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Rush Limbaugh apologizes for ‘slut’ comment, when will Obama apologize for calling Republicans ‘teabaggers?’

March 4, 2012

    The media was abuzz last week over Rush Limbaugh calling a young law student a slut. I am not in the habit of defending Rush Limbaugh as I feel that many times he does more to hurt the conservative cause then he does to help it–and this is one of those times. He has fallen right into the trap laid before conservatives by the media and the Democrats, and much like the Republican candidates running for president, he has veered away from the important issues of the day and let the media control the discussion. Meanwhile gas prices continue to rise, Iran is flexing her muscles, the economy is still in peril, the Arab Spring is a disaster, and our president’s record is abysmal. Is it any wonder that the Democrats are more than happy to focus on birth control and Rush Limbaugh than the president’s record?

  Yet here we are doing just that and Rush Limbaugh is partly to blame for keeping this alive, all for his own personal gratification and promotion. (And I suppose I am guilty as well for writing about it.) Well, last night Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling Sandra Fluke a slut, while defending his position that it isn’t up to the government to fund a person’s sex life.

    If Rush really feels as if he said something on his radio show for which he should apologize then he should apologize on his radio show as well, and not late on a Friday night when people aren’t paying attention. I guess this is Rush Limbaugh’s version of the Friday document dump Barack Obama has become quite famous for as of  late.

  But let’s move on slightly; now that Rush Limbaugh has apologized for calling Sandra Fluke a slut, this blog post on American Thinker brings up a great point. Barack Obama was reported to have been quite upset over Rush Limbaugh’s “reprehensible and “disappointing personal and crude attacks,” yet Barack Obama has also displayed a certain lack of respect not all that long ago. During the debate over the stimulus bill, Barack Obama called the people who opposed the legislation ‘teabaggers.’

  Nobody on the left has ever asked him to apologize for that remark and the media didn’t seem to be outraged by it either, but then again, this is the same party and the same media that defended Bill Clinton by attacking Paula Jones. Remember James Carville calling her ‘trailer park trash?’ So I guess it is to be expected, the veracity of the feigned outrage is directly proportional to how far to the left or right the defendant is, and lest we forget, Barack Obama hasn’t always shown women the respect they deserve:

   Obviously this isn’t on the same level as calling a woman a slut, but it still displays a certain misogynistic, derogatory, and condescending attitude on the part of the president; the same lack of respect he is supposedly upset with Rush Limbaugh over and he was never called out on it.

   Barack Obama was upset at the prospect that Sandra Fluke would be attacked for stating her personal feelings on a political issue, yet when conservatives stepped up and voiced their personal opposition to a political issue he ridiculed them by calling them teabaggers. He should at least hold himself to the same standards to which he holds others.

  I am still waiting for an apology, but then again, so aren’t the Special Olympians who Barack Obama insulted while on the campaign trail.

38 Comments leave one →
  1. March 4, 2012 11:46 am

    Politics, human nature not withstanding, has always been a dirty business. Limbaugh gave way to emotion – he knows better. He is a moving target, paddling upstream when it comes to reciprocal fairness in the public arena.

    With that said the law student is just a blip on the radar that no one should have paid attention too. Limbaugh’s comment has made her a ’cause celebre’ for the femma Nazis and the left in general. Rush’s inane comment feeds the distraction from substantive issues.

    The right needs to focus on the immediate issues which are being ignored – the contraception issue is a trap.

    Focus should instead be on the false economic and job numbers being spoon fed to a gullible public by a corrupt partisan mainstream media who by rote are just as guilty as the administration in spreading lies and disinformation – they have become, in whole, nothing more than a propaganda organ of the socialist left….WM


    • March 4, 2012 7:56 pm

      You are exactly right William, Sandra Fluke should have been a mere blip on the radar but Rush turned her into a celebrity and by doing so helped to aid in the distraction the Democrats are throwing at us. He should have known better, but I think he likes hearing the MSM talk about him more than anything else and he acheived that goal.
      We need to get the Republicans focused on the real issue of this campaign and it is frustrating that they keep falling for this tactic over and over again.


  2. March 4, 2012 12:44 pm

    The left wins again! Our “pundits” and our “leaders” keep falling for the same old bate and switch tactics. The issue is Obama! Only Obama! How hard is that to understand?


    • March 4, 2012 7:57 pm

      So true Jim, you would think the Republicans would catch on to this tactic by now, but they simply keep falling into the trap. At this point they really do not deserve to win the election.


  3. March 4, 2012 5:37 pm

    Time and time again conservatives get lured into the debate that the left wants us to have. They don’t want the narrative focused on rising gas prices, Obamacare, the national debt, our terrible fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment, corruption, fast and furious, failed loans to solar panel companies, or any number of other terrible policies that are ruining the country. A few months ago when George Stephanopoulos asked Mitt Romney a bizarre question about states’ rights and contraception people scratched their heads because they didn’t know where this kind of question came from. They weren’t privy to the insider knowledge that Stephanopoulos had, so they were caught off guard.

    Fast forward to today and we now understand why Stephanopoulos dropped this contraception bomb on our leading candidate during the debate. He wanted what the left sees as the eventual nominee to commit himself and say that he believed states had the right to ban contraception devices because he knew that this topic would be front and center a month later when the Catholic Church protested the Obamacare mandate that forces the church to go against their teachings and purchase contraception for their employees. Shame on the GOP because they should have known better in regards to Stephanopoulos. Mr. Stephanopoulos is nothing more than a Democratic operative who has inside knowledge of what the leftist planners behind the scenes are up to. He should have never been allowed to moderate the Republican debate and in the future he should never be permitted to moderate another. In fact I will go one step further and say that all conservatives should teach this man a lesson by refusing interviews with him. After all he is the opposition and he stands for everything we stand against.

    Now our heavy hitters in the conservative world who were lured into this narrative have to apologize for words said over an issue that is simply on non-issue in the scope of things. It makes the conservatives look bad and this is exactly the image the left wanted to portray. We fell for the same old tricks again. When are we going to learn Steve?


    • March 4, 2012 8:01 pm

      When are we going to learn? If we haven’t learned by now I fear we never will. Stephanopoulos tried to set Romney up, you are right about that. He wanted a Romney soundbite saying that states could ban birth control, luckily Romney didn’t fall for it, but only because he didn’t know where this issue came from. It came out of the blue at the time, but it was orchestrated from above.


  4. March 4, 2012 9:28 pm

    Rush did the right thing even though Maher never apologized for calling Palin a “cunt.” In fact, he said he doesn’t have advertisers.

    This is nothing new. What Rush did in calling her a slut was wrong. She is a Left plant which is where he should have confined his comments to. She is a sympathetic-looking white woman whom Democrats think will win them voters in November.

    Always keep the subject and comments on the goal rather than the messenger.

    This is how to combat that.

    Rush is on the air for many hours so it’s easy to slip up but you have to outsmart them (which isn’t too hard) in order to expose them for the phony dolts they are.


    • March 4, 2012 9:46 pm

      I agree Harrison, Rush should have stayed above this but he put himself right in the middle and he gave Fluke status she didn’t deserve by elevating her in the public’s eye. He made a mistake and because of this the focus will stay off of Obama and his policies.
      I heard Maher explain his reasoning why he was justified in his Palin comment and Rush was out of line, but in the end it doesn’t hold water with me because they are both entertainers whose words shouldn’t be considered the voice of their respective parties. Maher went way over the top with his comment and it doesn’t matter whether or not he has sponsors because he should have a respect for women and in my opinion he doesn’t.


  5. March 4, 2012 10:08 pm

    Rush is wrong. she is not a slut. She is a nymphomaniac.


  6. The Georgia Yankee permalink
    March 5, 2012 11:14 am

    Listening to Boortz just now, and some idiot caller is wailing about freedom of speech; Boortz properly reminds the caller that freedom of speech includes the freedom to criticize speech.

    I honestly don’t know how this mess started, but make no mistake, the GOP bears a boatload of responsibility for keeping contraception in the public eye as a legitimate issue, and suggesting to the public on almost an hourly basis that it would like to impose a set of moral values on everyone in the nation. And while someone else dug up Sanorum’s archived discussion on how contraception lets people do things they shouldn’t, he didn’t do his cause, or the GOP’s, any favors by remarking that if elected, he might not try to outlaw contraception, but he’d certainly use the office to “educate” the American people about the evils of contraception.

    What Rush did (and what QC does in this forum as well) was simply a gratuitous insult, with no value or contribution to the debate.It’s simply namecalling, and it has no place in the national discussion because it is a distraction.

    What both could have done was focus on the more legitimate issue: should all prescriptions be subsidized by insurance? If some should be exempted from insurance subsidy, what should be the grounds, the justification?

    Take good care and may God bless us all!



    • March 5, 2012 9:02 pm

      This mess started because Stephanopoulos brought it up at a debate, and I believe he did so because he had inside information that the contraception mandate was coming, and the Republicans have fallen into the trap and are keeping this issue alive. Once the mandate was issued and the church filed lawsuits against it the Republicans should have dropped it and let it make it way through the courts, but they thought that had something they could grab onto and they have now painted themselves in a corner. Limbaugh is helping to keep this debate alive when we should be focused on other issues, and he should have known better.
      The caller was right, Limbaugh does have the right to say what he did and he is facing the consequences of what he said. But you are also right, people do have the same right of free speech to question what Limbaugh said.
      He resorted to name calling instead of holding an honest discussion, and as far as QC goes, I wasn’t even going to give his comment the time of day.
      I do find it interesting that before you talked about name calling, you called the caller to a radio show an idiot. 🙂


      • The Georgia Yankee permalink
        March 6, 2012 3:42 pm


        Absolutely right – mea culpa.

        At least I didn’t name the caller in front of a nationwide audience in the millions . . . (Sorry, Steve, but it’s a fact that only a few hundred thousand people regularly read your blog . . .)

        OK, I think brother Rush has leanred his lesson – time to move on . . . I don’t call for him to be taken off the air (I was pretty upset when they fired Imus, too).

        Here’s to a great day . . . and may God bless us all!



      • March 6, 2012 9:51 pm

        A few hundred thousand? Wouldn’t that be nice. 🙂
        You can tell me his name, I won’t tell anyone. 😉


  7. lou222 permalink
    March 5, 2012 2:57 pm

    I think if anyone reads MY postings, you will know that I don’t go along with name calling on either side…it serves no purpose. I am tired of petty stuff like this being blown out of proportion, while the real issues are swept under the rug. You would think we have a bunch of immature children running the country…oh right,,,we DO have them running the country…my bad! The more this sort of trash can be kept in the news the less we have to face the real problems. At what point do we finally say enough is enough and get down to facing our problems and dealing with them? Who do we put into office that will actually do the work of the people? Anyone have any ideas?


    • March 5, 2012 9:03 pm

      You are so right Lou, this is a distraction from the real issues facing the country today and I hope that we can get back on track shortly. Sadly I do not feel as if there is one candidate who eill actually do what is needed to get this country back on track.


      • lou222 permalink
        March 5, 2012 9:30 pm

        You’ve got that right, Steve. The possibility is pretty slim.


      • March 5, 2012 10:08 pm

        I wish it weren’t so, but every day I feel less optimistic.


  8. March 5, 2012 9:21 pm

    The Democrats are masters of the false narrative, and the distraction. We were discussing the fact that social issues were being discussed instead of real issues. And they are still at it.


    • March 5, 2012 10:10 pm

      I am going to try to move passed it now, but they still manage to get uder my skin and persuade me to write about it.


  9. March 5, 2012 10:04 pm

    Well, well, it turns out that broke law student is an operative.

    Republicans are like fish in a barrel at this point.


    • March 5, 2012 10:11 pm

      Yeah, it turns out she isn’t the innocent young student that she was portrayed as and the Republicans fell right into the trap.


      • lou222 permalink
        March 6, 2012 9:32 am

        The Republicans, on average, are pretty gullible. They tend to believe the best in people. In politics there is no place for being gullible. The problem here is that even though she has been exposed, the damage is done and it will stay that way. If the shoe were on the other foot, there would be demands for apologies, but not with the Republicans. Sometimes I wish, no ALL the time I wish they would have stiffer backbones and more of a fighting nature, but that will never happen. As they say (whoever “they” are), “It is what it is”.


      • March 6, 2012 9:59 pm

        I think you are right; why wlse would they continue to fall for these tactics. The one person we had who was unapologetic was Breitbart and now he is gone, but he will live in my sidebar for as long as I continue to do this.


    • The Georgia Yankee permalink
      March 6, 2012 3:47 pm

      Just looked at the link you provided. I’m a little perplexed by this sentence:

      “While there she also served as past president of Georgetown’s Law Students for Reproductive Justice group and its Women’s Legal Alliance”

      I thought that a past president used to be a president – sso why not just say that? It makes me wonder about the rest of the article, although I was never in any doubt that this woman was an activist. “Regular people” rarely get to testify before congressional committees.



      • March 6, 2012 9:56 pm

        Probably just a grammar mistake, I can relate to that! From what I have read she is an activist who chose this university because they didn’t offer BC and she wanted to make it an issue.


  10. lou222 permalink
    March 6, 2012 9:34 am

    Steve, that was me posting above, but not sure where that name came from, are you able to delete it and put MY name there? Before I was even done spell checking myself it posted it without me hitting “post comment”.


    • March 6, 2012 9:57 pm

      Done! That was weird, huh?


      • lou222 permalink
        March 6, 2012 10:17 pm

        Yep, it was, thanks. Now I can’t remember what I had posted, haha! Oh well, I will post again, I am sure.


      • March 6, 2012 10:40 pm

        I left the comment you posted, I just changed the name.


  11. lou222 permalink
    March 6, 2012 10:21 pm

    Never mind, you did leave it, I thought it had been deleted. Have too many things in my mind tonight, was not paying attention, thanks again.


  12. Anonymous permalink
    March 19, 2012 6:24 pm

    They are teabaggers, they associate with teabaggers, they talk like teabaggers, they act like teabaggers. If it walks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck and looks like a Duck it isn’t a Turkey. Get a life you bleeding heart Morons


    • March 20, 2012 9:40 pm

      The comment by Anonymous was confusing. He/She used the term teabaggers, which is a reference to the Tea Party–a largly right wing group–and then called us bleeding hearts, a term reserved for the left wing. I think that is all William was trying to say.


  13. March 20, 2012 11:07 am

    Anonymous – to whom are you referring to as bleeding heart morons? The last I heard tea bagging was actually perfected by those on the left who have been perfecting that art in public since the Stonewall riots in 1968.

    The tea Party is not a bleeding heart organization., That particular affectation is owned and mastered by the left who run in circles chasing the own tails – victims of their own confusion.

    If that label was intended for the left you might want to clarity your comment so it is is not misinterpreted….WM


    • March 20, 2012 8:02 pm

      There are plenty of conservatives who are gay.Getting all riled up at people who get their jollies in a different way from you makes about as much sen se as getting all riled up at people because of the color of their skin.


    • March 20, 2012 9:41 pm

      The comment by Anonymous was confusing. He/She used the term teabaggers, which is a reference to the Tea Party–a largly right wing group–and then called us bleeding hearts, a term reserved for the left wing. I think that is all William was trying to say.


  14. March 21, 2012 12:49 am

    Georgia Yankee – Steve has it right, I was trying to make a point. I am not a homophobe and you shouldn’t assume that based on a few sentences. I have a gay cousin and niece who are out and accepted by the family – it couldn’t be otherwise.

    As for anonymous whoever that is, does seem articulate and unable to form an
    argument – a comman condition on the left.

    You know the old saying” When you assume you make and ass out of you and me….Respectfully….WM



  1. It’s time drop the contraception debate and focus on what Obama owns | SENTRY JOURNAL

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