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New Libyan government to implement Sharia law, is this part of Barack Obama’s plan?

October 24, 2011

  Moammar Gaddafi was a terrorist, a cold-blooded killer, and a ruthless dictator who had no problem committing atrocities on his own people, so when he was pulled alive from a hole in the ground and executed in cold blood it was hard to feel sorry for him as he pled for his life and for a mercy he never showed to his own people.

  It is not surprising that the rebels who captured Gaddafi acted in a manner that is opposite of the accepted rules of engagement and I understand why they did it, but this does lead to a bigger questions because these same rebels are now the people who are in charge of Libya.  The rebels have been acknowledged by Hillary Clinton and the Obama regime as the legitimate government of Libya and as such this act of assassination should be a concern to anyone paying attention because we can see that considering they are the legitimate government of a nation they seem to have a total disregard for the law. Where will their lawlessness stop?

   Why does Barack Obama support this group of rebels over the former dictator, are they not cast in the same mold as Gaddafi himself? It certainly seems on the surface as is they are capable of the same type of brutal acts committed by Gaddafi. Is Libya ever really going to head towards democracy as Barack Obama promised while hailing this as a great victory?

  That question seems in doubt because we have now learned that the transitional government in Libya is going to implement Sharia law. The new government still claims that it will be a more democratic government than under Gaddafi, but what are the realistic chances of Libya having democratic elections in the future after Sharia law becomes the law of the land? I find it highly doubtful we will ever see a democracy emerge after Sharia law is implemented.

  But this isn’t the only country in the Middle East which is moving toward a more Islamic government in the wake of the much heralded “Arab Spring.” Egypt also saw the overthrow of its government and that country is now in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact the whole “Arab Spring” seems to have been conducted by members of al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and supported by other terrorist organizations in addition to the Obama regime.

  Barack Obama has been one of the biggest supporters of the “Arab Spring,” claiming that the world is witnessing the spread of democracy in the region and has fulled backed–and taken credit for–this spread of democracy. Yet it appears to be more a case of creeping Sharia than a true democratic revolt and I have to wonder if Barack Obama will still be claiming credit for this movement in one year’s time, or will he be distancing himself from it?

  We have been reading reports for quite some time that al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood were behind these revolutions, and if the media is reporting this surely Barack Obama must have known this as well. So we can assume that either Barack Obama was incredibly naive and almost criminally negligent in his support of these uprisings, or he supports the expansion of Sharia law in the Middle East.

  To what end?

  This story becomes even more worrisome when coupled with events right here in America. The United States government has been supplying weapons to known drug lords under Operation Fast and Furious, have provided weapons to gangs in Indiana as well as violent gangs in Honduras, all the while authorizing the ATF to track law abiding American citizens who purchase multiple weapons.

  As if this weren’t troubling enough, there is more: Prominent liberals called for an “Arab Spring” in America and Barack Obama seemingly obliged them by calling for Americans to get off their asses, take off their slippers, and march in a class warfare protest of Wall Street. The well funded and clearly not grassroots movement Occupy Wall Street took Barack Obama’s cue and began an anti-capitalist, communist style protest in the streets. This movement was quickly endorsed by the American Nazi Party and the Communist Party USA and seems to have one of its goals being the  overthrow of the capitalist system in America.

  There have been many in the Occupy Wall Street crowd parroting Adolf Hitler by bemoaning the influence of the international banking Jewry, but what has Barack Obama’s response been to the anti-Semitic ramblings of many of the protesters? Silence–and this coming from the man who tried to quell the Tea Party rallies by calling for language that healed rather than hurt.

  Instead the federal government appears to be mobilizing the TSA in Tennessee as a test run for a federal highway patrol to crack down on law abiding citizens. In a program that sounds more like something to be expected in a Leninist or Stalinist Russian government than a free American government, the TSA is asking American citizens to spy on each other and turn people in if they simply do not like the way a person looks. Could this be a preparation in the case violence emerges from the Occupy Wall Street protesters? Is this part of the citizen army that Barack Obama talked about before the election? If this program is deemed successful by the Obama regime, expect this program to come to a state near you.

  To sum it all up: Barack Obama has supported the spread of Sharia law in the Middle East, has been arming criminals in Mexico, Honduras, Indiana, and God only knows where else while at the same time cracking down on law abiding American citizens who wish to practice their second amendment rights and asking Americans to spy on other Americans as the TSA moves toward becoming a fully mobilized unit ready to take to the streets.

  Are all of these issues to be looked at as separate, disconnected and coincidental, or are they all connected in some dark nefarious plot by Barack Obama? I do not like what I see happening all across the globe right now. Barack Obama cannot be this naive, this is all part of his plan to fundamentally change America (and apparently the world) as promised.

76 Comments leave one →
  1. Lou222 permalink
    October 24, 2011 8:27 pm

    I believe it is all starting to come together, Steve. Separately they did not seem quite as evil, but when you put it all together, we have a major problem. They are running out of time to pull this off and the people are getting restless, so they are throwing it at us all at once. You are correct, it IS global. If we think that Obama is the master planner, we are wrong. I think we need to start looking further up the chain than him, he is just the “announcer” in this deed.


    • October 24, 2011 8:30 pm

      I am beginning to think this is all related. Barack Obama has thought this all through. I know it can sound like tinfoil hat material, but I think there are just too many coincidences for it to not be by plan.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 24, 2011 8:46 pm

        It is all just pieces of the puzzle coming together. Do you ever get that feeling that this has happened before? Can they pull it off? I hope not, but it is looking in their favor. I think the American public is just so overwhelmed that they are becoming numb to it. They are over stimulated with everything. Coincidences???? I think not! There is something new coming out on a daily basis and it is becoming just business as usual for most….they shake their heads and just get on with their life. That is a very dangerous attitude to have right now.


      • October 24, 2011 9:43 pm

        Perhaps part of Obama’s plan is to throw so much out there that the American people can’t keep up with it all and give up trying to. This would be the only way in which Obama can escape the scandals.


      • October 24, 2011 10:22 pm

        I think you give far too much credit to Obama. He is a smart man, but woefully in over his head and IQ doesn’t equal “can do”.

        There are prickly people like Steve Jobs who get stuff done and change the world. Then there are people like Obama who rely on oratory and charisma to acquire power but are unable to make lasting change. I can’t think of two better examples than these two men.

        Obama is a one term President. Best to focus efforts on decisive Senate change. A story this next few months will be Obama’s end around of Congress and use of executive order. Still, Senate change will be more important. Executive orders can be undone.

        Get control of Congress, open up energy reserves of all kinds, jack up our economy and we make the middle east less relevant.


      • October 25, 2011 6:12 am

        It isn’t very often that I am accused of giving Obama too much credit for anything, usually it is the other way around. This is beginning to feel like it is all being orchestrated and if it isn’t Obama it is coming from above with Obama as the puppet master.
        And you are right, we do need to win control of the Senate as well as the presidency.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 8:09 am

        KP, we, I believe are in agreement that Obama is not the one in control, he is the “announcer” as I called him. We also need the control of Congress, we need to start drilling and we need to secure OUR borders, just for starters. However, there are people fighting us tooth and nail to make sure none of this happens.


      • October 25, 2011 6:38 pm

        Yes, Obama is the messenger reading from a teleprompter and the question is who really writes what is on the telepromter?


  2. October 24, 2011 9:18 pm

    This is what happens when you drop $1 billion on a bunch of people who can’t organize for themselves or enlist popular support of the people. Same thing in Egypt.


    • October 24, 2011 9:45 pm

      And it seems to be spreading to other countries as well, yet Obama doesn’t seem willing to get involved in Syria or Yemen even though the same thing is happening there. It makes you wonder why he chose Lybia in the first place.


      • October 25, 2011 4:21 pm

        Obama’s foreign policy is purely reactive. He didn’t choose Libya… it allowed him to jump in a claim “credit.” That’s a big problem with his admin.


      • October 25, 2011 4:33 pm

        Agreed, Obama doesn’t have an overarching a policy — on anything. It is one of the major complaints the far left has with him. They are nearly as fatigued by Obama as the far right.

        I am quite sure anarchist would love to collapse our system but I am equally sure Obama is not part of that movement. He is just a nice guy that is unable to formulate a plan or make decisions where the economy is concerned — and that has made him a poor president.


      • October 25, 2011 6:42 pm

        Harrison, I agree that Obama’s policy appears to be reactive, but we still haven’t heard a legitimate reason for Libya. Why did we go into Libya in the first place? Is it because he saw this as the most easily winnable rebellion andwanted to use it as a political victory? There are other countries over there facing the same type of rebellions yet we did not become involved. I think the UN told Obama to help out and so he did–he was ordered into Libya from above.


      • October 25, 2011 6:44 pm

        KP, in a way I hope you are right about Obama being simply a prro president who was duped into this conflict is not part of the group that wants to bring America down. Even if that is true it might be even more of a reason to unelect Barack Obama in 2012.


      • October 25, 2011 8:44 pm

        Steve, I don’t have enough fingers on two hands to name all reasons why we need to unelect President Obama. However, none of them involve conspiracy. Kindly, he has proven himself a less than satisfactory president. He was elected because he found himself in a position where his charisma, coupled with a country’s frustration, brought him to power. The frustration was directed toward both parties. It’s helpful to remember, independents will decide the next election and have a large say in who controls the senate.


      • October 25, 2011 9:05 pm

        You are right we have plenty of reasons to vote against Obama and I have mostly stayed away from the conspiracies up until now even though I have heard them all from the birth certificate to the New World Order, but with all of the events I mentioned in the post happening virtually all at once I started thinking about it and felt the need to at least bring it up. It is the OWS protesters that really got me thinking about this because of the similarities it has to the way many communist revolutions begin.


      • October 25, 2011 9:22 pm

        I try to remember that I may have passive bias. I ask myself, does my bias influence my reaction/conclusion to specific news stories? Would my reaction be different if I were on the other side?

        I have a record being quite upset about the way the tea party was (is) portrayed by the far left and I have actively defended them (in person and in word). The descriptions of them as racist and violent have been, and are, unfair. So I ask myself, are some of us focusing on
        the fringe parts of OWS? Is it fair? The left would say “no”. I ask, are you sure?


      • October 25, 2011 10:01 pm

        You bring up a good point KP. The main difference however is the fact that there has been no lawlessness or violence at the Tea Party events to speak of yet the media tried to blame them for Giffords shooting and portrayed them as racisists, while there have been many arrests at the OWS rallies. Am I focusing jus on this one element? I guess I am, but the media likes to compare the two movements while ignoring the fact that the OWS crowd seems to be more prone to reckless behavior.


  3. October 24, 2011 9:50 pm

    I read some place on my rounds today that the government is planning a nation wide test of the Emergency Broadcast System in the next few weeks. This has never been done before, the communications systems of the entire country shut down at one time. this crap is getting scary, Steve. As for the Middle-East and North Africa, it looks like he wants chaos to ensue in that region. Why?


    • Phillip Cleary permalink
      October 24, 2011 11:33 pm

      Could this be a reset of the internet? If China can allow only what is authorized on the net so can we.


      • October 25, 2011 6:15 am

        I am afraid this is the beginning for we know that the left longs to control internet content and will use a “crisis” if they have to in order to gain control.


    • October 25, 2011 6:14 am

      I read that same story over at Bunkerville yesterday, I wish I had included it in this post because it does make you wonder if the regime is preparing for something, doesn’t it?


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 8:14 am

      C on F, this made the front page yesterday of our Decatur Herald paper. I agree, this is scarey, if they can do it now, we know they will use it later. Just another step after the Tennessee fiasco. What will be next? I said before, they are pushing thru as much as they can, as fast as they can. Steve, you asked the question of if the regime is preparing for something???? Surely they are and I imagine they are in the process as I type this. Phillip, China is sure something to pattern our great nation after, isn’t it?


      • October 26, 2011 6:13 am

        This looks like another test run, perhaps the internet will be next. Texas Fred asked an interesting question on his blog about this issue: why does the goverment want to shut down the media during a crisis? Isn’t that when it is needed most? Inless they want to control the information I can see no other reason.


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 10:06 pm

      November 9th at either 1 or 2 pm eastern, i think i read. Is supposed to be for 3-4 minutes. Not sure if the ham bands will have a problem, maybe the HF bands, but not close into town on repeaters. Still it is a bit unsettling, because this administration never does anything without an alterior motive, do they!!! This is another good reason to keep your ham license if you have one. I do and it is good for another 10 years.


  4. October 24, 2011 10:53 pm

    He can accomplish several objectives with his agenda here. He can foment the spread of his beloved sharia law, disrupt the world oil supply by installing unstable terrorist regimes, redefine “democracy” and continue to redistribute wealth, this time to the Middle East and North Africa.
    Of course, the result will be chaos, the kind a United States with a gutted military can’t deal with on their own. Enter the U.N., leading a world “coalition” to restore order. That’s when Obama heads over and becomes secretary general as rumored.
    Tin foil? Maybe, but I can only go with what I see happening.


    • October 25, 2011 6:23 am

      It might be a conspiracy theory but it seems as if we really are headed that way and you have to think that Obama knows his foreign policy is creating this chaos over there. And I think it is intentional.


      • October 25, 2011 10:37 am

        I don’t think Obama sees the middle east as in chaos. I think, in his naievete, he sees toppled dictators, vacuums and the “possibility” of the spread of democracy. I think he has his fingers crossed in hopes things go that way. I believe he is his in over his head and that his middle east policy is now based on the hope of good luck


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 11:46 am

        Well, we do have Hillary at the helm, so who knows what is going to happen. Yes he has always been in over his head, that is why others call the shots. I would not consider him an overly intelligent person, but others will differ on that opinion. I think I am above average intelligence, but I am sure you will find some on here that call me “stupid” and they are entitled to their opinion, as well. Those are the ones that disagree with my comments. I reserve my judgement on calling people “stupid”, that is a cheap shot and they have their reasons for what they believe. I think we all need to be mature enough to agree to disagree, just to have a good blog.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 3:55 pm

        I was thinking about the ones that stop by and post in the negative, are they just immature or perhaps misinformed? Don’t you wonder why they believe what they do and so strongly? Has it been the schools indoctrinating them with the liberal teachers (being fed what they can teach by the unions) or something much deeper than that? As to the OWS, I can understand the left over hippies feeling their oats and thinking they are young again, but that doesn’t give the answer for all those kids! Who and what have they been listening to? If we find that out, maybe we can get thru to them that things are not as they are being told. I remember back in my 20’s I thought I knew everything, til I got married, had kids, and reality hit me…maybe that is all it is, but somehow I think there is more to it. They are so easily manipulated by this administration. What are your thoughts on this?


      • October 25, 2011 5:00 pm


        Yes, some of them are misinformed and some of them are emotionally immature. But some are just as angry at the same things the rest of America is angry at: gambling on Wall Street, excessive money in politics, our extreme debt, falling home values, lack of jobs, soaring cost of higher education, failing K-12 schools, both sides of congress unwilling to do what is right for fear they will not be re-elected, and on and on and on.

        These are not party issues. These are America’s problems that need our attention. Both the far left and far right are both pointing fingers at one another and placing blame. In reality, all sides are complicit. It will take both sides working together to structurally resolve some of these issues. I try to remember, the crazies on the left think segments of the far right are crazy! Maybe there is a little truth in both cases?


      • October 25, 2011 6:46 pm

        KP you might be right about this, but involving yourself in a civil war in another company on pure hope that a democracy will emerge is a dangerous way to run foreign policy in and of itself even if there is no nefarious intent.


      • October 25, 2011 6:49 pm

        Lou, I think the people who come here and throw insults without debating what I write are certainly immature and probably naive, but I do not have a problem with anyone who comes here to make a valid point and returns to debate the issues.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 7:15 pm

        I am in agreement, Steve, and those that make a valid point, that can be dealt with. That is what this blog is about. However it is those that want to attack and leave that leave a bit to be desired. Sometimes those that make that valid point, even though we might not agree with it up front, will give us something to think about. That can be a good thing, sometimes we don’t have all the points of view and it is good to get others opinions. I may not agree with someone, but I will always consider what they have to say, if it is said in context with what is in the article and with consideration for all of us. I just have a hard time reading something that starts out with nothing but attacks, they lose me right there.


      • October 25, 2011 9:00 pm



    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 8:17 am

      RJ, all of your points are very valid. Scarey, but valid. This is just another good reason to get rid of the UN, isn’t it? Obama as Secretary Genera, what a thought that is. Would he be taking his teleprompters with him and who will feed the info to him in that position like they do here?


  5. October 24, 2011 11:47 pm

    Glenn Beck had it right all along Steve. He warned us this was coming two years ago and everyone said he was crazy. It has unfolded pretty much the way he said it would. Look at the Occupy Wall Street protest. It’s not designed to advance some type of coherent message because clearly there is no coherent message. It’s designed to put a strain on the system. Look how much NYC is going deeper and deeper into debt because of the cost of overtime they need to pay the police to monitor these punks. Now multiply this cost by the countless cities this protest is going on in and you have a number of cities going deeper and deeper into debt to maintain crowd control. This is classic Cloward-Piven; overwhelm the system until it collapses on itself. I believe this has been their plan from the beginning. You want to overthrow something…you collapse by the weight of its own rules. America had better wake up to this reality soon. Our country is being hijacked by a minority group of radicals who want to fundamentally transform America.


    • October 25, 2011 12:07 am

      I get GBTV and I watched the show today. Glenn is remarkably accurate on his predictions and well in advance of them. I agree with him on some of the global issues facing us today; but I would leave Obama’s foreign policy out of the theory that communist, socialist, anarchist and Islamist are out to get us as a united force. Obama is not that bright or capable. He is not a leader, let alone that type of unifier. Smart? Yes. That capable or sinister? No.


      • October 25, 2011 6:26 am

        But maybe he is being used from someone up high and maybe he doesn’t realize it, but something is going on here.


    • October 25, 2011 6:25 am

      I agree John, this is being done on purpose and after the crash the government will come in to “normalize” the situation. From that point on “normal” won’t look anything like the America of before and Obama will have the fundamental change he promised us.


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 8:23 am

      John, I too believe it was done just to show us that he has the power to group people in mass anywhere he wants to. KP, I believe that Obama is not the one calling the shots, but as to him being capable or sinister, yes he is both. As long as he it told what to do and how to do it, he WILL. He just needs that “nudge” in the right direction and he will do the job. He is as much of a pawn in this “game” as all the rest of us are, but he doesn’t see it. They will throw him under the bus just as easily as he does others, when he is no longer needed. Steve, I am not sure what actually is “normal” anymore, things are so messed up. The longer it goes on, the longer it will take for us to back to what we were, if we can ever do that.


      • October 25, 2011 10:44 am

        Who or what group(s) are calling the shots? A year from now there will be a republican president and a republican dominated congress. At that point we will know who is calling the shots.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 11:41 am

        That is the question KP, WHO or WHAT is calling the shots! I think in the very near future we will find out that answer.


      • October 25, 2011 6:51 pm

        Lou, the reason that you don’t know what is “normal” anymore is because the left has for years been trying to “normalize” things that are not normal while at the same time portraying what has always been considered normal as quite the opposite.


  6. October 25, 2011 12:18 am

    Sharia was Obama’s intent all along. It is my belief that a Sharia dominated middle east will disrupt the oil supply – this of course will fuel the argument for ‘green’ energy and a cutoff in dependence on middle east oil. The problem becomes that solar, wind and electric energy are not sustainable enough to support the U.S. energy grid. Additionally the EPA and the boy President either know, or don’t care to know, that fossil fuel is needed to fuel electric energy. All ‘n’ all, Obama is suspect in his every intention. Just my opinion….WM


    • October 25, 2011 1:10 am

      “Sharia was Obama’s intent all along.” Surprising you would give so much credit to a man who deserves so little.


    • October 25, 2011 6:27 am

      The left has been trying forever to get us into green energy but the technology isn’t there so maybe this is part of the plan to “coerse” us out of our cars as Obama’s car czar has already said he wants to do.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 8:28 am

        Out of our cars and into a contained area that will be controlled with how and where we can go. At some point, I think they will control how much we consume in any given commodity, as well. Green, is not going to cut it in this society, never will. We have plenty of oil, etc., but that will never be recognized as long as we have these people in high places. We do not need to be dealing with foreign countries about our fuel supply. They should never have had this to hold over our heads. As to Sharia Law, that is horrible and we have to fight that coming here to our country.


  7. October 25, 2011 9:10 am

    Excellent post and comments as well. This is and has been a sinister plot IMO. He learned at the feet of the masters of revolution. Why anyone would expect less, puzzles me. Africa will soon be in flames. Our oil supplies will be disrupted– Europe more than us…


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 11:39 am

      B, it is all coming together for them, isn’t it? AND the people are just going about their business as if nothing is going on. How can someone be so blind to this?


      • bunkerville permalink
        October 25, 2011 1:49 pm

        We now are “droning” in six countries now, with nary a comment by the MSM, the GOP, anyone. We are building up a massive drone infrastructure worldwide, and in our country. He is now going to pick and choose who he is going to assasinate?


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 3:46 pm

        B, it appears that could be the outcome. Apparently having US citizenship is optional when it comes to attacks. Wonder what the malfunction % is in those drones???


      • October 25, 2011 6:53 pm

        Bunkerville, can you imagine if Bush had increased the drone strikes into six different countries. The MSM would be beating a different drum and so would the MSM.


    • October 26, 2011 6:25 am

      Thanks bunkerville. This is straight out of the Alinsky, Cloward/Piven playbook, isn’t it?


  8. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    October 25, 2011 12:23 pm

    Steve, I’ve got to agree with you,this sounds like tinfoil hat material.

    I don’t want to go into detail on everything you said, but two things stand out – the putative “assassination” of Gaddafi and the possible creation of an Islamic state in Libya.

    With respect to Gaddafi, I think you’re cherrypicking the scenario that most supports your theory. The stories we’ve received – of the man being captured during a firefight and then moved while the shooting was still going on – are plausible. If, say, the Bay of Pigs invasion had gone as planned and Fidel had been shot in the head all those years ago, I don’t think you’d be characterizing his death as an assassination. Think about any subsequent enemy of the USA. In fact, think about OBL, who was shot because he was observed near a rifle (from the official story).

    (My belief about OBL is that the President unofficially alerted those responsible for the conduct of the operation that the thug fanatic was not welcome in the USA and the military careers of troops who brought him in alive would not be promising. And I agree with that position.)

    As to Sharia law, I agree that this is a development that from a Western perspective is definitely unwanted, but what do you propose we do – or should have done? Close to 97% of the Libyan population professes to be Muslim. In this country, it’s said that 85% are believers, with the overwhelming majority being Christian. If we had a chance to write the Constitution over today, from scratch, don’t you think there’d be a very strong push to establish some Christian standards, by name, in the constitution itself? (I mean, given the fact that so many insist that the document was somehow written according to those principles without actually mentioning them . . .) My point is that it’s not really surprising that in a land where the population is almost unanimously of a single faith, that they’d seek to enshrine that faith in their compact of governance. Remember that they didn’t overthrow a theocratic tyrant, they dumped a lunatic dictator. The fact that Gadaffi characterized himself a Muslim is immaterial – he didn’t rule according to Islam. (I’ve read that Hitler professed to be Christian – all that says is that he had no idea of the meaning of his religion; it doesn’t demonize the religion at all.)

    I doubt that anything we did caused the current turn of events, although I guess it’s possible that if we’d done nothing, Gaddafi may have been able to crush the resistance and hang on to power. Is that an outcome anyone here seriously prefers?

    Take good care, and may God bless us all!



    • October 25, 2011 12:52 pm

      Well said, TGY.


    • October 25, 2011 7:04 pm

      Thanks TGY, at least we agree on one point. 🙂
      Gadaffi was pulled from a hole alive and from the accounts I have read he was most likely shot while pleading for his life. He was the ruler of a nation and it appears as if he was murdered in cold blood. I am not saying that he didn’t deserve it and I am glad he met the same type of demise that he caused so many others to meet, but if a leader of a nation is murdered does that not constitute an assassination? And yes if Castro was murdered by Americans is a targeted hit I would also qualify it as an assassination. What would the world have said if after Saddam was pulled alive from his hole the American pointing thegun at him pulled the trigger and didn’t provide him with justice in the formof a trial?
      Yes, Libyans have the right to set up whatever type of government they chose, but the question remains, why were we there in the first place? The same rebellions are happening in Syria, Yemen, and the Ivory Coast yet we are not helping there. Barack Obama justified Libya by saying that we had an obligation to act whem OUR values were under attack, not because there was a clear and present danger. Who are we to impose out values on other countries in the first place if they are free to chose their own type of government And if this was thetrue justification why are we not involved in the other nations I mentioned? There is more to our involvement in Libya than we are being told.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 25, 2011 9:40 pm

        Maybe Obama is gearing up for his top UN position! Why only be the President of the United States when he can be so much more?


      • October 25, 2011 10:09 pm

        Lets not jump to a Lehaye and Jenkins novel scenario. This is not a real life “Left Behind”. Obama is a good man, a family man. He may be misguided but that is all.

        If things unfold in 2012 the way I think they will America will be in a more united position of economic and psychological strength over the next decade. That will lessen the increasingly distorted influence of the UN. The head of the UN would remain a figure head.


      • October 26, 2011 6:26 am

        Lou, I have heard rumors he wants to head the UN someday as well.


      • October 26, 2011 6:30 am

        I like your optimism KP and I hope that one day we will look back on this and realize it was all just one big mistake.


  9. Georgia Peach permalink
    October 25, 2011 1:40 pm

    I think there are two issues at play here: (1) The radical Islamists and (2) the liberal obsession with Alternative Energy. If the left was involved in Egypt is was to disrupt the flow of oil. They need to do this in order to justify the billions or trillions of dollars they are spending on alternative energy. Most of the stimulus package was directed at alternative energy and green jobs and with the economy still in the toilet, they are going to be grilled at some point about this. I recently visited the DOE web site and saw billions and billions going to alternative energy and nothing to US oil. Also, “follow the money”, how many democrats have invested in these companies? This time I will list only one link (LOL)
    The Financing Force Behind America’s Clean Energy Economy


    • October 25, 2011 7:05 pm

      That is as good of a reason for our involvement in Libya as I have been able to come up with.


  10. October 25, 2011 1:47 pm

    I don’t know if it’s Obama’s plan, but I think it’s all a part of *The Grand Plan* of which Obama is merely a pawn…


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 25, 2011 3:48 pm

      Fred, I have thought that too, that he is a pawn just like us. He is NOT a GOD, like they think, just eye candy for the libs.


    • October 25, 2011 7:06 pm

      I think that both you and Lou are right, Obama is just a player in a larger game.


  11. October 25, 2011 11:02 pm

    The OWS crowd IS more prone to lawless behavior. But I think it is a generational thing. Not a good excuse — just the facts. I was about 15 years old in Santa Barbara in the 60s when the counterculture movement burned down a Bank of America in Isla Vista. Although I was not politically involved and disagreed with that behavior I became an adult in the 60s and early 70s with that influence. I was realtively open minded.

    Our generation (you and I) was asked to play by the rules, get excellent grades, go to college and that things would work out if you had work ethic. I believe that is still true but to a lesser extent for my young adult daughters (both college grads, 21 and 24).

    In 1981 I left school and in today’s dollars was near $300k in debt. It was the end of the Carter era. Interest rates were at 18%, inflation was double digit and unemployment was high. I never considered that I wouldn’t make it. I just opened an office, hung a shingle and put my head down and worked.

    I wonder if today is a different era. All of us, both the left and right suffer under heavy regulation. The tax code is obscene. Some of the Wall Street banksters don’t seem to understand that they didn’t make it on their own. They got to the top as part of the American team, not just the dream. And they seem to have forgotten that we have always made room for the kids coming up behind us. Unlike me, the kids today are rightfully not sure of the American dream. You might say “it’s the Dems”. But it is not a party thing. It is not a left vs right thing. It is an American thing. I fall to the right on economics issues. Both parties need to shake themselves. Our biggest problems are not the result of Dems or Repubs. They are the results of money in politics and politicians who answer to money, unwilling to change this monster we (both parties) created. Meanwhile we mentally masturbate over left vs right.


    • October 26, 2011 6:34 am

      Money in politics is probably the biggest problem of all–between the special interest groups and other large entities our voices are overlooked quite a bit. I agree with that and I would love to see something done about it, but I just don’t know what we can do. John McCain was basically chosen for us and now it appears as if Romney is going to be chosen for us through money buys and it is sad.


    • Lou222 permalink
      October 27, 2011 8:04 am

      KP, I identified with everythng you posted, you must be late 50’s then. Money is what it is all about, isn’t it? I too feel that we already have the chosen one for the party vote. Sad, but true. Guess we can either vote for that person or not, but there are those that control it all.


      • October 27, 2011 11:25 am

        Yeah, I am getting old, but not done yet 🙂


  12. October 26, 2011 7:38 pm

    I would vote for this man in a heartbeat:


    • October 26, 2011 9:08 pm

      Thanks for the link, I haven’t had time to watch the whole thing yet but I have watched some of it. I would have loved to see Paul Ryan jump into the race also.


  13. October 27, 2011 2:10 am

    Thanks for the blog. Between Krista Branch’s “I Am America” and Mark Block’s burning down a diggie, I am feeling motivated about things tonight. It’s going to be a tough fight this next year. The tea party doesn’t need radicalism. Just motivated common sense. There are a lot of us mature bucks and family members who are not dead yet. Nobody votes more than we do!

    My view, the tea party needs re-up and begin another round of showing their physical presecnce soon. The stark contrast to OWS is worth the demonstration. People like myself who consider themselves independents are searching. They are there … right there.


    • October 27, 2011 6:51 am

      Thank you for reading!
      I agree, the Tea Party has been quiet lately. It is almost as if they have become complacent after the 2010 elections and it is time for them to become motivated again.


      • Lou222 permalink
        October 27, 2011 8:08 am

        The Tea Party is just not an angry mob and do not have evil people pulling the strings. They want what is right for everyone in the country, not just their own group. Guess what I am trying to say is they are for the good of all, not the one. This OWS group is focused on me, me, me.



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