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Gunrunner: Mexican teenagers killed with Fast and Furious weapons

October 1, 2012

 Last week Barack Obama conducted an interview with Univision and during that interview he lied about Fast and Furious being started under President Bush. This is an outright lie; while President Bush had a similar operation called Operation Wide Receiver it had little in common with Barack Obama’s deadly operation, and he certainly didn’t start Operation Fast and Furious. Previously the Obama regime had stated they were simply using policies the Bush administration had used, but with this interview with Univision Barack Obama actually claimed that Fast and Furious was started under President Bush. In this one interview Fast and Furious went from being an extension of President Bush’s policies to being an operation started by President Bush.

  America’s Watchtower debunked the Obama myth that Fast and Furious was an extension of a Bush era policy in this post from November of last year, and eventually Eric Holder was forced to retract his sworn testimony about President Bush’s involvement in Fast and Furious.

  That did not stop Barack Obama from continuing to lie about President Bush’s  involvement when he spoke to Univision; apparently he thinks Univision viewers (a Spanish station) are too stupid to realize he is trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

    Well, Univision wasn’t fooled and yesterday they ran a special on the deadly operation. I have to admit that I didn’t see it  but it didn’t seem like there would be anything new to people who have been paying attention to this scandal from the beginning.

 I was wrong because according to this article, 57 new Fast and Furious weapons have been found and some of them were used to kill 14 Mexican teenagers.

As news breaks that 57 more Fast and Furious weapons have been found in Mexico, it is also being confirmed that some of those weapons were used to slaughter 14 Mexican teenagers and wound 12 more near Ciudad Juarez.

According to reports, a group of armed commandos parked outside a birthday party attended by high school and college students on January 30, 2010, and opened fire with some of the weapons which had been smuggled across the border during the Fast and Furious operation.

  As if it weren’t bad enough that Operation Fast and Furious is responsible for the deaths of two Americans–Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata–and somewhere around 300 Mexican nationals comes news that 14 children are dead as the result of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton’s attempt at proving the 90% lie in order to gain support for an assault weapons ban and the UN Small Arms treaty.

  With Barack Obama enjoying widespread support in the Hispanic community the Univision special has brought this scandal to an audience which probably hasn’t heard much about it with the mainstream media’s refusal to cover this story, and that has to be bad news for the sitting president as they begin to learn just how much damage Barack Obama’s Fast and Furious operation has done to their community.

  I don’t see how any Hispanic who saw this special can still support Barack Obama in the upcoming election.

22 Comments leave one →
  1. October 1, 2012 10:08 pm

    Lies and cover-ops is all we get from this administration it seems. He lied about the cost of obamaCare and saud it wasn’t a tax. He has lied about Fast and Furious and now he is lying about Bengazi and the murder of our Embassy personnel. I am sure I missed a couple of dozen other lies in between those.


    • October 1, 2012 10:40 pm

      There are just too many lies to keep up with at this point Jim. He lied about closing GITMO, ending earmarks, being transparent, and banning lobbyists–the list goes on and on.


      • lou222 permalink
        October 3, 2012 8:43 am

        It has become the norm for this bunch. Apparently this is acceptable to the vast majority of americans.


      • October 3, 2012 7:09 pm

        Hopefully it isn’t acceptable but it certainly appears as if it is. People have become so accustomed to Obama’s lies that they don’t even thin twice about them anymore–if they ever did.


  2. October 1, 2012 11:40 pm

    And it was Univision. Plenty of Hispanics saw this report. If they can still cast a vote for Obama then they curse their own people in doing so.


    • October 2, 2012 6:02 am

      I hope this makes them have second thoughts about who they are voting for. If this doesn’t change their minds nothing will.


  3. bunkerville permalink
    October 2, 2012 11:49 am

    I just wish we had an English version of Univision. Looks like the only game in town worthy of being called a news source. I really think Obama has been condescending in thinking that waving freebies to the community, everyone would step in line for him.


    • October 2, 2012 7:27 pm

      I couldn’t agree more, I wish we had a real news outlet as well. It is sad that Univision is the only station willing to talk about this. And yes it is condescending for Obama to think he can simply wave free stuff in front of Hispanics to win their vote. It tells us something about how he really feels about these people.


  4. MTBirkmire permalink
    October 2, 2012 11:57 am

    It just got worse, two border agents have been shot at the border of Arizona, one has died. Arizona republic still hasn’t mentioned it..GRRRRR…I don’t think GOD wants obama the man with ALOT of blood on his hands re-elected either. hillary clinton is busy taking iranians off the terrorist list. my family thinks obama is moving to hawaii so he can run away from the United States faster!


    • October 2, 2012 7:28 pm

      A sad day today and you have to wonder if Fast and Furious played a role in these shootings.


      • bunkerville permalink
        October 2, 2012 8:12 pm

        Fox said it was being looked into….this story is going to keep you busy! Now there are reports other states involved.


      • October 2, 2012 9:45 pm

        It sure is! It appears as if this story isn’t as dead as Barack Obama had hoped it was.


    • lou222 permalink
      October 3, 2012 8:49 am

      I am out of the loop’ was not aware of more shootings. I assume it was widely published in many papers and websites? Wasn”t it? Oh, guess not.


  5. bunkerville permalink
    October 2, 2012 8:12 pm

    P.s. don’t miss hannity per drudge tonite.


  6. MTBirkmire permalink
    October 3, 2012 10:50 am

    here are some websites that are reporting on the killing of another border agent that just happened to be in the same Cochise county where a Sheriff Dever worked but he was allegedly accidentally killed in a rollover accident last weekend in Williams, Az. Sheriff Dever was a fine Sheriff who supported SB1070.


    • October 3, 2012 7:10 pm

      Thanks for the links, you were caught in my spam filter for putting more than one link in your comment. Sorry!


  7. Maschyth permalink
    October 7, 2012 12:01 am

    Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Why are you blaming Obama for people killed with semi automatic assault rifles legally purchased in the United States? Perhaps you would prefer stricter gun laws? Perhaps the banning of assault rifles?


    • October 7, 2012 7:46 am

      You probably need to read a little more about this and you will understand why I blame Obama. I have written close to 200 posts on this issue documenting what Obama’s goal was with this program, you should check them out.



  1. Gunrunner: Eric Holder asks the court not to order the release of Fast and Furious documents « America's Watchtower
  2. Gunrunner: Eric Holder asks the court not to order the release of Fast and Furious documents | The D.C. Clothesline

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