, and it is because of our gun laws that Mexicans can buy guns then there can only be one goal that Obama could have in mind when he talks tough in regards to  the Mexican border and it isn’t cracking down on illegals, it is cracking down on American and their gun rights.

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11 Comments leave one →
  1. March 26, 2009 10:39 pm

    Yep, it’s all America’s fault? And how will we make amends? With amnesty no doubt.


  2. March 27, 2009 7:58 am

    I’m feeling a bit pedantic. She actually said that we are co-responsible for the violence. That doesn’t change the veiled messages of which you are pointing out.

    I would like to point out that the needles is to help prevent the spread of AIDS and hepatitis. Since the druggies mostly likely don’t have jobs or insurance, it would fall upon us to pay for them when they get sick (through either taxes or increased medical costs). It’s a case of pay a little now or a lot later.

    I think you are spot on… Washington (this includes the republicans) will not address the root causes of the problem; not protecting our borders and the war on drugs.


  3. Deb permalink
    March 27, 2009 4:49 pm

    That was the first thing I thought of, the needles. The addicts need a kick in the pants, not free needles. Can we please emphasize the need for personal accountability, not how can we help the poor junkies? I was talking to a person in work about unions. She was in one for 20 years and was all for it, saying that someone got fired and the union got them their job back a week later, like this was a good thing. I said, why did he get fired? She couldn’t remember. I have made mistakes, so I know from experience– my first thought often in these situations is: You should have thought of that before. OK tangent, sorry. I’m not surprised Hillary is blaming us. I’m sure she felt like she had to move further to the left, she’s with Obama now!


  4. March 27, 2009 8:20 pm

    Saying personal responsibility does not cause the problem go away. It’s still there. Of course, you probably think that it only affects those heathens that don’t walk the righteous path. It doesn’t.

    In some states, it is not even possible to legally BUY a needle and others you have supply identification. Even if one of these druggies wants to protect himself from those diseases, he can’t unless it is through a free needle program.

    Both of these issues (the needles and Mexico) are fallout in the war on drugs. Until Washington (democrats and republicans) address the root cause, they are going to continue to be problems.


  5. Max Wolfe permalink
    June 30, 2010 8:59 am

    The tourist business in the entire country of Mexico has been devastated by the American media’s malicious and fraudulent reporting of the violence associated with the drug wars. The drug wars are real but isolated and could be completely eliminated if the Gringos could keep their noses out of the ‘blow’. There will always be one constant and that is the American’s inability to take responsibility for their own actions and their total incompetence in accomplishing anything.



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