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October 4th open thread: ‘Blood and Roses’

October 4, 2015

 open-thread Here is the open thread for Sunday, October 4th. Please feel free to post links to interesting articles and to discuss whatever issues arise during the course of the day. Nothing is off-topic here.

  Last week we covered a paltry 7  stories, but did you miss any of them? If so there is an easy way to make sure it does not happen again. I understand that all of you are busy and cannot always find the time to check the blog for updates so why not subscribe to America’s Watchtower and receive email updates whenever I write a new post? That is the easiest way to follow the blog to ensure you never miss another post.

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  While we only covered 7 stories last week one of my posts was personal and I would encourage my regular readers to please check it out if  you missed it. It was entitled “Seize the day and never let it go because life is precious.”

 If you missed that post I ask you to check it out here because it is a prelude to an extremely personal post which I will share with you when the time is right–if not this week probably the week after. 

  Now on to the musical selection of the week, here is The Smithereens performing “Blood and Roses” from 1986, enjoy:

39 Comments leave one →
  1. October 4, 2015 7:25 am

    Hi There .. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • October 4, 2015 6:07 pm

      There seems to be a theme here SDL! 🙂 And of course you can never go wrong with one of my favorite early songs by The Cure. The song is actually about the climatic scene in a book called “The Stranger” by Albert Camus, I have not read it but I do intend to.

      Liked by 2 people

    • October 4, 2015 6:25 pm

      Hadn’t heard ‘Arabian Knights’ for a long time! Good pick Swiss
      The US gov. doesn’t like the title of The Cure song – some of their favorite ‘bow to’ friends, you know! so it’s ban here. Like Steve stated, a definite theme of song selections!

      Liked by 2 people

      • October 4, 2015 7:22 pm

        The title of the song was very controversial in England at the time of its release as well but Robert Smith refused to change the name. This was quite a statement because this was before they gained success and it must have been hard not to succumb to the music industry when they still had so much riding on it at the time.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Brittius permalink
    October 4, 2015 8:03 am

    Blood, was good for the rose garden I had planted some decades ago. Dilute residue blood from supermarket meat, into a pot, then add warm water. I mixed it with my hand. Then water around the base of the rose shrub and going outward towards the end of the where the canopy is. Twice a year with Epsom salts in warm water, darkens leafs and supposedly stengthens root networks. Blood about once a month. I used to dig, prep ground with hair clippings but ran out of hair 😦 with my Elmer Fudd hairdo, so it was a single peel section of a banana to give potasium. Plant the bush. Nourish. I also used 5/10/5 fertilizer in March and late October. Tremendous roses. Water with lemon amonia on a hose attachment early A.M., and late P.M., and the rose bush grows like steroids. Then, the bees rewarded me. No, not by stinging me, but by making a childlike finger-paint mess of my multi-colored roses as everything in three years was cross polinated and some real weird color combinations appeared. The roses were beautiful, all the same. I sold that big old house (neighborhood, “Changed”), and the new owners, tore out my garden, and made a driveway with it.

    Liked by 4 people

    • lou222 permalink
      October 4, 2015 12:21 pm

      So much for all the work you did! Sounds like the roses were beautiful! I guess we cannot expect others to appreciate what we do, but I have seen that happen before….something that you wonder why they would not like what you did whether it was the decor in a house or landscaping. My Pop grew beautiful roses, as well. I have a couple of the Knock Out roses and 3 of the Jacobs Coat that start one color and go thru about 3 color changes before the are done.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Brittius permalink
        October 4, 2015 12:55 pm

        Twenty-two rose bushes. Beautiful and fragrent. The bees never bothered me but the imps changed all the colors with cross-polination; Melon color roses with yellow edges; Black roses with white and blue edges; Yellow roses with spatter of American Beauty Rose red. People would ring the bell and ask how I “grafted” different roses together, but were smiles when I told them, it was the little bees. The house was on half acre, so I thought “large”.
        I also grew Tai Hot peppers and Tuscani peppers, that the birds would flock around for the seeds. The squirrels population expanded when I made a vegetable garden with my wife, and we planted sweet peas, which the squirrels could not resist. Well, I wanted some BBQ squirrel, but my wife would not allow it, so we abandoned the garden after the first year and so much labor down the drain.
        I pass the old house every now and then, and the cherry tree is gone, the dogwood tree is gone, the red maple is gone, all replaced by asphalt. Guess people are too busy to enjoy anything. Bet they tore out the original Chestnut wood bannister and handrail that I sanded with 1,000 grit and waxed. It was buttery smooth and always, warm feeling, unlike polyurethane finish. The hearth mantle too, was Chestnut. Different world. Nobody has time for anything. In the garage, was my ’47 Cadillac and a ’38 Packard Super Eight (inline eight cylinder engine with manual transmission – must double clutch) but I sold those as the people that bought the house obviously had no appreciation beyond a cellphone. The whole area today, looks depressing. I had a house full of my kids and their friends. People though we had about ten kids. I took joy in maintenance on the house in my free time, despite working the city job and hustling side jobs, to pay the mortgage and high taxes. Then, I when on the gardening kick, and that really was the cherry on top of the cake, that made the house look complete. When I started that, one of my neighbors was a golf course gardener and the old timer would bring bone meal, mower blades that he reconditioned, just about everything, and then, the neighborhood fell. Police changed. New ones were uncaring. Politicians said the new people in the area needed a chance in life. Prostitution, MS-13, drugs, shooting, armed robberies of businesses, burglaries (we too were hit). Okay. Time to sell. A high ranch down the street was raided for drugs, and there were 34 people living in the house. Then parolees across the street, who were being constantly arrested but new faces replaced them and their actions. County was worthless. Everyone has rights. Sad to have sold the old place, but there was no other way. I visited my mother a while ago (Mom is still alive), and she had something real interesting. On my father’s grave, a pink rose grew, wild. She took a cutting and in her backyard, it took. A bit forelorn, so my job, was to help it out. A little pruning. A little 5/10/5, some Epsom salt. A little diluted blood. Giant, fat, beautiful, pink roses. Yep. That’s how it’s done.

        Liked by 4 people

      • lou222 permalink
        October 4, 2015 2:54 pm

        I don’t know what to say, Brittius! Well, actually yes, I DO! I am sorry you put so much time and effort into a place that the next people could not OR would not appreciate. It is like the house my Pop built in East St. Louis….beautiful little house with knotty pine bedrooms. You know how you always assume it will always be there? Well, sometimes it is, but never in the form you left it. It sounds like the kids loved it, we had the same house full of kids here,,,if they only knew it was easier to give them snacks and things to do (shuffle board table, pool table and tv) and they would come here and we knew what OUR kids were up to then. I am still MOM to alot of 35 and 40 year olds that are NOT my kids. It seems you put such love and care into a place that it should stay that way, BUT, it just doesn’t. I know that a neighborhood falling into disrepair will take all the houses down and that seems to be happening alot, doesn’t it? That was pretty neat about the rose on your fathers grave and what you did for your mom! Bottom line, unlike the movies portray,,,,you can never go home again! Don’t you wish we could?

        Liked by 3 people

      • Brittius permalink
        October 4, 2015 3:43 pm

        You’re right on the money, Lou.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Bruce permalink
        October 4, 2015 2:44 pm

        Focus on the real problems of life Brittus; climate change! Well that and racism. Well that and sexism, and homophobia, and Islamaphobia, And as you say, income inequality. How can you expect people to care if the were UNDER privileged while being raised by drug addicted, unemployed felons?

        Liked by 1 person

    • October 4, 2015 5:25 pm

      “They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot …” comes to mind! Well, you enjoyed them Brit – I bet those roses (with the color mixing) were a beautiful site to behold! Thanks for sharing that. A pretty picture. The new owner probably would not have done justice to the roses anyway. And those bees had to find a new cultivating field to play in! Sorry to hear about the hair loss … 😉

      Liked by 4 people

    • October 4, 2015 6:10 pm

      I had never heard of using blood in any way like this before, that is very interesting. Too bad the people that bought the house didn’t see the beauty in all the work you put into it.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Brittius permalink
        October 4, 2015 7:03 pm

        I read so much on roses, then Amon Goethe, the Auschwitz Commandant, who reportedly had the most beautiful roses. I recall from when I worked in a slaughterhouse for one year, some people would buy blood, and I thought they were going to make blood sausage/blood pudding, but they said that they were going to feed shrubbery. I read so much on the subject then found something that listed blood feeding and started doing it on the roses. They tripled in stem diameter and dark glossy leafs. Then, Epsom salt, a good heaping handful in warm water in a large cooking pot, mix with my hand, and pour all around and into the root bulb area, the leaves almost instantly turned deep hunter green.
        The bigger sin, Steve, is that a beautiful house built in 1911, had to be sold, because the Town and County, lacked the horns to protect homeowners and families, and opted to protect, the garbage. Today, the old house has changed owners four times. Roses, gone. Trees, gone. Two-car garage, gone. English hedges all around the property (half acre), gone. Asphalt, everywhere. Old cars (junk), all over the place. The house is neglected and in depressed condition. All of that, bothers me, still. Liberal Democrat control, caused nothing beneficial to the landscape or community in quality of life. When Republicans (the Old Guard) were in control of the Town and County, it was pro-family, and pro-community. Never beer bottles in the gutter or people wandering the streets at night. Eighteen years in that house. I would need to move somewhere in Maine to find anything that size or in respectable condition. The rose garden, was a major hit with evryone that came over for BBQs and outdoor lawn parties for birthdays, graduations, and such. I was more like a carpenter working on old houses on television, and loved it. Big windows, some quarter-inch beveled glass, open and fresh air. Two fireplaces, one with a wood burning stove installed, that cut my heating bill two-thirds. Every Spring, I would ladder-up, and check the roof, chimney, bathroom vent, clean gutters (Fall, and Spring), then clean the brickwork by hand, and start prepping for new trim paint. I loved it. It disgusts me every time I think of how little, some people care of the beauty of a big old house, and what their thoughts of beauty are, but, they wanted “maintenance free”, and that thinking, only leads, to rot.
        Maybe someday, if I ever hit the Lottery…

        Liked by 2 people

      • October 4, 2015 7:24 pm

        Sounds like you might have another project someday!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Bruce permalink
    October 4, 2015 11:41 am

    It’s time for us to be honest and admit the truth. PRES. OBAMA IS A SUCCESS! He told America EXACTLY what he was going to do, and how he was going to do it. They gleefully elected him because of what he was going to do. He DID exactly what he said he would do, and tells us daily that he did it.
    He “fundamentally transformed” 1/6 of the economy and grew government exponentially. He gave a new twist to an old lib slogan and told us “the only thing we have to fear, is carbon itself”. He tweaked another old slogan and told us “all lives are equal, just some are more equal than others when they serve his agenda. He “fundamentally transformed” America’s role in internationally into being Russia’s second fiddle, aligned itself with Islam, and told Israel to pound sand, literally. I can’t think of a Republican who was so effective in carrying out his promises.

    Liked by 3 people

    • lou222 permalink
      October 4, 2015 12:23 pm

      Yep, he sure did, BRUCE! We were warned up front and oh so many loved what he had to say…well they got what they deserve, but WE also have to deal with the outcome. I am not a happy camper about this, as I am sure you are not, either!

      Liked by 3 people

    • October 4, 2015 6:11 pm

      I have to agree with you Bruce. We consider him a failure but the truth is everything he has done he promised to do so you have to say he was successful. We just disagree with his success. Sadly most people still seem to agree with what he has done and that does not bode well for the next election.

      Liked by 1 person

    • October 4, 2015 9:32 pm

      Yep Bruce, a sad but true reality. Doing one’s job is one thing, but some people are ‘too’ into their given task of ‘transformation’ – it’s perverting! Like some of the scientist during Hitler experimentation on humans, which btw they imported those same scientist and put them to work here in the US, i.e. MK-Ultras. Add that to your list of crimes on humanity, going on today esp. in the entertainment world, combined with occult practices.

      Liked by 1 person

      • October 5, 2015 5:41 am

        It was called Operation Paperclip I believe and somewhere around 1,500 Nazi scientists were brought here to continue their work.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. lou222 permalink
    October 4, 2015 12:21 pm

    SDL, glad to see you posting, hope you are well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • October 5, 2015 3:30 am

      Thanks To You Dear Friend Hope You’re well too, this wasn’t bad, well I did get fever a bit of infection, they put the antibiotic by vein, and then it is just waiting it’s over, if it were that the infection goes to my lunge.I was to stay one or two months like last time, they open the rib and so on.
      but it’s also a bit like ..

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      • October 5, 2015 5:42 am

        Glad it was not too bad this time SDL. The video says it has been blocked in my country! 😦


      • October 5, 2015 6:16 am


      • lou222 permalink
        October 5, 2015 9:51 am

        Glad you did not have to stay in the hospital very long….I tend to think you can pick up all sorts of infections just being in there. When my Mom was in Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, I had to be there most of the day and it was so dry in there, so my voice was gone and my throat was so dry. I am not a big fan of hospitals ;(

        Liked by 1 person

  5. lou222 permalink
    October 4, 2015 12:31 pm

    Please take time to read this article. It is fairly long, but worth paying attention to. I think alot is being put into play that we are not hearing, you know the game they play, to distract us with something else. Let me know what you think of the article after you have time to read it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • October 4, 2015 6:13 pm

      I read about this elsewhere as well but I forget where. This is of course utterly unacceptable! The American people need to wake up and fast!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. October 4, 2015 5:42 pm

    Plane DOWN, Shooting UP – conflicting reports on two incidents that happened on the same day. One early that morning, C-130 crashes, later that day the OR (supposed) shooting.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lou222 permalink
    October 5, 2015 6:00 pm

    Oh I feel so much better about vaccines after I read this article…see there is a reason or reasons we do not want to take them, they have it all figured out….once they explain it to us we will all rush to the front of the line and PULL UP OUR SLEEVES for those shots…..NOT!


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